- Comment on I'm moving to another city soon. What are some good apps that could help? Inventory, logistics, etc 3 months ago:
This is an epic suggestion.
- Comment on Selfhosted alternative to google keep/onenote/evernote/goodnotes? 3 months ago:
I migrated to the Syncthing android fork, and it’s even better than the original.
- Comment on Selfhosted alternative to google keep/onenote/evernote/goodnotes? 3 months ago:
I use Joplin, no complaints.
- Comment on Static site generator for an idiot who doesn't want to learn a new templating language just to have a blog? 3 months ago:
I’m looking for something similar that I can host in blue host, but all there is, apparently, is WordPress (hell no), joomla and drupal, and these are certainly not static.
- Comment on Migrating Joplin to JTX 4 months ago:
Experts do allow for md + front matter yes.
I guess I’ll just end up migrating slowly. I can import the .md files one at a time into JTX, so there is that I guess.
I appreciate it. After having done a whole lot of research, Lemmy was my last attempt since I didn’t find anything.
- Submitted 4 months ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 3 comments
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Yeah, I’ll take some time to do that over the weekend. Thanks. Love the handle by the way. Grandpa 😁
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Oh, that’s the thing. Since the menu and settings are showing so high up, they are no accepting the touch commands. I exported from the original app, but the fork just won’t work. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. I’ll stay in the original Syncthing for now and try again once it stops getting maintained. Thanks anyways for all the info.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Sweet. Thanks.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
A mi me funciona a la perfección desde el primer día. Tengo un servidor donde está toda la data que quiero sincronizada, también en mi celular, laptop y PC. Honestamente funciona fenomenal. ¿Que es lo que era errático? Me causa curiosidad.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
In all honesty, I had no idea about the fork. I really appreciate the information. Time to take it for a spin. Do you know if I can import the settings from the original one on the fork?
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
They couldn’t take the heat in Github 🤣
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Thanks. I guess it’s about time for me to start looking at being part of the master race crowd then. I appreciate the link.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
I too use Bitwarden, self-hosted. What’s up with Bitwarden? I haven’t heard anything (other than some of the Keypass master race sometimes throwing dirt at it).
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
This is going ro leave a shit-ton of people dead in the water.
- Comment on JMP.chat referral link 4 months ago:
Thanks, I did get a code from someone else. Have a great weekend.
- Comment on JMP.chat referral link 4 months ago:
Thanks so much
- Submitted 4 months ago to privacyguides@lemmy.one | 4 comments
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 4 months ago:
What he said. 👏
- Comment on PhotoPrism vs Apple Photos currently? 5 months ago:
Sweet. Never heard of this before. Thanks. I’ll take it for a spin over the weekend.
- Comment on PhotoPrism vs Apple Photos currently? 5 months ago:
Yes, I tried Immich but it’s basically a second job, no thanks. Photoprism is very good, but would need something like Syncthing to auto upload. So I ended up going with Libre Photo. It’s nowhere near as powerful as Immich in terms of features, but for my over 500K photos and almost 50K videos, works like a charm in ProxMox with the “UhuruPhotos” Android app.
- Comment on Any non-tech-background self-hosters? 5 months ago:
I believe that most self holsters actually are more hobbyist lifestyle than people with actual tech background.
I read and research a whole lot, which has taken me down this rabbit hole.
- Comment on Suggestions for Improving Linux Server Security: Beyond User Permissions and Groups? 5 months ago:
Maybe not 100% in the subject, but I just deployed a Wazuh instance to let me know how any of my hosts, containers and computers may have vulnerabilities. I found a crap load of holes in my services, and I’m halfway through squashing all of them.
If this is a hobby, that’s sure to keep you entertained for quite some time.
- Comment on Full open source and private camera monitoring system 6 months ago:
The cheapest way I found was getting some TP-Link Tapo cameras that have RTSP and Onvif, and run them under frigate.
Set them up in the app, cloud and all, then add them to your frigate, now block internet for them.
Those cameras are anywhere from 25 to around 50 dollars each. Best bang for the buck I could find.
- Comment on Router died - Replacement/solution recommendations 6 months ago:
It is pretty intuitive and just works. I do have an issue where I can’t access my services on ProxMox and UnRaid via URL (only via IP) when I have the work profile enabled in that network from the local network (works via internet from outside or through a VPN though), but it does work is the profile is disabled. Other than that, everything just works and is super easy to setup and configure.
- Comment on Router died - Replacement/solution recommendations 6 months ago:
Agreed. After 4 years on PFSense, and that becoming basically a second job, I pulled the trigger and got a Unifi USG-Ultra, and my life is now all rainbows and unicorns.
- Comment on Please help me stop my baby from crying because kodi keeps buffering 6 months ago:
My bad, I apologize. Put it in the freezer for now and I’ll shout out when I have clear instructions in a codeberg repo.
- Comment on Please help me stop my baby from crying because kodi keeps buffering 6 months ago:
Same solution as with the baby. Sorry, gotta go hide from my wife before she reads this. I king of like breathing.
- Comment on Please help me stop my baby from crying because kodi keeps buffering 6 months ago:
Depends on the color of the dog.
- Comment on Please help me stop my baby from crying because kodi keeps buffering 6 months ago:
Change the baby for a dog. You’re welcome.