- Comment on Conservatives and selfishness, like 2 peas in a pod 4 days ago:
In the early 20th century, about 50 years before Norway discovered oil, they were already per capita among the richest countries in Europe (arguably the richest). This was because of their culture of land and resource sharing.
- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 1 week ago:
The art direction and the combat mechanics. But I can’t be sure.
- Comment on If any AI became 'misaligned' then the system would hide it just long enough to cause harm — controlling it is a fallacy 2 weeks ago:
Sure, that’s one practical aspect of money that lends itself to superficial quantitative analysis. But it’s not the whole picture. Money is fundamentally about the power to get people to do things for you. That’s what it represents. With money I can force people to give me things and do things for me, almost like magic.
Now the origins of money is rooted in debt (and power). When a ruling body exercises a monopoly on violence over a region, it can offer promissory notes (IOUs) that others value, because they have faith that this ruling body can force its citizens to work by extracting taxes from them.
Check out “Debt: The Last 5000 Years,” or similar anthropological work on the origins of money.
- Comment on If any AI became 'misaligned' then the system would hide it just long enough to cause harm — controlling it is a fallacy 2 weeks ago:
Keeping consumers alive as a class is indirectly encouraged in capitalism.
All they want is money, which has nothing to do with consumers whatsoever. Corporations could extract money by devouring each other, or by taking over a nation state, or by hijacking a treasury department, or by issuing their own money a la crypto.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Well good. Then I can take you seriously. I’m willing to have my mind changed. Why don’t you think we should kill evil people? Do you want to reform them?
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Killing is a fast and easy solution… being able to look beyond killing is one of the few privileges our intelligence gives us
We are all animals (some more than others). And we have learned the hard way that to realize more of the transcendental values — to bring more courage, wisdom, and meaning into this world — we should preserve life whenever possible. But there’s nothing fundamentally sacred about life… We kill all the time. Literally non-stop. Billions of animals, just like us, sentient and desperate to live, butchered for your use and pleasure. So unless you’re a vegan, you do not get to deploy sentiments about “the sanctity of life” or the like. It’s silly.
If you want to learn about practical ethics and stop talking gibberish, I suggest Shaffer Landau’s excellent textbook “On Living Ethics.”
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Why are people so against killing? From an ethical perspective, it’s often quite justifiable. We’ve been trained like monkeys in a cage to respond adversely to death, but that reaction is based in a social contract that is only conditionally valid.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
The reason we reject mob justice is not that it is anyways unjust, but because it is often unjust. In this case, however, the outcome was actually in line with any reasonable objective standard of justice as far as I can tell. I’m willing to be persuaded otherwise, but I don’t see it.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Fun fact, murder means “illegal killing,” not an immoral one. There are plenty of unethical but legal killings, and vice versa. So to clarify, murder isn’t always “bad” by definition.
- Comment on UK parliament backs Taiwan UN participation, rejects China's “distortion of the international law” 2 months ago:
That sounds like a bonus.
- Comment on Doctor Doctor! 3 months ago:
Psychology used to make sense.
- Comment on Fitness app Strava gives away location of Biden, Trump and other leaders, French newspaper says. 3 months ago:
Oh my god who cares.
- Comment on “I am still alive”: Users say T-Mobile must pay for killing “lifetime” price lock 4 months ago:
Yep, I quit T-Mobile and switched to Mint Mobile last month. Fuck those greedy bastards. My price is now 1/4 what I was paying before, and everything else is exactly the same. Should’ve done this years ago.
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
To be fair, censorship on Reddit is already very very aggressive. I was banned for saying “yay” on a news thread about the death of the queen.
- Comment on Latest Windows 11 preview update is causing widespread system crashes and failures 4 months ago:
I was joking you humorless windows user.
- Comment on Latest Windows 11 preview update is causing widespread system crashes and failures 4 months ago:
That whole company will go the way of Intel. Poor leadership and greed.
- Comment on Latest Windows 11 preview update is causing widespread system crashes and failures 4 months ago:
If you’re using Windows you’re definitely at risk by virtue of being a fucking loser.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
You’re upset that I said the f-word
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
Yeah the file limit on Skype is 300mb and has been for like a decade. Gamers are the dumbest fucking demographic on planet earth.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
The people downvoting you are the ones who eat up the enshittificaion with glee. Discord is unusable for anyone who wants file or screen sharing. Skype, by contrast, has free screen sharing that’s smoother and higher quality, and a file sharing limit of 300mb all for free.
But yeah most users are barely computer literate so Discord keeps humming along.
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
Riiiight. And If you use a rental car to create a car bomb I guess the rental company CEO should go to straight to jail.
If getting rid of privacy is what you think it takes to be safe and civilized, you are not the latter and you don’t deserve the former.
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
Next they’ll make encrypting your own files illegal. Absolutely preposterous. Do better police work!
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
So if I lease a car it’s comparable? Rent a car, commit a crime, boom — rental company is on the hook. Moronic.
- Comment on Apple Terminated Epic’s Developer Account 11 months ago:
It is. But gamers are dumb as shit so it doesn’t matter.
- Comment on Apple Terminated Epic’s Developer Account 11 months ago:
This is just a list of shit service providers leeching profits from developers and making the gaming industry worse.
- Comment on Zionists doing a rave to block aid trucks at Ker Shalom crossing while Palestinians are starving 1 year ago:
The problem with your hypothesis is that all of us can read a history book, and yet precious few would agree with the majority of Israeli citizens that murdering and torturing countless children is justified.
Again, if someone were persecuted, why would that make him want to murder innocent children? It makes no logical sense. The only explanation is brainwashing and religious zealotry.
- Comment on Zionists doing a rave to block aid trucks at Ker Shalom crossing while Palestinians are starving 1 year ago:
5% of the population is psychopathic, and most of them aren’t violent. Folks forget this stat. They also forget that moral competence exists on a spectrum, so that even many of the mentally healthier people willingly do evil things, especially in service to their religion.
- Comment on Zionists doing a rave to block aid trucks at Ker Shalom crossing while Palestinians are starving 1 year ago:
Bad people will always do bad things, but if you want good people to do bad things, you need religion.
- Comment on EU to fine Apple about $500 million for anticompetitive App Store policy in music streaming market 1 year ago:
With a fine that small, it’s just the price of doing business.
Weird calling what Apple does “business,” since its anticompetitive practices are metaphorically closer to pollution or violence than legitimate commerce.
- Comment on Samsung purposely knives customer's TV to weasel out of repair 1 year ago:
Samsung is well known for being evil — they’re one of the most exploitative corporations on the planet, and nobody should ever buy their products.