- Comment on Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective • Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - Episode 8 discussion 4 days ago:
They spent all the budget on the kid puking.
- Comment on Conservatives and selfishness, like 2 peas in a pod 5 days ago:
Here’s the thing. They kind of do have socialism. The government has a controlling interest in their biggest industry. They also have a government that is very responsive to the people. I’d argue they have one of the most successful examples of socialism in the world.
They don’t advertise it. I’ve seen a right wing guy identify them as such, and then praising the Anders attack from 20 years ago as punishment for their socialism. I think it was the chinless guy who follows Theil around.
- Comment on The science speaks for itself 1 week ago:
My old cat years ago lifted up his little paw… To grab my lip with his claw and split it open trying to pull my mouth shut.
- Comment on Why do the femcels and the incels not.... date each other? 2 weeks ago:
The term incel came from a bisexual woman around 20 years ago. I think she started a support group online for it. The problem was that most of the people who wanted help, got it and left. This left… the people who would not be helped and that’s what it is. Still the original incel I believe ended up with a woman, it just so happened that she was one.
- Comment on Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective • Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte - Episode 6 discussion 3 weeks ago:
So I wanted to say, I don’t know all the details of criminal justice over there, but lady, you had reasonable doubt out the wazoo. Just say: “oh my dad just wanted to start using the danger matches. He had them for years and was stubborn. He never realized or refused to believe they were bad”. If the guy hadn’t tried to burn the evidence, it would have been easy.
- Comment on What really happens inside a dating app. 3 weeks ago:
So one thing I would change is the pig butcherers I encountered.
I was on a dating app once that only gave you a few options a day, arguing that it made you more likely to consider the matches you got. You didn’t pay to get more. They did away with that after a few years though. I don’t know if it really worked.
I’d also like transparency on why the algorithm is putting some people up and not others.
- Comment on MAKE A GIRL - Movie Discussion 4 weeks ago:
I would because their YouTube channel has been really excited about it but how do I watch it, and would I be able to understand it?
- Comment on Pretty sound reasoning here. 3 months ago:
They copyright claimed it, so it’s cannon right?
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 3 months ago:
You had 2 parents, 2 grand parents, 2 great grandparents, you are the duke of iceland, you are a player character trying to get that one achievement in ck3
- Comment on [Discussion] Nichijou - Ch. 232 - MangaDex 3 months ago:
The initiative has truly turned to the dark side
- Comment on Based on a comment of mine complementing another user. 4 months ago:
Is never enough
- Comment on Victoria 3: Pivot of Empire arrives in November and free update 1.8 4 months ago:
Does the update actually make the game fun?
- Quality of life improvements, okay I hope 2.famines sigh
- Company ownership sigh
- More uprisings, this time in India sigh
- New caste system laws…
I’ve wasted too much time playing the game, and the most fun it ever was, was before they patched the exploits.
- Comment on That hurts a little 4 months ago:
Look in your heart, you know it to be true
- Comment on Poop Knife 5 months ago:
Appropriate content for the publisher
- Comment on Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! Boys! 6 months ago:
Boys! Boys! Boys!
But yeah it’s a disgrace.
It should be: Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
- Comment on The next Total War: Warhammer 3 update will let your dwarves play tall by delving greedily and deep 6 months ago:
Short?! Wait, no
- Comment on I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ? 6 months ago:
I’m still on the buycott for Kelloggs after they dropped breittbart so all I buy is special k. Unless they’ve changed something since then.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
I think the joke and hold a good conversation are where I run into problems.
- Comment on No Carl 6 months ago:
Have any of you seen the chainsaw man opening?
- Comment on Virginia is shrinking! 7 months ago:
It’s got a few answers. For the first one, the logistics were handled by not administering the territory, those were only claims. For the next one, logistics were handled by breaking them up into other territories that would become states since administering it wasn’t feasible. In the third, it was possible, but it caused problems. The civil war was not the only grievance west virginia had. They had been neglected for the better part of a century. Richmond usually didn’t care much about those on the other side of the mountains. In some ways the civil war was just a good time to do what they’d probably wanted to for awhile. Really the logistics are the reason virginia is the size and shape it is today. Now they have a capitol where they can be not cared for by locals.
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
“She needs him, that’s why she’ll be back again” is much better than “she feeds him”
- Comment on Crunchyroll Deletes and Disables Comments on Entire Platform, Including Episodes and News Articles 7 months ago:
Most of the comments I saw on the site
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
The constitution has decreed a two term limit, now let us see it enforce it. Pieces of paper may tell us how power is to be used, but in the end paper is paper, and power is power. A lot of Americans call on the power of the constitution while ignoring what it says.
- Comment on *Naruto 9 months ago:
So I was disappointed with how underutilized did of the characters were in Naruto, and with some of the really bad thought processes they had. Controversially I actually did like Kaguya as the final villain though.
- Comment on Honeypot 9 months ago:
Here you go
- Comment on imagine 9 months ago:
I think I’ll stick with brojob. They are both metal and depressingly horny
- Comment on [DISC] Chainsaw Man — Ch. 164 — Charred Remains 9 months ago:
Fami just wanted an excuse to pick up more food. I hope they get to the sushi place and they try to turn her away at the door. She’s just banned from every all you can eat place. They have her picture up.
- Comment on Always CYA 10 months ago:
How do I EAT the pope.
- Comment on Half of America Makes Less Than 35k 10 months ago:
I know a few people in the 100k range. Only a couple have kids. I think that is more than that. It’s never stopped people in the past. I think a combination of education and poverty may be part of this.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
The second one said that what communism isn’t is something that ever actually existed in the real world. I think they agree with me.