- Comment on Having $270 billion dollars and spending the bulk of your time trying to make more money is like weighing 900 pounds and thinking "ooh, I bet I can get to 1000". 4 months ago:
I’ve heard there are people that do something similar to get on those reality shows about fat people’s lives or the weight loss competitions. I guess some think it’s easier to gain 100 more pounds and then get on the TV show to lose 400 pounds than it is just to lose 300 pounds themselves.
- Comment on Will COVID death rates of Republicans have a significant impact on the outcome of the presidential election? 4 months ago:
I think the pandemic will definitely have an effect. If I recall correctly, Fox News changed gears and started promoting the vaccine after realizing that their base was dying at a faster rate than Democrats.
It could have been a co tributing factor to Georgia voting for Biden in 2020 and could be a reason why Biden was closer to winning TX than Hillary was.
Florida is hard to say, because a lot of retirees move there. So while the Republicans there may have been hit harder during covid, those may have been replaced with more Republicans moving in to retire in the sun.
- Comment on Why do people complain about multiple streaming platforms existing? 6 months ago:
It’s probably because they can remember how convenient and cheaper it was to see any movie or show that could be streamed. Streaming was supposed to disrupt TV by eliminating ads and allowing you to choose whatever you want to watch. Nowadays, in order to get the same amount of choices, you need to spend about as much as you did for a TV subscription and now many platforms have ads.
I think it’s more a frustration at what we lost than anything else.
- Comment on "Age of Mythology: Retold is going to be the most approachable game we have ever built." World's Edge developers talk rebuilding a strategy classic for Xbox and PC. 6 months ago:
It’s largely the same system. You can play as the Greeks, Norse, or Egyptians. Each civilization has the choice of 3 major gods (is Zeus, Hades, or Poseidon) that choice is kinda like choosing your civilization in AoE. Instead of going feudal age to castle age, you choose a different minor god to worship. Each god gives you a different god power and mythological unit (Cyclops, trolls, anubites, etc). The final civilization upgrade allows you to build a building that unleashes a titan on the map.
There is a new currency called favor that is used to research some improvements unlocked by worshiping specific gods and to train mythological units.
The types of games are largely the same as AoE, with different maps. The campaigns are a lot of fun. It’s a great game, especially if you like mythology. The stories are original and not based on the original myths, but you can learn some of the myths of heroes, mythical creatures, and the gods by right-clicking on them. The campaigns walk you through how to play and through the features that are different from AoE.
You can choose varying difficulty for the scenarios and can choose the difficulty of the computer players when playing a random map. This makes it about as complex as Age of Empires. However, just as with online AoE, the player vs player can have a steep learning curve if you’re matched against people that have been playing a long time.
Age of Empires and Age of Mythology play similarly, where it’s easy to cross from one to the other with many similar human units shared between the games. I think it’s definitely worth a look into! Even the remake that’s already on steam is worth it in my opinion.
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
If you don’t believe the official counts, than where would you go for a source?
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
We were only 600,000 votes away from a Biden victory in 2020 because we didn’t have enough voters. TX has pitiful voter turnout, even with 2 weeks if open polls, with polls required to be open at least 12 hours a day on the weekday.
In 2020, even with what’s called amazing turnout, with a voting age population of 21.5 million, 17 million were registered, and 11.3 million cast a vote. Then in 2022, when we had the entire legislative branch, almost all of the executive branch, and a good chunk of the judicial branch up for election, only 8.1 million people voted.
Even with these numbers, Biden still received more votes in TX than he did in NY! There’s potential for us to get some better representation, if we can just get more people to get to a polling station (usually open 7AM-7PM during the second week of voting).
We need more people to turnout this year, not only to keep Trump from our electoral college votes, but to kick Ted Cruz to the curb. There is a lot in the news pushing people away from the pills and making people mad at the DNC just like in 2016 and its really scary because those tactics helped keep people from casting their vote.
Turnout number source…/70-92.shtml
- Comment on Redbox’s disc rentals are over 7 months ago:
Only other place I can think of off-hand is the local library for rentals. Half Price Books and thrift shops will have some for sale, but I’m not sure how much lower they may be from Amazon’s rental fee.
- Comment on Batman game that became Shadow of Mordor footage surfaces online 11 months ago:
It is really cool. Shadow of Mordor needed to tame it down just a little, however. By the end of the game, that rival orc was immune to every weapon in my arsenal. It would only take damage from NPCs or environmental damage triggered by NPCs lol
The system itself is really cool, though! If you play either Shadow of Mordor or Shadow of War, just be aware that the story is complete fan fiction and some of it flies in the face of LOTR lore. Just don’t take any if the story seriously and enjoy the game play for what it is.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Here in the US, minimum wage is still just $7.25. I don’t think they are going to do anything about it anytime soon. We have a hard enough time rallying people to slow rise of authoritarianism
- Comment on Calling things "fat" or "heavy" is fattist. We should all say "rotund" instead. 11 months ago:
Lol, nobody is calling that music phat.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
FreeTaxUSA is one of the sites listed.
I’ve also used Tax Hawk for a few years and it’s been free.
I wasn’t aware that their site was promoting Intuit software.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
They have had a list of websites that will file at least federal taxes for free. Some have free state returns as well, however, your Adjusted Gross Income must be less than $79,000.
- Comment on Calling things "fat" or "heavy" is fattist. We should all say "rotund" instead. 11 months ago:
Not to mention that OP really means the word “phat”, which seems to have come from the 60’s or 80’s meaning sexy and attractive. It has nothing to do with a person’s weight.
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
I remember that it was like that when I was in school, but have only come across 5 or so analog clocks in schools over the last 10 years. They even have digital clocks in the hallways. I’ve also not been inside elementary schools, so idk if analog clocks are still present there.
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
Interesting, I’ve worked in several districts around the state and in the last decade haven’t come across students that can tell time from an analog clock.
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
They stopped teaching it in schools around TX a long time ago. High Schoolers nowadays were shocked when I said that reading clocks was a 1st grade skill because they weren’t taught to tell time.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
That’s not really relevant. My reply was in response to statement that food shouldn’t be more expensive to the consumer with tipping removed. Obviously the revenue for the servers to be paid has to come from somewhere, so it’s either coming from the price of food or tips. If we get rid of tipping, the restaurant will have to raise prices to cover that cost.
Huge chains could more easily pay a better wage than family-owned restaurants.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Currently servers are currently paid minimum $2.13/hour. If they don’t make enough after tips to equal minimum wage over a pay period ($7.25/hour), then the restaurant is required to pay them up to that minimum wage.
Labor costs for servers, bartenders, and others caught in this legal loophole would have to increase by 7-fold to get up to $15/hour. Many restaurants and bars wouldn’t be able to afford that large of an increase without raising prices, given that many have a profit margin between 3-6% per several sources.
There have been some restaurants that have raised wages closer to $15/hour with varying success, but that hasn’t caught on widely yet.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The lack of a computer system is all the more reason why it would need to be rung in the cash register and typed or written up. With no co.puter, everything has to be done by hand and there’s no way anyone would be able to recall every transaction in a given day by memory.
- Comment on I had some that looked exactly like this 1 year ago:
This one is really nice. Ours weren’t ever that fancy.
- Comment on Does Harry Potter only know fifth grade math? 1 year ago:
I don’t remember where the books said it, but I remember them saying that they go to school before hogwarts the way that we go to school there just isn’t magic. Harry and Hermoine talked about going to school.
- Comment on Why do we have an internal monologue? 1 year ago:
I think only about half the population think this way. Your voice is in your head speaking thoughts kinda like they show in movies. The other half thinks in pictures, shapes, colors, and sounds.