- Comment on nets 1 day ago:
It’s more like at the first place, with 26% of the mass. Majority doesn’t mean “half of”.
Nevertheless, even if the fishing industry produced no plastic pollution, it would still destroy the ecosystems directly and indirectly (breaking the food chains by fishing tons of krill and small fish to feed the farms)
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 6 days ago:
No, it just makes it boring straight
- Comment on please punish me 2 weeks ago:
I didn’t know Facebook federated
- Comment on Make sure you get someone the right gift for Valentine's day 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Teslas turn toxic as sales crash in Europe and the UK | EV sales in the region are growing, but not for Tesla 3 weeks ago:
At this point, they became homonyms. Nothing more.
- Comment on Tough question 3 weeks ago:
I don’t want children, especially in a world that’s getting worse every day. And NFTs pretty much sum up many of the causes that have led us to this situation.
So I’d choose an astrology daughter without hesitation.
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 1 month ago:
And chocolate.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
Boardgame: Marvel Champions LCG Not a surprise because it’s my most played solo game since the release of the core set.
Videogame: Dead Cells. I’m a patient gamer who likes indie games.
- Comment on Potentially habitable planet TRAPPIST-1b may have a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere, The innermost Earth-like planet in the famous TRAPPIST-1 system might be capable of supporting a thick atmosphere 1 month ago:
40 light years to reach a potentially habitable planet with a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere?
Just wait 40 years on Earth.
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 3 months ago:
No matter how they look, no matter what they wear, nobody wants to be sexually assaulted. No one ever does.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
A friend of mine works in a fast-fashion boutique. I support child labor, because I know the consequences it could have for her if the clothes were more expensive.
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
When he was young, he had an atypical beauty but he was fucking hot.
- Comment on unwatchable!! 5 months ago:
Snakes in Australia are probably venomous and poisonous.
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
Even with the explanations given here, it’s still very counter-intuitive for me.
I think the best thing would be to cut the person in half, send one half towards the sun and the other half out of the solar system.
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 6 months ago:
Reversal of stigma is a common phenomenon among minority groups. That doesn’t mean it’s okay tu use the term when you’re not part of the group.
- Comment on I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ? 6 months ago:
It’s a Trump. They spend an insane amount of money on marketing, but a bad product is a bad product.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
As a matter of fact, I’m in a committed and open relationship.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
Forget the Codom and Get STIs
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
Making a link between zoophilia and sexual relationships with a queer person, how original!
- Comment on histories mysteries 9 months ago:
Grandma knows how to use it.