- Comment on Little Ouchies (Autism/PTSD sensory product) - Slant 3D - 18k units (6:53) 1 week ago:
Re: marketing etc comment at the bottom
This is certainly marketing, whether for the product or the service. However, it’s also got an educational component which is why I’ve enjoyed Slant3D’s videos - I have no use for a print farm service but some of the ideas and principles they want to encourage still apply to my hobbyist designs. That said, whenever I talk about 3d printing with friends and family, someone will talk about doing it as a business and I point to a service like this for that.
There is certainly a grey area to balance but I would lump this content in educational and worthy of discussion. And that’s probably the biggest thing to encourage with a post here - where is the discussion going when sharing content. As a community grows in volume of posts, stricter standards and forking off communities for different niches need to happen.
- Comment on BlackBerry's iconic keyboard patent has expired 1 week ago:
BB being able to protect itself from the big players is actually a success story of patents. The 800 lb gorilla’s of the industry never made as good of a keyboard, but if they could have copied BB’s superior design, they would have stomped them in a heartbeat.
There’s a lot of shit about what happens for a dying company and selling patents and so forth that absolutely is scummy. Serious discussion needs to happen there, but calling for them to be abolished? That’s just naive.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Some things are more important.
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
Fuck it. I’m inventing a new scale.
Behold! “Disagree Degrees”. We’re going to combine the best traits of the other units. No more searching for the stupid little degree character in the character map. D for degrees or disagrees - whatever, I don’t give a shit.
0D = 0K (Like Kelvin, no negatives! That’s so dumb!) 0.4D = -40 C and -40 F 1D = Water Freezing point (Need a consistent point of scale) 10D = “Pleasant temperature” 100D = Kind of hot 500D = Really hot for people (>40C or >100F) “It’s like 500 disagrees out there!” 1000D= Water boiling (To match the freezing temp) 1,000,000,000,000D = Surface of the sun
Good luck on the math converting to other units, this temperature scale isn’t about being useful for nerd stuff, it’s all about appealing to our emotions.
- Comment on The Google antitrust ruling could be an existential threat to the future of Firefox | Financials show 86% of Mozilla's revenue came from the agreement keeping Google as Firefox's default search engine 6 months ago:
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
IMO, another good reason to not use Google!
- Comment on Another mystery solved. 8 months ago:
That’s how I usually interpret it except in Godzilla Minus One :
Tap for spoiler
A whole plot point is that he is in 1500m of water
- Comment on Always for my cat 10 months ago:
Yeah we imposed a no toy that can roll under the couch rule in our house. That game got old fast.