- Comment on The Stars of Star Trek: Section 31 Know Why You're Nervous About the Movie 1 month ago:
Villains or heroes isn’t the issue. It’s the argument that we need a group that doesn’t play by the rules that apply to the rest of society that I find problematic.
Shouldn’t we strive for a world in which the rules really do apply to all? Can’t we hope to conceive of a set of laws standards by which we should all be judged? Isn’t the world of Star Trek meant in some way to be aspirational, rather than just a reflection of what we have now?
- Comment on The Stars of Star Trek: Section 31 Know Why You're Nervous About the Movie 1 month ago:
Yeah. Reading the article, Section 31 seems great if you just want to just shit on everything else in the franchise. Nope, not for me.
- Comment on Major Health Insurance Companies Take Down Leadership Pages Following Murder of United Healthcare CEO 2 months ago:
We should all right now go to the leadership pages of all the major insurers. If there were a sudden spike in traffic on these pages it would be noticed. Nothing wrong with putting a little worry in their lives.
- Comment on Another offensive pub name 3 months ago:
Apparently, Ms Allen is neither sly nor clever
- Comment on Caption this. 3 months ago:
While a tool that extends your reach is useful, when dealing with a difficult to reach spider, your best asset is the element of surprise!
- Comment on Universe would die before monkey with keyboard writes Shakespeare, study finds 4 months ago:
Your argument sounds convincing, but given an infinite number of monkeys I could refute it
- Comment on Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia 6 months ago:
Thanks to your comments, I went looking at more about Jupiter’s influence on us and read that most of the other planets are more in line with Jupiter’s orbital plane than the Sun’s equatorial plane (which sounds impressive, but maybe only makes complete sense since the planets would have all initially formed from the same disk). Anyway, thanks
- Comment on Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia 6 months ago:
I don’t know. I don’t think we should make excuses for Jupiter just because of its size. Pluto’s doing the best it can. Could any of us do any better, so far out from the sun?
- Comment on Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia 6 months ago:
Exactly. That’s also why Jupiter, which shares its orbit with thousands of asteroids, isn’t a planet either.
- Comment on Uncovered Euripides fragments are ‘kind of a big deal’ 6 months ago:
Eventually, they became confident that they were working with new material from two fragmentary Euripides plays, Polyidus and Ino. Twenty-two of the lines were previously known in slightly varied versions, but “80 percent was brand-new stuff,” Gibert says.
This cleared up my first thought: how can you tell the lost writings of Euripides from the lost writings of Sophocles (or from the writings of playwrights that haven’t survived at all). I mean, unless these are sizeable fragments, it might not be easy to tell even Aeschylus from Euripides
- Comment on Expensive school uniforms don't make kids better at maths, so why are schools so focused on them? 1 year ago:
Agreed. At the my kids’ school (this was years ago), shirts and pants were part of the uniform, but socks weren’t regulated. Saw so many kids wearing goofy socks and carrying other things to just to differentiate.
The parents that had pushed for uniforms to be adopted (the principal relented to their demands while my kids were attending) admitted they mainly wanted uniforms so they wouldn’t have to deal with their children’s clothing choices/wishes. Reaction among parents was split, largely on gender lines (not the parents’, but their kids’ gender).
- Comment on Devotion to duty 1 year ago:
I gasped when I read Apple 1
Well done
- Comment on First Flight of the Vulcan Rocket Sends an American Lander Toward the Moon 1 year ago:
It was the maiden flight. First flights don’t always go so well, so it is not at all surprising that it wasn’t carrying a space telescope, or the like.
Still, the next flight will be carrying the first flight of a vehicle designed to resupply the space station, if that makes you feel any better
- Comment on First Flight of the Vulcan Rocket Sends an American Lander Toward the Moon 1 year ago:
China had a successful methane powered rocket launch in 2023
- Comment on Oh yeah 1 year ago:
No shells?
- Comment on tube tester 1 year ago:
No, no. The Timex Sinclair was my first. The sealed keyboard design was perfect for the occasional milk spills
- Comment on tube tester 1 year ago:
Well, yeah, and boy did the other kids let me know it
- Comment on tube tester 1 year ago:
The instructions were probably more helpful for someone who knew what these tubes were. I was probably about 6 at this point, hadn"t been actively involved in much TV repair by this time, and I guess I somehow didn’t pick up enough clues from the context of the instructions to put it all together before just leaping into playing with the dials and switches. You know, like a kid
- Comment on tube tester 1 year ago:
I remember one of these being at the grocery store as a kid. I didn’t know at the time what it was for, but it had knobs and switches to play with.