- Comment on Here’s why some people still evade public transport fares – even when they’re 50 cents 2 weeks ago:
You don’t put data of people’s trips, you count how many people entered in x stop and how many left in y spot to see which stops are getting more use and thus could require another route in the future, you don’t need to individualize the data, the point of interest is the stop, not the individual person using the bus
- Comment on Elon Musk just offered to buy OpenAI for $97.4 billion 3 weeks ago:
Exactly same situation here. Every day I’m wanting to strangle him and all the other nazis and nazi enablers working in this government. An eternity of suffering would be the only way to approach the suffering of thousands of people through their entire lives that he and all these monsters are causing, not just to those living right now but who knows how generations following
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 2 months ago:
You didn’t even watch the video, did you? This was not affecting only those who were a sponsor for honey, they affected EVERYONE who had an affiliate link, from the Mrbeast youtubers to people who actually check their sponsors because honey.
What honey would do is take away any affiliate commission for themselves, not only taking that money but by changing the cookie from others to theirs, so if a person with an affiliate link that did everything right, got a good sponsor with integrity and did a proper video showing the good and bad side of their product would still lose because instead of the sales showing that people came from the good creator, honey would change to their tracking, making the business not want to sponsor the good creator and the good creator wouldn’t even get their commission from the sales they made because honey stole them
- Comment on ugh i wish 3 months ago:
Agreed with everything you said. I had a class about bio processes and one of them was about production of cheese and during the class both our professor and the scientist that was walking us through the chemistry of cheese making were constantly talking how pasteurization was really good for us all and how annoying it was that it made cheese making more difficult because of the way it messed with casein and other proteins, making it so that the cheese wouldn’t “coagulate” correctly (they used a specific term that I cannot remember for the life of me, sorry) but that was all. A protein being bent up a bit doesn’t negatively affect the milk of where just drinking it or using it to bake, Ave even for cheese making there are tequiniques to still make it into cheese with pasteurized milk.
- Comment on Come to Biotech! 3 months ago:
I’m almost graduating in biotech and looking for jobs, do that Boston joke caught my eye 👀
Also the science Gatorade LMAO I swear one day I’ll not be able to hold back and I’ll taste it, it just looks SO drinkable!!!
- Comment on Whoever is in charge of Capybara marketing is doing a hell of a good job 6 months ago:
They’re just so happy to be there
- Comment on Why is DNS often joked about in the I.T. Industry? 6 months ago:
I could try, but the only game this is causing issues is minecraft, and the server is mostly dead by now, so I don’t want to spend the money for just trying to see if it would help, but I’ll def look into it for the next time we play minecraft again
- Comment on Why is DNS often joked about in the I.T. Industry? 6 months ago:
I don’t know much about much, I’ll admit that, but what I have experienced with DNS is that it keeps shitting the bed when I’m trying to connect to my bfs server in the USA while I live in Brazil. Some spectrum node in Miami or something keeps sending my ping to the moon and my packages go from 0% dropped to 100% when I use a program to trace the path (sadly can’t recall the name RN, hopefully when someone replies I’ll be by my PC again and check it)
I just wish I could tell my DNS “hey, don’t use that node specifically” because every other step is going just fine, but as I said before, I don’t know much at all so I don’t know if that’s possible or even if it’s a good idea
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck Owners Who Drove 10,000 Miles Say Range Is 164 To 206 Miles 1 year ago:
Neither is the cybertruck
- Comment on Tesla Has The Highest Accident Rate Of Any Auto Brand 1 year ago:
Comparing with the per capita means nothing here, you need to compare with other car companies, as comparing to the per capita is like comparing the number of lung cancer deaths to the number of all deaths, of course it’s going to be a very small number, but when you compare with other cancers then you can see that lung cancer is one of biggest killers amongst cancers
- Comment on Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family 1 year ago:
I used the embed version in the hopes it would, well, embed lol, but I guess it didn’t work, thanks tho!
- Comment on Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family 1 year ago:
- Comment on Commercial Flights Are Experiencing 'Unthinkable' GPS Attacks and Nobody Knows What to Do 1 year ago:
Wow this is so cool!! I did know it was timing based and needed to be precise, but this is so crazy! And to think we’ve gotten so good at making these precise timing circuits to just add them to all phones like it’s nothing! This is really cool! And the part about spoofing GPS in planes, that is even crazier how can anyone accomplish that is beyond me it’s pretty much magic at this point that’s so cool!!
- Comment on Commercial Flights Are Experiencing 'Unthinkable' GPS Attacks and Nobody Knows What to Do 1 year ago:
Could you expand on what’s the issue? I’m honestly curious
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You forget that there are SO MANY gullible morons there eating up every single bullshit that musk says and then asks for seconds after fighting the flies off the shit nuggets left behind
- Comment on Petition Calls on Microsoft to Extend Windows 10 Support | PCMag 1 year ago:
Wow yeah I can clearly see how it happened now, their wording wasn’t the best and then news outlets did what they do best and now we’re here, thank you this was really nice to read and learn!! Have a great evening!
- Comment on Petition Calls on Microsoft to Extend Windows 10 Support | PCMag 1 year ago:
Do you have a source for that? I’d love to read how that myth came about, I’m serious I’m not doubting you