- Comment on I firmly believe all 3-4 letter acronyms will eventually be used for evil. 1 day ago:
Eh, task ChatGPT with it.
- Comment on You're not your job 2 days ago:
I work in IT, if I’m on a call or actively working a ticket that I can finish and just ran out of time? I’ll stay, happily, and finish it.
I’ll help cover vacations, and if I like the company, other people calling in to an extent.
The longest stretch I worked was when I was much younger (and dumber). Retail, before the holidays. There were a variety of contributing factors at work, but in the end I worked 22 days in a row, most often 12+ hours a day. The OT pay was nice, don’t get me wrong, but I quickly learned that my time and well being are worth more than most employers can offer, even with OT adjustments.
I slept over 24 hours straight, and my body hurt ALL over for two weeks. That was with a wonderful girlfriend at the time who knew her way around a massage, and was happy to do so when asked - and I needed it then, lol.
- Comment on Did UCLA Just Cure Baldness? 3 weeks ago:
I rocked long hair from grade school to my mid 20s.
Then, a lady friend (platonic) sat me down and had a talk with me.
The thinning, now seemingly always greasy, strands of hair was not a good look. Like, don’t visit a playground or I would be arrested on site lol.
So, being a metal head there are two main options, or at least were at the time. Long hair. Or take bare clippers to it.
So, I did.
That first winter fucking suuuucked. Still to this day, I tend to rock a hoody in cold weather, and toss my hood up to cover my head for warmth when outdoors.
Sometimes I let it grow out for about a month before taking clippers to it again, out of sheer laziness. A month of growth, from shaved, isn’t much in the way of hair, but temperature wise it is very noticeable.
- Comment on Longtime buddy of mine just got a gaming PC. What games would make up a good "welcome to PC" care package? 2 months ago:
I’d also add a lifetime subscription to Nexus, that alone can add so much life to so many games. Hell, if I’m checking out a game, I see what kind of mod support it has first.
Or do they not offer that anymore?
I think I got it way back when for $50 or so.
- Comment on Do gangs "jump in" new recruits? Or is that just for movies and tv shows? If so why do they do that kinda seems anti productive. 3 months ago:
I’m not clinical, but I worked in medical IT off and on.
The shit I would hear from clinical staff.
Had a senior surgeon call me because his application was frozen. Cool, cool, lets get that going - wait - you’re what - palpating a child’s heart to keep it beating in rhythm? There are back ups upon back ups for anything IT related in that scenario. Don’t call your overnight helpdesk with that shit, have your nurse write it down on paper. Fuck.
Most traumatic IT call I’ve ever had. Didn’t even care to solve his IT issue, just focused on patient care. My 20 something ass with a few years behind the desk told him to focus on the patient’s LIFE first and foremost, we can talk later.
Always great for an interview question though - how do you respond under stress? Well, lol…
- Comment on Who is your favorite video game developer? 5 months ago:
Black Isle Studios.
Hands down, no contest.
If you’re looking for a name, Chris Avallone. Planescape: Torment and fucking New Vegas.
I only have one tattoo, and it is the Rune of Torment. That piece of art touched me.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Wait and Bleed in my ass.
- Comment on Donald Trump says he’ll task Elon Musk with auditing the entire federal government 5 months ago:
A moron hires a moron to audit things.
There is a phrase for that. The blind leading the blind.
- Comment on After seeing Wi-Fi network named “STINKY,” Navy found hidden Starlink dish on US warship 5 months ago:
We live in troubled times, the planet is overheating at a rate that it might affect my life more than being more uncomfortable in the summer. And that’s Texas summers at that.
There is an island of plastic refuse in the ocean bigger than some countries.
I saw the home computer come to the living room and the internet be birthed.
If you were to ask if I was jaded as a kid, already? Yeah. Around 7 years old.
It isn’t getting better. Corporations claw for more and more at the expense of the people and the planet.
I hope the younger generations can lead the charge of change, but for me… I don’t have the time or energy to play games most days, let alone change the planet.
And for those who will say, “Aren’t you just part of the problem then?” Sadly yes, I am. I try to make changes when I can, but I fear changing the small environment of my home will not be enough.
- Comment on party poopers 10 months ago:
Cut myself with a microscope slide. Didn’t realize the lens would drop far enough to break it. Whoops. Ended up nicking my finger getting the slide off.
My proudest science lab injury though, was with a plastic butter knife. Don’t ask me how I managed, but I did. It was an ugly cut too.
- Comment on Study that asked people to count squashed bugs reveals worrying results 10 months ago:
We have geckos local here.
If we didn’t have cats, I’d put a few in the house.
Problem with cats is, you either find the head, or the rest of the body. Never both halves of the gecko.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I need a slightly less secure walkthrough to allow, essentially, android auto and google maps to operate.
I did without for a while, and it wasn’t pretty.
Lets just say I went from a sketchy hospital district to a very sketchy dead end in a neighborhood that had lookouts. Working nights, this was not a great time to drop in unannounced.
- Comment on Choose your ultimate lineup! 1 year ago:
Yeah, Dave Stage made that band what it was.
I didn’t get the chance to meet him, but when I was active in the metal community I heard nothing but good things. I guess I should say Drowning Pool was a local band before they blew up.
- Comment on Appalachian Momma 1 year ago:
I knew a Bubba. Legal first name.
He had a rat tail, of course.
Went to play at his house one day (fourth grade), and it was a typical suburban house. I rode past it on my bike to get to school.
Not a hint of white-trash about the situation.
It still perplexes me.
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
Kali is still around, I last did an install ~6 months ago, I think?
That got put on the back burner though, not because of the flipper, just life.
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
I have one.
Its fun.
But on the subject of rolling codes, I was able to get through a security gate that relies on, essentially, a garage door opener.
The exploit relied on the ridiculously low amount of rolling codes it cycled through.
Capture one, and try it a few times to get through.
Cars are more robust. Despite tinkering with it for about 8 hours, I wasn’t successful with defeating it. That being said, I picked up the device, in part, to start messing around with various signals as an educational tool.
- Comment on TikTok sounds go silent as songs disappear from app 1 year ago:
Time enjoyed is not wasted.
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
I personally dislike the freewheel scroll overall.
Then again, the only time I’m really thinking about what features a mouse has, it’s for gaming so I like a little more precision and tactile feedback.
For everything else I do, a mouse is a mouse.
Unless it’s one of those BS apple ones with no right click. Those make me unreasonably upset.
- Comment on Call me an idiot, but I would die laughing even if something like this happened to me 1 year ago:
I don’t.
I don’t think they even sell winter tires here.
And if winter tires are the little studded ones… Yeah, those aren’t street legal here.
That being said, we tend to shut down the state if someone drops an icecube.
- Comment on Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off 1 year ago:
Get to vantage point.
Explore actionable map points.
Go to next area.
Which game am I talking about? Doesn’t matter, it’s the Ubisoft formula these days and has been for a long time.
Wake me up when Ubisoft metaphorically burns to the ground, or they do something innovative.
- Comment on Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off 1 year ago:
Makes one want to sail the high seas out of principle.
- Comment on Why do some websites have a "Continue Reading" button? 1 year ago:
Don’t forget the long winded tales of how their distant relative they never met gave them the recipe from the “old country” or some shit.
Dude, I just needed to see what temperature to set the oven to.
- Comment on 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
I have a relative who did it.
But they are super into genealogy.
At this point, to go deeper, they would need to learn a new language and travel half way across the world.
I was not consulted before this was done. I would have cautioned against it.
- Comment on Breakthrough: "Electronic soil" boosts crop growth by over 50% 1 year ago:
This makes me miss a bar I used to go to, and was the favored watering hole for most of the staff at a previous job.
It had had several owners, and it’s name changed on official paperwork every time. Locals still called it Big Tree.
It was built around a big tree that went out of the roof lol.
It was bought and demolished, the tree removed.
Nothing has been done with the lot since, and it’s been a couple years.
Damn shame.
- Comment on How do people understand each other? 1 year ago:
The same technique works back home in the US too.
Foreign immigrant, but they’re not brown enough to shoot on sight? Louder and slower while you assess the foreign devil… Just because they’re white doesnt mean they can’t be a commie.
This was meant as a joke, but living in the south this has certainly happened recently somewhere nearby.
- Comment on Screensharing mistake gets Nvidia sued over alleged stolen trade secrets 1 year ago:
The only code I fuck with is my own. I’m not a Dev, but I write things for my convenience.
Sometimes it gets the attention of those above me, and I get some sweet sweet time off the phones, blasting whatever music I’m in the mood for through noise canceling ear buds while I add a little form to the function, so to speak.
So mostly, its a challenge to myself while working night shift, also part of why I enjoy night shift.
- Comment on A Googler who just resigned after 18 years reflects on the decline of the company he loved 1 year ago:
That’s a symptom of capitalism as a whole.
The whole perpetual growth, and being legally bound to try to provide that to shareholders, means only “safe” ideas are given any traction.
The only time any “innovative” comes out is when billionaires have a pipe dream.
However, they lack the skills or expertise (or even common sense) to execute them.
Musk had ideas, bought his way into leadership, and essentially had to be corralled by handlers while other people did the actual hard work.
Then, at the platform formally known as Twitter, with no handlers… Well, the world has seen how an unleashed Musk handles that. Spoiler: not well.
- Comment on Sonic Shower Thought: Someone has probably used holodeck technology to feel like they're pooping at home. 1 year ago:
Slower? Sure, I’ll grant you that.
However, there are some things in life I’d rather not do, even if it resulted in being bored out of my mind.
And I hate, hate, being bored.
- Comment on Drivers Tend To Kill Pedestrians At Night. Thermal Imaging May Help. 1 year ago:
I nearly killed a group of people one night.
Full on slamming of brakes and trying to not have another sort of accident.
Roughly 3am, a major major highway, and a group of people decides to dash across.
Dark clothing. Crossed between where any lights were.
Everyone involved was very lucky in that moment.
- Comment on How are 144hz screen possible? 1 year ago:
You didn’t clean them weekly?
Man I did, but they were hockey skates (ice was not a thing here at the time) and I wanted to get every ounce of performance out of them.
Cleaning bearings, rotating wheels, relacing them cause my feet grew crazy for a while.
I was a weird kid though. Now I’m just a weird adult.