- Comment on Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos 3 days ago:
Droid-ify and Neo-Store are alternative clients for the F-Droid repository (and other repos), that you may like better than the official client. But yeah, Obtainium is indeed simple and it’s powerful if you already know exactly which app you want to install (rather than searching for relevant options in some repositories).
- Comment on Immich: opinion revised 6 days ago:
deploy a raspberry to project services into their local network
This piqued my interest!
What’s a good way of doing it? What services, besides the VPN, would run on that RPi (or some other SBC or other tiny device…) to make Jellyfin accessible on the local network?
- Comment on Microsoft hypes another generative AI model but doesn't really explain how it'll help [game] developers 1 week ago:
Very much related:
Github: nv-tlabs LLaMA-Mesh | Unifying 3D Mesh Generation with Language Models. Create 3D meshes by chatting.
Github: Huggingface meshgen | A blender addon for generating meshes with AI. This initial release contains a minimal integration of LLaMA-Mesh in Blender.
- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 1 week ago:
Are you buying ebooks in a physical store? How does that work?
- Comment on wanderer v0.15.1 - 2 weeks ago:
There’s also a more lightweight alternative for recording tracks called OpenTracks. It can export the data in KMZ, KML, GPX or CSV format.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 2 weeks ago:
I’m curious - how would they just “have phones switch”, and if that’s actually possible, to which “open non Google platform”?
- Comment on What is everyone using as a HTPC? 3 weeks ago:
Yes, you can cast from the official YouTube app (or Revanced). You need to generate a code for connection in the SmartTube settings, then connect your phone through the cast menu. The option in the cast menu on the phone is called something like “Connect with code” IIRC.
- Comment on This was Likely Recently Auto-Installed on your Phone. 3 weeks ago:
Checked my second GOS user profile with google services, just to make sure – nothing to be seen.
- Comment on What is causing the voice inputs for my keyboards to intermittently stop working in GrapheneOS? 3 months ago:
Possibly asking a dumb question here, but is your mic access available? There’s a tile for it in the quick settings drawer.
- Comment on Legal complications await if OpenAI tries to shake off control by the nonprofit that owns the rapidly growing tech company 3 months ago:
That was Góògle
- Comment on Apple Removes Ability to Run Unsigned Apps in macOS 15.1 3 months ago:
Like a fridge that rejects refridgerating foods from your local store, your neighbours’ or your own produce… Pretty useless.
- Comment on Typing monkey would be unable to produce 'Hamlet' within the lifetime of the universe, study finds 3 months ago:
I thought it was supposed to be an infinite amount of monkeys, since it’s known as “infinite monkey theorem”, but apparently, according to Wikipedia,
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, including the complete works of William Shakespeare. […]
[…] can be generalized to state that any sequence of events that has a non-zero probability of happening will almost certainly occur an infinite number of times, given an infinite amount of time or a universe that is infinite in size.
But, I think, as long as either the timeframe or monkey amount is infinite, it should lead to the same results. So, why even limit one of them on this theoretical level after all? The linked study seems to limit both, so they’re not quite investigating the actual classic theorem, it seems.
- Comment on Sweden, Norway rethink plans for cashless societies over fears that fully digital payment systems would leave them vulnerable to Russian security threats 3 months ago:
Ok. The fact that you prefer it (probably because the thieve is mostly kind and generous to you) does not change the reality that it very much is theft from all those who might not agree with your societal preferences, and who did never consent to this. Since you naturally don’t have the right to forcefully take other people’s money without their consent, it’s impossible to forward that right to the state (or any person) acting on your behalf. That’s why it can logically be described as theft when a state collects taxes using violent force as a threat to anyone who won’t pay.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
Right, most animals can only zoo!
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
I guess that’s the big game …
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
You have the option to spoof/fake/mock it manually with an app. This one, it seems, even has some available add-ons for mocking UnifiedNlp data and more…)
Mock my GPS (mock the GPS and Network location providers) f-droid.org/…/com.github.warren_bank.mock_locatio…
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
Vierenveertig vliegjen en een goudvis in de pinderkaas op de lul in een konijntjenaaimachine!
- Comment on Meta has suspended several Threads and Instagram accounts that track the private jets of celebrities such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Kim Kardashian, and Donald Trump 4 months ago:
Just curious – which app is that? Seemingly not Eternity, as I’m using that, and you do not appear purple in here, but I’m always interested in exploring alternatives to the apps I’m using.
- Comment on Barcelona is turning subway trains into power stations 5 months ago:
And even in some prototype bus, the Gyrobus, in the 50’s that used an electrically charged flywheel that was also (to some degree) regeneratively recharged when breaking:
Rather than carrying an internal combustion engine or batteries, or connecting to overhead powerlines, a gyrobus carries a large flywheel that is spun at up to 3,000 RPM by a “squirrel cage” motor.[1] Power for charging the flywheel was sourced by means of three booms mounted on the vehicle’s roof, which contacted charging points located as required or where appropriate (at passenger stops en route, or at terminals, for instance). To obtain tractive power, capacitors would excite the flywheel’s charging motor so that it became a generator, in this way transforming the energy stored in the flywheel back into electricity. Vehicle braking was electric, and some of the energy was recycled back into the flywheel, thereby extending its range.
Source: Wikipedia: Gyrobus
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
Just close it straight away…
- Comment on Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body 5 months ago:
How can I become such a fungi?
- Comment on Google kills Chromecast, replaces it with Apple TV and Roku Ultra competitor 6 months ago:
Have a look at LibreELEC “just enough OS for Kodi” for the Pi - at least if you plan on using it primarily for running Kodi as a “casting receiver”. (LibreELEC even supports Docker containers as Kodi add-ons too, if you need the Pi to run more than just Kodi.)
- Kodi will natively play some types of links shared to it through the “Kore” remote app’s “Play on Kodi” in the share menu.
- Even more types of links are supported with the right add-ons such as YouTube links through Invidious add-on (or YouTube add-on with your own token), local broadcasters’ VoD content, some paid streaming services and many more but it’s a bit hit and miss…).
- With DLNA enabled in Kodi, many more types of stream URLs can be extracted from websites and sent to Kodi with apps like “Web Video Caster”. I think this one has the option of routing the stream through the phone (which is only necessary for some types of streams).
Depending on your media consumption habits and requirements, it might not be the perfect solution, but possibly prettttty good one for a Raspberry Pi.
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
Would you download one?
- Comment on Most consumers hate the idea of AI-generated customer service 7 months ago:
Interestingly, at least where I live, in my experience, the more expensive ISPs, TSPs etc. have worse, almost evil, customer service than the smaller, cheaper providers. Maybe the smaller providers can’t afford the most evil money-saving customer service systems, and that’s what makes them better?!
- Comment on Cloudflare is bad. Youre right. 8 months ago:
When looking up my static ip, the location I get is the one of my ISP, not my address. Do you happen to live nearby some central infrastructure of your ISP? (If it seems otherwise, I’m not trying to debunk what you said - I’m just asking curious questions!)
- Comment on What everyone gets wrong about the 2015 Ashley Madison scandal 8 months ago:
It’s published as an audio podcast, with email, video and Morse code versions.
Any chance of a SSTV version? 😂
- Comment on What everyone gets wrong about the 2015 Ashley Madison scandal 8 months ago:
🛜5️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ and 7️⃣3️⃣ to both of you!
No callsign though… (yet?)
- Comment on California says AT&T can't shut down copper DSL network 8 months ago:
Yeah, sign me up too… Would you please send it as a telefax on the landline?
- Comment on Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free 8 months ago:
unzip: cannot find or open private_part1.zip
- Comment on VPN by Google One shuts down 8 months ago:
For navigation, Magic Earth is based on OSM too, and has traffic available as a map layer. Not sure how good it works or where the live data is coming from, but it’s there.