- Comment on "Eat the rich" is verboten 17 hours ago:
Fuck the ¢unts!
- Comment on I'm Tired of Pretending Tech is Making the World Better 3 days ago:
I understand the complaint, but the big picture of tech has a ton of upside.
Tech itself is not the issue. How it’s applied is the issue.
Once tech takes hold, there is massive pressure to monetize the asset.
That’s where this complaint lives. Amazing advance becomes ubiquitous, then two things inevitably occur. Companies are formed that apply the technology on unnecessary and unpopular ways (parking app is a perfect example) or the pressure to make more more MORE MONEY triggers the enshittification spiral, where “wow, you can print wirelessly now!?” becomes “my printer won’t take any cartridges but brand name, and I have to watch an unskippable 30-second ad every time I print now??!!!”
It follows that as tech saturates our lives, the inevitability of enshittification will also saturate our lives.
The year is 2044, you don’t feel old but the ticker is starting to skip several beats a day. Your doctor is forced to use the product at his disposal to help you, which is the PaceXMaker produced by the Tesla-Cola conglomerate. The device is a true miracle of modern science. The size of a fingernail, it pulses electricity into your heart in carefully measured bursts to support proper function of all valves, and ensures that any plaque is dissolved harmlessly away. Your iEye tracks the device status, and alerts you when it starts to run low on fuel, a proprietary enzyme designed by Tesla-Cola. When the iEye app notifies you that the enzyme is running low, simply crack open an ice cold, refreshing can of Tesla Cola Zero to refuel your device for another two hours. Need to sleep? We got you. Hook up the Tesla Cola Zero-Venous BeautyRest to your ArmDock (patent pending) for up to five hours of relaxing enzyme replenishment. You can remove the arm dock after you confirm six ad-watch minute credits on your iEye.
Tesla-Cola: We Got You
- Comment on If only it was like that 1 year ago:
Hate to break it to you, but he died in 1736
- Comment on If only it was like that 1 year ago:
Pretty sure Fahrenheit is dead
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
I think I’ll ignore this
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
This guy frets
- Comment on Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO 1 year ago:
More like stupris, amirite
- Comment on Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO 1 year ago:
Does your user name mean that you’re a lover of misspelling ready?
- Comment on Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO 1 year ago:
When the point of a fun website is finally and forever lost. Welcome to the bots and ads show!
- Comment on Tesla Has The Highest Accident Rate Of Any Auto Brand 1 year ago:
That venn diagram looks like the mid point of an eclipse
- Comment on Tesla Has The Highest Accident Rate Of Any Auto Brand 1 year ago:
Good question
- Comment on it always interesting when multi billion dollar company's costing system is a 63 tab excel 97 spreadsheet at it's core... 1 year ago:
Someone in my department suggested that project plans should be moved from Excel to MS Project.
It was 50-50 relief vs panic
- Comment on What were the best and worst games you played in 2023? 1 year ago:
Best: Ghost of Tsushima
Worst: Overcooked 2
- Comment on We live in a society 1 year ago:
The power of zing compels you
- Comment on We live in a society 1 year ago:
As long as each lemonade is tasty/3 or better, OP is still golden
- Comment on We live in a society 1 year ago:
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
That’s how the five gee gets ya!
- Comment on How long could one survive with only water and beer and no food? 1 year ago:
I dunno, you wake up after a night of abbey ale, you’re going to want a mcmuffin or two
- Comment on I remember getting a PS3 just to avoid this back then 1 year ago:
I haven’t played multiplayer since the PS3 days, before Sony joined the greed bleed
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
I tried to install Skyrim and my disc was unreadable
- Comment on Blade Runner director Ridley Scott calls AI a "technical hydrogen bomb" | "we are all completely f**ked" 1 year ago:
Yes, the systems that we created and control are running rampant. Did you see the Spanish models? There’ll be an army of incels worshipping ChatGPT by week’s end! RUN!
- Comment on A Spanish agency became so sick of models and influencers that they created their own with AI — and she’s raking in up to $11,000 a month 1 year ago:
Whitney Kardashiummings
- Comment on What'll It Be? 1 year ago:
And once they starting learning you walk they become little drunks reeling around the property
- Comment on What'll It Be? 1 year ago:
That’s clearly the love child of Champ Kind and Todd Packer
- Comment on When someone starts with I'm not racist it usually means they are. 1 year ago:
I’m as open-minded as the next guy, but my back itches.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Preheat and use a decent amount of oil
- Comment on Jesse is smarter than what we give him credit for. 1 year ago:
Fuck it, stop counting altogether, and call every day flobday
- Comment on TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion 1 year ago:
Imagine you walked into the camps and saw the smattering of walking skeletons that were left from the multiple thousands of people who had preceded them into the gas chambers or ovens.
I think it’s hard to really imagine what level of trauma that would cause, and how shocking it would be to see those images.
I think that is the foundation of a powerful bond between the West and Israel, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
I find it extremely troubling that Netanyahu and his cronies have said that the only solution to the issues they are having is to exterminate all Palestinians (assuming that quote is accurate) and I do think that their actions are horrifying and deserve criticism, but that’s the government. I have no issue with the people of Israel. I believe that in part these actions are Bibi covering his own ass for not stopping nor even anticipating a massive attack from a known enemy. I understand his desire to root out Hamas, but there has to be a way to do so with more accuracy and less civilian misery and death.
- Comment on TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion 1 year ago:
The Israeli government is straight up evil, maybe.
The Israeli people have been targets of precise statements from multiple neighbors over the years telling them they would be exterminated as soon as the opportunity arose.
Put yourself in that position and tell me you wouldn’t support a right wing militant government that ran on a platform of hard borders and strong military.
How many wars of aggression have been waged against Israel since its founding? How many terrorist attacks? If the nations surrounding them put down their weapons and accepted them, there would be peace in the region. If the Israelis put down their weapons they would be murdered en masse.
How would you like a populace that came within a hair’s breadth of systematic extermination to react when they move to an area and are immediately painted as liars by neighbors who are Holocaust deniers and express the desire to finish the job?
Also if your argument is strong enough there’s no need to add that last part. It makes you seem weak and devalues any merit in your words, if which there is plenty. Nobody wants to see people getting hurt, but to fail to differentiate between the Israeli government and the Israeli people, and to ignore the situation they are in and the precursor to the establishment of the state of Israel, is a mistake.
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
3 and 7 no contest