Comment on Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ... 8 months ago
The thing is, if Labor had announced such a completely undercooked policy - no timelines, no validation, lots of contradictions, and most importantly, no costings whatsoever - the media would be collectively crucifying them. And I’m not talking about the polite way The Guardian or The Conversation are dissecting the policy and bringing counterpoints. No, it would be open season in the most derogatory and aggressive language possible.
The fact that Dutton can bring this to a press conference and not get laughed out of the room is just utterly sad. 8 months ago
I just saw an opinion piece by Chris Kenny in the Australian whinging that the “majority” of the media isn’t giving Dutton a free ride on nuclear. Bro you are the majority of the media. ABC and the Guardians have much smaller audiences