- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
Tower of Pisa would like a word with you.
Or is it just he camera angle that makes it look so tilted?
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 3 months ago:
The newly elected government is actually quite cost efficient in this regard. Since they already are all crooked business men, they don’t need to pay anyone to get those tax laws passed.
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 4 months ago:
So who should go? You?
- Comment on Why haven't car manufacturers standardized automatic brake lights when a built in accelerometer detects deceleration? 7 months ago:
I would like to share this with you:
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 8 months ago:
Sorry, we sold out of that 5 min before you walked in.
- Comment on Elsevier 8 months ago:
Well, I guess PDF has one thing going for it (which might not be relevant for scientific papers): The same file will render the same on any platform (assuming the reader implements all the PDF spec to the tee).
- Comment on This is a Test 10 months ago:
Look. Doing A-E is going to be expensive enough for the young fella. I don’t think he can also afford gunshot wound treatment.
- Comment on His true endgame 1 year ago:
To make room for the pennies
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
I will give you an upvote for maintaining critical thinking, but I will say that the book is not that bad. And it is really well written and interesting, but might be favoring SBF more than other books. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
Read “Going Infinite” which describes the rise and tall of FTX and SBF. “isn’t smart” is not true, but he is definitely not “human smart”, but rather “math smart”.
- Comment on Choose A or B 1 year ago:
What kind of “guess the billionaire” game is this?
- Comment on Let's confuse Americans! 1 year ago:
No, it is because it is not a gun.
- Comment on I can't swim... 1 year ago:
Make more money elsewhere and hold your own pizza party with the extra money.
- Comment on bro pls 1 year ago:
I guess everything is relative.
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
Insert Pikachu meme
- Comment on Equally as good 1 year ago:
Is it possible to learn power?
- Comment on No love lost: AppLovin helpfully releases tool to switch from Unity to Godot or Unreal 1 year ago:
It’s is probably more of sending a message.