- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
Opening line of Neuromancer doesn’t make much sense any more "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.”
- Comment on Smh 5 months ago:
- Comment on Smh 5 months ago:
That was two different things, I was checking if there are any fun offers there and found this one. I wouldn’t start my plumbing career in -40C
- Comment on Smh 5 months ago:
I guess poop needs to go somewhere, too
- Comment on Smh 5 months ago:
This, I remember that some 20 years ago when going to the Antarctica for a PhD seemed like a good idea, I found a job where they were looking for a plumber. The pay was insane at that time
- Comment on the strange new future of story-driven PC gaming 5 months ago:
I tried that as well, but for me it was like being 10 again: -you meet the bandits -I, the lvl1 player kill them all -OK -I just remembered my party had a necromancer, raise the corpses -sure thing -I march around with my undead army and murder everyone who is in my way -This game is about creativity and cooperation -Not today -OK
- Comment on Butts 5 months ago:
There was a related podcast recently somewhere, the idea was that evolutionary lungs come from guts, so maybe guts would still have some ability to absorb oxygen, which, turns out, they indeed do. This could have some practical uses e.g. in intensive care situations where the patient’s lung is useless (extreme COVID), which could give a last resort breathing opportunity while the lungs heal to a usable condition. Furthermore it gives a shitton of opportunity for butt jokes
- Comment on Poop Knife 5 months ago:
Or too much. Exactly my thought
- Comment on Let's play Hollywood, er Academia Squares 7 months ago:
Wasn’t that a phdcomics strip originally?
- Comment on Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain 9 months ago:
But what do you do if that field is needed? A throwaway address won’t work as it’s easy to recreate. Buy your own domain and run a server?
- Comment on Tesla starts shipping $3,000 Cybertruck tent, looks nothing like what was unveiled | Electrek 11 months ago:
Ebben Eastern Germany had a better solution:…/trabi-700x467.jpg
- Comment on AI chatbots tend to choose violence and nuclear strikes in wargames 1 year ago:
And a language model, absolutely unsuited for this task, just as much as a lawnmower or a float needle.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 59 comments
- Comment on YouTube isn't happy you're using ad blockers — and it's doing something about it 1 year ago:
The AdBlock arms race is still going on - would have been more precise
- Comment on Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis if the mayor signs a minimum wage bill for drivers 1 year ago:
Not all, they were kicked out from Hungary - although that was less a victory of workers’ rights rather than that of the taxi driver union.