- Comment on Melbourne start-up launches 'biological computer' made of human brain cells 4 days ago:
They call it “Wetware-as-a-Service” that just grossed me out. I don’t like this timeline we’re in. Exit simulation please…
- Comment on This was Likely Recently Auto-Installed on your Phone. 4 weeks ago:
I have it and I am in the UK, we have our own GDPR after the whole Brexit thing. But someone would need to prove its breaking GDPR. To install it on the device isn’t a violation of GDPR.
- Comment on Teslas turn toxic as sales crash in Europe and the UK | EV sales in the region are growing, but not for Tesla 4 weeks ago:
Maybe they just like the car. Not everything has to be political. Especially if they get it 2nd hand, the depreciation is huge. So someone could get a nice Tesla for great money. Doesn’t mean they like Elon or support him.
Buying 2nd hand is greener and doesn’t support him.
- Comment on This was Likely Recently Auto-Installed on your Phone. 4 weeks ago:
Well then, that’s pretty impressive. I don’t know the answer to that
- Comment on This was Likely Recently Auto-Installed on your Phone. 4 weeks ago:
If you have play services installed. You will get it.
- Comment on Samsung, Google take on Dolby Atmos with new 'Eclipsa Audio' 2 months ago:
DTS X is much better than atoms. No channel or group limits etc.
But Dolby has already won the race. Cinemas are all Dolby Atmos, movies are, sound stages etc etc. They won the marketing race so they won out in the end.
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 2 months ago:
Buy a home.
- Comment on What are your Homelab goals for 2025? 2 months ago:
Eh, xcp-ng runs open vSwitch
- Comment on Self-Driving Waymo Cab Smashes Into Delivery Robot 2 months ago:
Well, they should try to avoid any object in the road to be honest. Imagine a new toy comes out that a child is on. Sorry we killed that child l, we didn’t train it on that new toy.
Its just an unacceptable answer to be honest.
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
So buy one that’s a little more expensive and will. It’s still going to be tons cheaper that a commercial display and offer better performance
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
Or hear me out… Just don’t give it an internet connection.
- Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees 7 months ago:
Having an AS does not make you an ISP. It just means you have a public AS, which you can use to peer with providers on the Internet, if you have an agreement to peer.
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
You do understand, when you have VM’s set to auto scale, they shutdown when not in use, if you’re using horizontal scaling.
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
But it is. They’re stopped and deallocated. They start up when demanded. And shutdown when below a threshold or a certain schedule.
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
No we shut them down. They get deallocated the same way as shutting down a virtual server does. They’re not containers, the scaling part just turns them on and off based on workload or schedule
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
Finally someone who gets it.
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
Is it shutting down servers… Yes. it just does it based on parameters and thresholds.
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
In pretty much any enterprise using the public cloud. Everything is auto scaling, so shutdowns when not needed. Dev environments shutdown over night… If you’re not shutting down and scaling in the public cloud, you’re doing it wrong.
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
We power off servers in the enterprise all the time and on schedules 😂. Its called saving money.
- Comment on Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower 9 months ago:
Maybe the old Dysons. The new ones are rubbish. Shark all the way.
- Comment on Mozilla review of 25 car brands finds they're "a privacy nightmare" 1 year ago:
Its their profile photo.
- Comment on Amazon pinches sellers: Use our costly logistics services or pay extra fee 1 year ago:
This is so annoying. Also if a seller is selling the same fake product, it will get binned with the official retailers :) so it’s just pot luck.