- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 3 days ago:
You just gave me an idea for the worlds fastest slip-n-slide, actually.
- Comment on Does anyone have any good introductory, Fediverse infographics I could share? 4 days ago:
On that, you probably want an entire sub-infographic to explain Lemmy instances.
Here is a good starter template I found: Image
- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 4 days ago:
Gotta respect that math, but value might still be possible.
55 gallons of water weighs about 459lbs (208kg), so that barrel is in that range.
Get 10 friends to chip in and order the barrel. Use those 10 friends to lift and leave that barrel somewhere that is highly visible, like the front porch of an ex-wife or ex-husband. Maybe your local police station if you are from a small town?
If that is worth $1,700 to someone, I can’t really say. I have paid more (per pound) for less significant practical jokes before though.
(It would be cheaper to use another barrel, actual water, and just fake the package label though. Real lube would just be for show but it would show that you have great attention to detail.)
- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 5 days ago:
- Comment on Have I Been Pwned adds 284M accounts stolen by infostealer malware 1 week ago:
I have no idea, unfortunately. Tinkering with phones and ways to exploit messaging is something I haven’t done in a number of years.
My first guess would be yes? If you ever get a blank email with only the subject line of “Hi”, “Hello” or similar, it is simply a test to see if your email address is valid. It’s not a stretch to assume there are also simple ways to verify valid numbers that can also recieve text messages.
- Comment on Kremlin 'no comment' on report 95,000 Russian troops killed in Ukraine 1 week ago:
Heads up, this is going to be a morbid comment but additional information is needed to understand what is going on with this post. tl;dr: We won’t really ever know the actual casualties of war.
MediaZona only counts verified deaths, the last I checked. This is not accurate or inaccurate, but is not the entire picture. War doesn’t always allow for verification.
To clarify the wall of conflicting data, a “casualty” is typically any soldier that is permanently out of commission, fatal or non-fatal. A common ratio used is 1:3 for death vs non-fatal casualty, but this is variable based on the conflict and the capabilities of the countries involved. Casualties may include equipment losses but this is usually based on country.
Official numbers, when released, almost always overstate enemy casualties and understate losses. This is just how propaganda works. (Propaganda is a wartime inevitability.)
To get something close to a realistic number, pick a loss ratio you think is accurate, divide high estimate numbers and multiply low estimates. Average out the results between all sources you think are reliable.
At the end of the day, you have a number based on wartime estimates with a vague attempt to filter out propaganda inflation. Real casualties will not be known for years after the conflict is over, if ever.
I went to the trouble to write this because wagging fingers at any specific data source is pointless. Casualty counts are not always intentional misinformation but are almost always wildly inaccurate and is yet another factor in the fog of war.
- Comment on Have I Been Pwned adds 284M accounts stolen by infostealer malware 1 week ago:
There has likely been an evolution of war dialers. It’s probably easier to blast through every possible number once a year, and sell a list of every valid number. Targeting specific area codes is probably faster and would avoid some legal problems.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
All it took was one search to find plenty of contradictions to that post title.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 1 week ago:
But FREE browsing! How revolutionary.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago:
I am an American, use Android and even wore a mask. Most of all, I would have no problems punching a Nazi.
Meh, freedom is just a buzzword that was brainwashed into us at a young age in school and stuff but hardly anyone actually knows what their rights actually are.
As far as phones are concerned, people use them because they look like they are built for children and they are supposedly easier to use. Even though I hate Apple, I can say that they did a decent job on their UI. It’s a local brand as well. The times I was in Germany, Mercedes and BMW were super common, from what I saw. (Why do all Germans drive those expensive things???)
Also, please remember we have a ton of sub-cultutes, sub-sub-cultures, many dialects of American English and importantly, a massive amount of land. (Land is important, because more separation breeds major cultural differences.)
There are some places in this country where I feel like an alien, and I am just an average white dude and I have lived in North Carolina, California, Florida and now Colorado. All of those states are vastly different, culturally.
Most of all, just because I am American, doesn’t make me like anyone else here, contrary to what .ml memes say. I am not my government, I dont eat McDonald’s 10x a day and I am not a fascist. (I do own a reasonable sized truck though. My wife does a ton of gardening work, so it’s logical.)
Don’t generalize people by their phones.
- Comment on Are conservatives mad about trans people or they just mad they get walk around out of the closet while they have to leave the white sheets at home? 1 week ago:
Conservative politicians always need someone or something different to blame for made up reasons. While the right has historically berated LGBT, they will bring one issue or another into focus.
They identify something as problem, tell people that the root of all of their problems is that something. If I blame my issues on something else and then tell people I am their savior and the only person that can fix that problem, I could end up looking like a hero when I do absolutely nothing about it.
Also, stupid people in large groups are easy to manipulate. If one or two people start getting mad about something, the whole group will latch on to that emotion. A couple of key words or chants are of use too! If you have ever seen a trump rally, he just says a few key words to piss people off (Mexicans, immigrants, tans, libruls, etc…) and whatever else he says after that is irrelevant.
Most importantly, the targets of hate need to be vulnerable but portrayed as extremely evil.
If you browse through conservative media, notice they rarely reference anything about policy or improving the lives of people. If they do, it’s directly tied to blaming others for a problem. (Left media can be just as bad, but are nowhere near the machine of bigotry that right media is.)
I could go on for a while, but you should get the idea.
- Comment on Amazon shuts down Chime, its Zoom alternative 1 week ago:
Chime sucked ass and was complete trash. It seems most people I have met with from AWS couldn’t stand it either.
Zoom is still a thing and generally has better performance than Google Meet or whatever the fuck that Microsoft solution is.
- Comment on China’s revised religious policy emphasizes Sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism 1 week ago:
Sinicization, sinofication, sinification, or sinonization is the process by which non-Chinese societies or groups are acculturated or assimilated into Chinese culture, particularly the language, societal norms, cultural practices, and ethnic identity of the Han Chinese—the largest ethnic group of China.
- Comment on Guys with coprophilia are always trying to slide into my BMs 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Can I ethically use LLMs? 2 weeks ago:
Use only grass fed, free roam LLMs.
Seriously though, ethical behavior is subjective. You you want to reduce your carbon footprint? Do you care that many LLMs have stolen their training data? Is corporate corruption an issue for you?
At the end of the day, if you don’t like how open AI operates, don’t use that product.
Ethics and morals are ultimately defined by you. We have some ethics between us that align and some that don’t.
- Comment on Loops by pixelfied Is Doomed to Fail Because Daniel Supernault Doesn’t Want to Develop It 2 weeks ago:
I already block it. Short form video is cancer.
- Comment on Intel Becomes Potential Takeover Target Of Broadcom, TSMC: Reports 2 weeks ago:
If Broadcom takes over Intel, get ready for a wild ride and don’t expect any kind of innovation ever again. If there ever was a backdoor in Intel CPUs, expect it to be opened up and used for licensing extortion. (That seems far fetched until you realize how fucking shady Broadcom is.)
While I shifted to the AMD bandwagon a while ago, I really wanted Intel’s GPUs to develop more over the next decade and split the market up a bit more. Sigh.
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 2 weeks ago:
Same here. Nerd blood runs deep in families.
(When the power brick blew out for my Atari, my dad simply cut open a random spare and re-wound the transformer to match the correct voltage. It was the neatest thing I had ever seen at that age.)
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 2 weeks ago:
Any time! Just learn what you can now and pass the knowledge forward later.
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 2 weeks ago:
It might be worth it for you to get a ham radio license. If the low power modules work for what you need, that is just fine. For the distances you are talking about with cattle fields, being able to legally transmit at over 1000 watts could have perks. (I jest, but having a little more power, in the 1 to 2 watt range, might be practical.)
At a minimum, a portable ham radio might be a good safety tool depending on the size of the ranch. It would be hella more reliable than CB as well.
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 2 weeks ago:
Lol! I suppose the million dollar question is if you are generating interference. You are allowed to have a shitty design that works as long as you aren’t causing grandmas pacemaker any problems.
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 2 weeks ago:
That book is a great start, actually. AC theory is critical in understanding RF circuits.
I noticed there were dedicated sections in that book for LC/RLC circuits. In regards to RF, you might see those referenced as resonant tank circuits, so keep that in mind as you move forward.
You aren’t going to see too much about impedance matching until you start working with transmission lines, as far as I know.
I just looked this up and ready through it and it seems like a good intro. It’ll be confusing unless you have a basic understanding of AC: ……/msa2021-understanding-impedance-ma…
- Comment on I want to learn designing IOT PCBs (with 2.4Ghz wireless) 2 weeks ago:
Start looking for YouTube videos with Eric Bogatin. He is a professor at CSU Boulder and has re-written the book on proper PCB design. (He does have a book, but he debunked a ton of old theories on high frequency board design and signal integrity.)
Once your signal get past a certain speed, you need to learn how electricity actually flows while understanding that both AC and DC theory applies. If you didn’t know that energy flows in the field around a wire, you probably need to step back a little before you step forward. (Reference Veritasium on YouTube: The Big Misconception About Electricity )
You don’t really need to get into heavy RF theory, but it helps. If there is anything you must learn about, it’s impedance matching and why it matters. To summarize quickly, if there is an impedance mismatch between your transmitter and your antenna, you could easily blow out your transmitter due to excessive power draw and signal reflection. (That is somewhat rare for low power devices, but not uncommon once you start to transmit above 5-10 watts.) If a device needs an antenna, use it, even if were are talking about something as common as WiFi.
For your first designs, respect trace lengths and recommended components. Most of all, respect the keep out areas around an antenna diagram and ensure your ground plane is properly designed and away from the antenna. There are many shitty designs that do work, but you want to strive for precision for your first few iterations.
Also, decoupling becomes more than just a thing to do that might improve stability of your MCU or other components. It’s entirely possible to get the rest of your PCB resonating which will cause all kinds of noise. This is partially negated with proper decoupling.
High frequency design just takes a little more care. Just remember the basic saying: Everything is a resistor, capacitor and inductor.
Now, if you just work with modules (and ESP32 with an integrated antenna comes to mind), almost all of the hard work is done. Make sure you have proper clearances, slap the thing on a board and you are good to go.
For the absolute basics, impedance matching with proper antenna length is what you need to learn first. (Receivers are much more forgiving than transmitters, btw.)
- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 2 weeks ago:
Well, most gods are created in mans image. Along those lines, any religious “fact” can be altered to fit whatever agenda the churches have at the moment to justify the widest level of religious adoption “in the name” of their god.
How many white people would have worshiped a darker skinned person while slavery was still an acceptable practice?
Some people are still able to rationalize this.
I question using religious scholars as references to a religious post, but at least that same site seems to be speaking out against white supremacy. I don’t quite know what to think about that post, but it seems the intent was positive. Absolutely make a call-out if I missed some glaring.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Not at all. It absolutely is horrendously complex at times, so be warned. However, it’s an awesome learning project, if you like those kinds of things. (Paw through YouTube for photogrammetry projects as it’s really neat stuff.)
I “stole” a big fossilized rock specimen by taking a 4k video with my phone from all angles. Extracted a few thousand frames and rebuilt it. It doesn’t look like much without the surface texture, but I was able to generate a reasonable 3D model. (Meshroom has also been the only app to thermal-throttle my 7950X3D.)
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Photogrammetry (with Meshroom) or 3D scanning (point cloud alignments and processing has some beast requirements).
Meshroom would gladly use any resources it can find within a 20 mile radius.
- Comment on White House fires USAID inspector general following critical report 3 weeks ago:
Another UM account? Hey a life you fucking Nazi.
- Comment on 'This has to stop': House Dem faces backlash for 'promoting physical violence' at DOGE protest 3 weeks ago:
“Can’t you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?” Trump allegedly asked about the demonstrators protesting the death of George Floyd
Trump publicly praised Montana’s then-Rep. Greg Gianforte ® — the state’s current governor — for previously assaulting a reporter. “Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!” Trump said
Trump used violent rhetoric when referring to protests in Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd’s killing, tweeting, “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
“stand back and stand by.”
Rick Santorum - “I think the right approach is to accept this horribly created — in the sense of rape — but nevertheless a gift in a very broken way, the gift of human life, and accept what God has given to you… rape victims should make the best of a bad situation.”
Richard Mourdock - “I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
Clayton Williams - “Rape is kinda like the weather. If it’s inevitable, relax and enjoy it.”
There are thousands more, btw.
- Comment on DOGE's next target revealed after $59 million spent to put illegal migrants in luxury hotels 3 weeks ago:
I guess someone pissed you off, UM.
- Comment on Fights about policy changes explained 3 weeks ago:
“That one fucking instance” is also acceptable.
You know which one.