- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
It’s too much like the real anti-fluoride arguments, man. I can’t recognize it, man.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
This is, and I don’t say this lightly, one of the dumbest conclusions I’ve ever seen someone jump to.
Might as well say that fluoride in the water caused software developers, lmao.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
By that logic, forcing any name on a child is selfish, so they should pick their own name, since they are the ones that would have it. Although, in that case, temporary names would probably be a thing, so I don’t really see the issue (or you could use other cultural naming conventions like that, but that is one that exists.)
Unless your argument is nonconformity is selfish? I personally think some people will find a reason to make fun of another person, but nominative determination does have its appeal if you don’t believe that.
All names were unique at some point, but that’s a moot point. Eventually they will either become more popular or less popular.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
How is it a stupid name? Are rarer names stupid? It’s just a name, if a very uncommon one, and it’s not even particularly hard to spell or pronounce, nor is it without thought. Combination names can sometimes produce odd results, so this one feels fairly mild.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
Are you arguing that variants of names meaning blessing shouldn’t exist, or are you just against a new name? Because every name was new at one point, and lots of new names are variants of older ones.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
Eh, the kid could have worse, and it seems pretty fitting for the name’s origins.
If you think of children as blessings, and want to change an existing name a little – in this case, Jessica – it makes sense. The first recorded instance of Jessica is from Shakespeare, who could’ve changed the biblical Iesca (Jeska) to Jessica by mixing Jesse into it (or making Jesse into a woman’s name… or other potential origins like the word jess being turned into a name.) And you consider Bless to be a name (though rather unpopular), so it wouldn’t even be particularly odd for the name.
- Comment on Twitter loses World Bank ads over pro-Nazi content placement 6 months ago:
You could also pronounce it like Exitter and it still works.
- Comment on Texas power prices briefly soar 1,600% as a spring heat wave is expected to drive record demand for energy 9 months ago:
The biggest mistake a lot of people make is being born poor.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
Yeah, I suppose those would. I wouldn’t have thought it, but definitionally, it would be! I mean, heck, some of those are listed by Meriam-Webster! Isn’t language neat? You learn something new every day.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
Users create and/or share content, check. Users discuss content, check.
Unless you think something is missing from that definition, Lemmy is social media. It is pseudonymous, but it is still social because of the users.
- Comment on It takes a village 1 year ago:
Lmao, this guy never got the blinding stew. My first time was when my mom thought I stole a candy bar from the grocery store, but it turned out my sister did it and planted on me, so she got double dosed, it was pretty funny.
- Comment on It's canon now. And so is a certain image format. 1 year ago:
I love Lejolas and Jimli’s gokes.
- Comment on They're perfectly good brownies, Karen. What is your problem? 1 year ago:
They didn’t, otherwise there’d be one less, they’d be wider, flatter, and the tray picture wouldn’t be from an amazon listing.
- Comment on Politically-engaged Redditors tend to be more toxic -- even in non-political subreddits 1 year ago:
Definitionally, you argued.
- Comment on Politically-engaged Redditors tend to be more toxic -- even in non-political subreddits 1 year ago:
So, are you suggesting that people aren’t allowed to complain about things, are you suggesting that complaining about things cannot be done in tandom with works that better the lives of trans, or are you suggesting that people that actually want trans people to have better lives don’t get to complain about things? Because every one of those implications are dumb as shit, especially if you have any historical knowledge of civil rights movements.
No, instead you’ve taken a stance historically used to oppress civil rights movements, using a false dilemma to essentially proport that one cannot talk about the issue because that is wasting time not doing some unknown thing about it.
And by virtue of your own post, why are you arguing with people about people arguing instead of helping trans people get the rights they deserve?
- Comment on Politically-engaged Redditors tend to be more toxic -- even in non-political subreddits 1 year ago:
Authoritarianism and enforced heirarchical structures (as well as support for such regimes) are very much a right-wing philosophy. They also espouse the same “both sides” philosophy that conservatives push (which is a justification for maintaining the status quo, and another right-wing position.)
- Comment on Politically-engaged Redditors tend to be more toxic -- even in non-political subreddits 1 year ago:
Because people other than the two arguing read that and learn things. If someone states factually wrong or hurtful information about, say, trans people, I would rather they be corrected than someone think that trans people are anything other than human beings being human beings from that prior comment.
- Comment on Steam Workshop Has added support for paid mods 1 year ago:
Bethesda’s goal, as usual, is rent-seeking. They can’t penetrate more markets, so they need to make new ones, and what better way to do this then to hire what amounts to contractors doing gig work. They don’t even have to pay them except in commission, which is a really scummy thing to do.
Some people see this as a way for mod-makers to make money, but mod-makers already have those! Every mod I’ve seen and every modder I’ve talked to has a donation link you can send money to, and the ones who didn’t had organizations and charities you could send your money to instead.
- Comment on DoorDash now warns you that your food might get cold if you don’t tip 1 year ago:
Nah, that’s a Backronym (added to fit the name after the fact.) Tip comes from English slang, meaning “to give”. can give tips for money or information.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Your post history indicates that you hate minorities, so that doesn’t feel like a point you believe in, but I don’t think you believe in anything, so there is that.
- Comment on A controversial tier list 1 year ago:
Also W.
- Comment on YouTube’s anti-ad blocking test gets even pushier with a new timer 1 year ago:
Is pirating stealing? Nothing was taken from YouTube. You could say it’s unauthorized access, or unauthorized duplication of data, but none of that leaves YouTube down any data.