- Comment on Google has dropped its promise not to use AI for weapons. It’s part of a troubling trend. 3 weeks ago:
I mean, the data centers aren’t going to be on prem, they’ll have more than one and distributed across regions.
Don’t trust your cherished family photos with Google lest they use them to train their AI models or provide them as facial rec training data for military purposes now.
- Comment on Aerodynamic Improvements 4 weeks ago:
But look at the new problem you’ve introduced. MORE TIMEZONES.
- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 5 months ago:
I see Vivaldi, I upvote.
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 5 months ago:
But it’s not sending images. It’s content recognition, so it can tell you’re on a bank site but not decipher your password if it showed briefly
- Comment on "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours 5 months ago:
Rimworld is from Ludeon Studios.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
Loud and lying every second word != lucid.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
If goose are geese, moose must be meese.
- Comment on Air Canada must honor refund policy invented by airline’s chatbot 1 year ago:
You’d think they’d have tried a better case then. They lost in the court of public opinion as soon as it was about bereavement and their argument that the chatbot on their own site is a separate legal entity they aren’t responsible for is pants on head stupid.
In a way, we should be grateful they bungled it and are held liable, other companies may be held to the same standard in the future.
- Comment on Meet generation stay-at-home: ‘You don’t need to pay to go clubbing: you can sit at home and watch it on your phone’ 1 year ago:
The MBAs are just becoming the landlords now. The"lol get their pound of flesh if we stay in or go out.
- Comment on Windows Mixed Reality to be removed in Windows 11 24H2 1 year ago:
As a reverb G2 owner, my rage knows no bounds. Can’t even sell the thing in good conscience.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
Like, where ya gonna live when you’re too old to be independent Mom and Dad? I sure as fuck won’t have space for you in my $3000 shoebox apartment.
- Comment on Making Awesome 166 - Bambu Lab, Segment about Bambu and decrypted Bambu Logs. 1 year ago:
Video is private now. Anyone got a mirror?
- Comment on Income isn't keeping up with inflation, 76% of Americans say in new CBS News poll 1 year ago:
Judging by a recent presidential candidate poll, this is correct. Americans only seem to care about alternative facts
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 Has Been Completed by 1.3 Million Players, Shadowheart is Most Popular Love Interest 1 year ago:
Half elf*
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
That was the most non-judgemental and logical answer I’ve seen in a while to vaccine hesitancy, nice work.
- Comment on What is this pit used for? 1 year ago:
The subject of Mouserat’s greatest hit.
- Comment on The only thing that matters 1 year ago:
Consequences for not fulfilling our end of the deal? Nah, we’re good there too.
- Comment on LinkedIn user data leaked: Database shows emails, profile data, phones, full names, and more confidential info. 1 year ago:
I see Lemmy has implemented Reddit’s security settings. Impressive.
- Comment on WhatsApp’s AI shows gun-wielding children when prompted with ‘Palestine’ 1 year ago:
It doesn’t surprise me to read this, but it does surprise me you’d write it without citing sources. Got any you can share to help others educate themselves?
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
“if you thought about it though and decided not to, too bad, we’ve decided for you that you must go through with it”
-Also Republicans
- Comment on Has HP printers always been this bad? 1 year ago:
Samsungs printer biz got bought by HP IIRC. I have a 3405w and drivers are only from HP now
- Comment on Why would the immune deficiency foundation do this? 1 year ago:
IDF reservists actually took the step of protesting against the government over recent proposed changes to weaken their Supreme Court. (Source)
Not what you’d expect “a bunch of fascists” to do. Nearly every Israeli citizen has mandatory military service.
Surely you’re not labelling an entire population based on the actions of their government?
- Comment on Firefox will have a built-in ‘fake reviews detector’ — Amazon is in trouble 1 year ago:
Cause after I have 60 tabs open I can still tell what they are cause I can read the title, not just see the fav icon.
Praise Vivaldi
- Comment on Lockheed CEO Pitches Pentagon on Subscription Software 1 year ago:
you mean hot local MIGs, right?
- Comment on You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users 1 year ago:
MacOS has had time machine for over a decade.
How is this different except for the fact it’s not our Lord and Savior Linux?
- Comment on Do any of you use Raspberry Pi’s ? 1 year ago:
Did you find any way to have pihole work with mobile properly? I tried it 6 months ago and while it blocked ads, it left giant gaping white spaces with Xs through em, searching my eyes at night.
- Comment on Do you think VPN companies will start to feel pressure from legal/corporate powers to crackdown on pirating? 1 year ago:
If they keep tracing it back to the provider it doesn’t matter. Eventually rightsholders will squak enough at politicians and pay them big money to pass legislation banning VPNs or some stupid shit like that. If enough countries do it, VPN providers will have major operating challenges.
- Comment on Now that we've had SF for a bit, what do you think? Good, flawed, bad? 1 year ago:
As well as SalesForce. /s
- Comment on What do you think of framework and their methods? 1 year ago:
Check what facts? No model number was provided. The ThinkPad spans decades. We don’t even know if this is an IBM era or Lenovo era Thinkpad.
- Comment on Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out 1 year ago:
Tell that to the Eldritch deity.