- Comment on Sorry babe, the US never invested into public transit at the level we were supposed 1 week ago:
The US needs to do way more than invest into public transit. You need to completely rethink city planning to get something suitable for human travel. Suburban America is like the antithesis to public transportation (or god forbid, walking).
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
No magnetic confinement fusion reactor in existence has ever generated a positive output. The current record belongs to JET, with a Q factor of 0.67. This record was set in 1997.
The biggest reason we haven’t had a record break for a long time is money. The most favourable reaction for fusion is generally a D-T (Deuterium-Tritium) reaction. However, Tritium is incredibly expensive. So, most reactors run the much cheaper D-D reaction, which generates lower output. This is okay because current research reactors are mostly doing research on specific components of an eventual commercial reactor, and are not aiming for highest possible power output.
The main purpose of WEST is to do research on diverter components for ITER. ITER itself is expected to reach Q ≥ 10, but won’t have any energy harvesting components. The goal is to add that to its successor, DEMO.
Inertial confinement fusion (using lasers) has produced higher records, but they generally exclude the energy used to produce the laser from the calculation. NIF has generated 3.15MJ of fusion output by delivering 2.05MJ of energy to it with a laser, nominally a Q = 1.54. however, creating the laser that delivered the power took about 300MJ.
- Comment on Rust is Eating JavaScript 1 week ago:
Sort of, browsers can run rust code through webassembly. But i dont think this is a full replacement for JavaScript as of yet.
- Comment on For-profit Pie Adblock (from the founder of Honey) called out for copying uBlock Origin open source code without credit 1 month ago:
The very first sentence of the article answers these very two questions.
- Comment on *agressively keeps pressing 0* 1 month ago:
I work at a large telecom company building customer support infrastructure, and you are by and large correct. It is a direct policy not to list our phone number on our website, which is supposed to “nudge the customer journey towards alternative solutions first.” That means AI chat, or user guided search on the website, or whatever.
The funny thing is, being the most customer friendly company is supposed to be one of our organisation’s goals. By and large actually, individuals working here (at least at the lower levels) all want to genuinely help customers. However the way incentives are set up and the organisation is structured, inevitably cost savings is what drives most of the work that gets done.
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
I think people exaggerate how bad QWERTY is. Studies have not consistently found an advantage for one keyboard layout over another, and some studies even show that typists can reach equivalent speeds even with randomised layouts. This suggests that experience and practice with a particular layout is far more important to typing speed than the particular placement of letters. Which is a good argument for keeping qwerty around.
(reducing the risk of mechanical typewriters jamming by not having two hammers next to each other be pressed at the same time),
This story is quite common but there is little evidence that it’s actually true. The designer of qwerty actually made a late adjustment to move R next to E (swapping it with period), even though ER is the second most common letter combination in English.
- Comment on Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Team Disbanded After Critically Lauded Platformer Fails to Meet Expectations - Report 4 months ago:
How the mighty have fallen eh? Prince of Persia was a big franchise once upon a time.
- Comment on Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Team Disbanded After Critically Lauded Platformer Fails to Meet Expectations - Report 4 months ago:
The big reason I’m hearing in this thread is “Denuvo and I don’t trust Ubisoft.” However I doubt that is the reason the mainstream audience skipped over this game. Ubisoft franchises generally sell like hotcakes, and for the most part only nerds care about DRM (like the type of person who knows what a lemmy is).
It’s hard to say why it didn’t sell more units. Certainly it seems their internal expectations were sky high:
similarly to the biggest Metroidvania’s in the market, with millions of units sold in a relatively short space of time
The game is good, but metroidvania is not exactly an easy market; there’s some juggernauts in that genre, and they came out with a completely new and unproven concept. Apparently it sold a million units or so still, to me that’s not unimpressive.
On PC, it initially launched only on Epic afaik, which certainly doesn’t help. And by the time they brought it to steam it was much too late.
What I don’t really get is, why disband the team? They’ve proven they can produce quality stuff. Just hand them some other promising projects? I suppose that’s too much of a risk for a publisher like Ubisoft.
- Comment on TSMC's 2nm process will reportedly get another price hike — $30,000 per wafer for latest cutting-edge tech 4 months ago:
The number has some connection to transistor density, in the sense that a lower number means generally higher density. However there is not any physical feature on the chip that is actually 3nm in length.
This has been true since the late 90s probably.
- Comment on Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda and DLCs of all time 4 months ago:
Since Skyrim? I’d say their quality has been slowly declining since Morrowind. It wasn’t that noticeable at first, since oblivion, fallout 3, and Skyrim were still quite good and fallout 4 was decent. But then fallout 76 was a mess at release, TES blades was shit, and starfield just seems lazy.
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago:
Why is it weird? It’s just your butt. Are you scared of your butt?
- Comment on Why do phone manufacturers use in-display fingerprint readers instead of fingerprint readers on the power button? 5 months ago:
It really depends on the sensor tech. The fingerprint reader in my pixel 7 pro is absolute dogshit. I’ve heard the pixel 9 line improves things though.
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 needs 64GB of RAM for ideal performance — oddly, the game install size is only 30GB 5 months ago:
You now need to remember his velocity, his position on the map, the direction of his flight, his altitude, his plane’s weight and who knows what else, I’m not a pilot.
You’re not wrong per se, but I’m having trouble fathoming gigabytes of data being consumed by these types of parameters. You could probably track hundreds of thousands of airplanes with that much space. The only thing that I could imagine taking up that much memory is extremely detailed airflow simulation.
However, as a rule of thumb, the vast majority of memory data for video games is in most cases textures and geometry, and not so much the simulation. Based on the article, it seems this game streams high resolution geometry data based on your current location on earth, which I would say is the most probable reason it asks for so much memory.
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
The problem is, you have so much speed that you keep missing.
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
So, yeah, bottom line: you only need a delta-V of about 12 km/s to get out of the solar system, but a delta-V of 30 km/s to get to the sun without going into orbit.
This is true, but the possibility of gravity assists mostly nullifies the difference. If you can get out to Jupiter you can basically choose: either let it sling you out of the system, or let it cancel out all your orbital velocity so you fall into the sun.
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
These are all technically correct but fairly inconsequential. Even just to graze the sun you need to lose 90% of your orbital velocity. And although everything orbiting the sun will eventually fall in, the friction is really low. It will take billions of years to lose enough velocity to fall in.
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
I’m confused now, because espresso is also coffee? Like, it’s all made from coffee beans. I agree that Americano is espresso with water, but to me that is absolutely a kind of coffee.
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
I guess I’ve never really thought of “black” as a type of coffee. Where I live black usually just means you don’t want any milk in whatever type of coffee you ordered.
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
an Americano is not a black coffee.
It is however, coffee that is black,
Hold on now, I’m not getting this. What meaning could “black coffee” possibly have other than a coffee that is black?
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
So that’s hot water that went through pressed coffee powder.
The “pressed” doesn’t refer to the coffee powder but to the water: the water is pressed through the coffee grounds using high pressure (around 9 bars or so).
- Comment on European iPhones are more fun now 5 months ago:
- Comment on Dead Cells has its final update out now with The End is Near 6 months ago:
Is there any reliable source for this information? Or is it rumours only.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
It was the beginning of the end, because they saw how much money they made on the horse armour vs how much effort it took to make it. It was actually generally criticized at the time, but it also sold really well.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
WoW was like the iPhone of MMOs. Didn’t invent anything, just put it all together in a coherent, accessible, user friendly package.
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
But on a fundamental level, in the least instance admins have to be able to know who votes for our version of the system to even work compared to the competition.
Could you elaborate on this claim? Because I don’t really see why that would be true.
- Comment on Steam’s latest update to user reviews doesn’t find your “jokes, memes, ascii art and other content” as funny as you do 6 months ago:
Every website has been like that for a decade or more. But they are required to tell you now.
- Comment on Can't beat the classics 6 months ago:
At the time, it held the record of most cars destroyed for a film. That has since been eclipsed various times, mainly by films from the fast and furious franchise. But the current record holder is one of the transformers films.
- Comment on Solar Photovoltaics with Battery Storage Cheaper than Conventional Power Plants 6 months ago:
There was this guy that made a pumped hydro water tank on his roof and by his calculations a cubic meter of water was equivalent to a AA battery.
That sounds crazy. Let’s do some math. From what I can find, a double A battery contains about 10-14 kilojoules of energy. Let’s use 14 to be charitable.
A cubic meter of water weighs about 1000kg. We know the formula for potential gravitational energy U = mgh. So if we used all the energy from the battery, we could lift the water:
14000 = 1000 * 9.81 * h h = 14000 / (1000 * 9.81) ≈ 1.43 meters (4 feet 8 inches)
That assumes 100% efficiency of course. Still, lifting a ton of water even two feet ain’t nothing to sneeze at. Batteries have a lot of energy.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
The Chromecast is a small $35 dongle that goes behind your TV. This new thing is a whole $99 set-top box with an AI integration. They’re not really the same product.
- Comment on Balatro celebrates 2 million sales, will feature major gameplay update in 2025! 6 months ago:
This is basically correct but i would add sometimes it’s better to add chips than to add mult. For example, if your score is something like:
10 x 50 = 500
Adding +50 mult here would give you 10x100=1000 points. Adding +50 chips will give you 60x50=3000 points.
Adding to the lowest of the two numbers improves your score the most. Especially early game, mult is much lower than chips, so you want to improve mult. However once you have some good mult jokers improving chips becomes important. Especially in high card based decks, where you get very few chips from your hand.
If the multiplier jokers come in, the picture can change again. It makes adding mult more valuable because the addition will be multiplied.