- Comment on Eggs sure have gotten cheap! Oh they haven't?...well I'm sure Trump is doing EVERYTHING he can 2 days ago:
Huh, never really considered that.
Do you think the levels of “caricaturization” (my phone doesn’t like that one, so I mean turning the “enemy” into caricatures) and satire directly correlate to feelings of fear or loss of control, maybe? Those in power don’t seem to use satire much, if at all.
So yeah, I agree that it’s probably counterproductive, but it also seems to be a somewhat instinctual response, and therefore it should probably be guarded against in particular. Unless I’m overlooking some hidden benefits that aren’t just racist to some extent…
- Comment on Exclusive: Microsoft is finally shutting down Skype in May 3 days ago:
Good point, they never really got past that, huh
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 3 days ago:
You were making good points, what happened?
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 3 days ago:
A random Better Homes and Gardens article clocks a 2000 square ft (185 square meters) home with central air conditioning at nearly 19,000 watts.
So I think most homes could handle that in general, but I don’t know about specific wiring requirements to handle that kind of power draw from just the kitchen. So do these things require that level of retrofit?
- Comment on Exclusive: Microsoft is finally shutting down Skype in May 3 days ago:
I agree with you here. They just never kept up with what people wanted or needed out of a communications platform. When Discord showed it was more versatile nearly 10 years ago, my whole group switched and never looked back.
Skype call sounds still bring specific kinds of nostalgia though.
- Comment on What is your favorite app for Lemmy? Include Platform 2 weeks ago:
Thanks, dumbass! 🤣
- Comment on What is your favorite app for Lemmy? Include Platform 2 weeks ago:
Excellent, just the example I needed to prevent me from examining my own use of Sync. I picked it up straight off of RiF and it’s been mostly fine. Spoilers rarely work and sometimes it just straight up can’t “fetch the image,” but I can do the things I care about, like downvoting and making ad hominem attacks. 10 out of 10 for me.
- Comment on xkcd #3048: Suspension Bridge 3 weeks ago:
Wow, that’s a throwback. That game is why I know that definition.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
Every comment in these posts seems to be either “StarCitizen killed my family and dishonored my temple” or “can’t believe people let SC kill their family and dishonor their temple.”
Same old hate without real substance.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
The video is a redo from the guy who did it live at Citizen Con, because the demo crashed when they were onstage.
- Comment on "Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury" 2nd Anniversary Visual 4 months ago:
I liked it and am glad for the diversity it introduced.
- Comment on Why is UI design backsliding? 5 months ago:
I have no problems with it, so I guess I’m some sort of savant? There is such thing as good and bad UI, but I think this is a case of ‘what you’re used to’ causing problems with ‘what is.’
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
Finally, change I can believe in
- Comment on All things serve the beam. 5 months ago:
That’s funny, I thought the lingual drift of thank you was really neat as a detail. I forget the plates thing, though. Was that when everyone was getting their powers?
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Yep, don’t care, I’m up voting anyway. This game is well done. I loved Gunpoint, I loved Heat Signature, and I’ve been really enjoying this one. Writing, gameplay, graphics… I’m a fan, for sure. The whole Defenestration Trilogy is worth it.
- Comment on Gov. Ron DeSantis welcomes drivers to 'Free State of Florida' on new state line signs 6 months ago:
I thought the Space Coast was blowing up
- Comment on Gov. Ron DeSantis welcomes drivers to 'Free State of Florida' on new state line signs 6 months ago:
Affordable where? I want to get out of this rental but I need to stay close to a big city.
- Comment on Staggering Incompetence: Biden's Commerce Secretary Is "Not Familiar" With The Bureau Of Labor 6 months ago:
She didn’t say she wasn’t familiar with the department of labor, she said she wasn’t familiar with their report. What an idiotic headline.
- Comment on If you feel like you're always being watched, can you really claim to have integrity? 6 months ago:
Sounds like you were the correct amount of high. It’s the only way I get that introspective.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Okay then, I’m being performative. I feel better about myself, thanks.
- Comment on Here's what a random person on the internet thought of Medal Of Honor Airborne 6 months ago:
Great review, random person on the internet!
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
It’s so weird that so many people are calling being accommodating in such a small way “performative” or whatever! I think some people just can’t handle change and blame others for it.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
The Spider-Man games come close, but that first Arkham game was just so well done
- Comment on X’s new AI image generator will make anything from Taylor Swift in lingerie to Kamala Harris with a gun 6 months ago:
Oh boy! Can’t wait to experience the ramifications of this one!
What’s next? Gonna try to recreate Deep Impact, just to see?
- Comment on A Harris-Walz Administration Would Be A Nightmare for Free Speech 6 months ago:
Is this just an advertisement for his new book?
- Comment on Went to r/conservative to see how they're doing 6 months ago:
I used to stop in from time to time to get a really good smh in, and I was never disappointed. I’d be interested to see a real screenshot.
- Comment on Can somebody explain to me why this needs Bluetooth? 6 months ago:
Serious answer: it’s a “smart” urinal, in that it can report usage statistics, alert maintenance staff to problems, and be remotely controlled.
If you’re in the facilities maintenance business, Bluetooth-enabled equipment can be a good way to get an operational technology network up and running without a lot of costly retrofit.
- Comment on Are my standards for women to high? 6 months ago:
That standard is fine. Leave the rest out and do things you like in social settings and bip bop boop, you’ve found somebody who’d rather be with you than at a club, even if all you do is watch anime, or she sits on the couch and watches you play video games. Be open to your ideal looking different from what you expected.
- Comment on Are my standards for women to high? 6 months ago:
Anime and video games to the exclusion of everything else? Are those the only two options? What about reading and movies? Or knitting and podcasts?
If all you do is look for reasons not to date somebody, then that is all you’re going to see.
- Comment on Are my standards for women to high? 6 months ago:
You asked, I answered. Do you want to know what people think about your standards or not? I agree with your friends. I’m not equipped to help you demystify your feelings towards women, but I think a good place to start is by examining why these things are such deal breakers to you. Is the presence of these qualities the only things you find attractive, regardless of any other factors? Because that’s not how people typically view attractiveness.