- Comment on What if we called instances providers? 2 days ago:
E-mail provider
- Comment on Potential upgrade 2 days ago:
Thinking more about it, If you just want to host and not mess around like I do, I would use your current computer, install Docker on it and see how you like it. Host a example website see if you can get it to work, Try a Minecraft server and see if it works… If that’s not for you then you can try VMs with an entire OS. This will be a lot more overhead but it will also work.
After you know what you like (Docker containers or an entire VM), I’d design what you want to do. Are you going to have a lot of people on your Jellyfin and Minecraft servers? how much RAM, CPU, Storage do they use?
Once you have that information, Look at prices, Do you want one big PC and will it do everything you want? If you need to buy several, maybe it’s better to get a bunch of small ones?
If it’s one big PC then you’re done. Get it, install Docker/VM and go.
If you want to play around or you need to get many PCs, do you want to cluster them so Minecraft server can move to a different PC if that PC fails? then do Swarm or K3s if you’re okay with docker.
If you need to do small PCs, maybe you install Docker normally on each and manage them separately.
In the end it’s totally up to you what you do. I use K8s :)
- Comment on Potential upgrade 2 days ago:
I’ve never actually used swarm so I could be wrong. However, I was under the impression that Docker swarm is a lot easier to use with a lot more examples for people to deploy their Containers.
With K8s/K3s I find myself translating a lot of docker examples into deployment yamls with Services, Network Policies, PVCs, secrets, etc, etc. It’s just a lot more lines in the .yml files. This also assumes you know that anything that you run in docker you can run in K8s with 1 replica and more is not ideal.
- Comment on Potential upgrade 2 days ago:
Yeah, so you have more than one PC and they will talk to each other and decide who hosts what.
For example, you host nextcloud and the cluster will decide (unless you tell it differently) it goes to PC1. Then you host Minecraft and the cluster will put it on PC2.
Now, PC2 dies, you unplug it, or generally something bad happens. The cluster will see that Minecraft isn’t running, PC2 is down, and start Minecraft on PC1. The best part, just keep adding cheap computers as you need more compute power. One container (Plex,emby,etc) can not run on two or more computers. If you need to transcoded then you’ll want one with a GPU or a more powerful CPU depending on how many people will use the service.
This all assumes you’re not using local data. Meaning if the Minecraft save and config files are on PC2 and it dies, starting it on PC1 will either not work or be 100% new. There’s other self hosted software to replicate the data to more than one computer or you can have a NAS of some sort.
It’s a bit more advanced but a lot of fun if you enjoy that kind of thing. It allows you to work on your stuff with minimal downtime. Of
- Comment on Potential upgrade 3 days ago:
I have 3 raspberry PIs, 4 various lenovo tiny PCs all in a kubernetes cluster and it seems I need more RAM than CPU. Storage is on a DIY NAS with 8*8TB disks in a raid 6.
I run bookstack, nextcloud, 2007scape, gitea, synapse, the *are stack, Plex, and a bunch of other things.
If I was just starting out I’d grab a used lenovo tiny or two, set up a docker cluster and play with that. There is software to replicate local storage across nodes that I’ve never touched but I’d try out a few of them also if you don’t want to use a NAS. Worst case, just use local storage and the containers will be locked to that host.
I think Proxmox let’s you run VMs and Containers too if you prefer that route.
- Comment on Who gets all the tariff money about to be collected from US citizens buying products from Canada? 4 days ago:
So, on import of whatever, the bill is still $xxx but there’s an extra tax line for 25% that adds on top and goes to the government. Now they build a car with that and the car is now ~25% more expensive. The customer pays the +25% for the car.
Government doesn’t need to collect as much tax from people who make over $1,000,000 because they got 25% from that import and so its a tax cut.
Is my smooth brain correct?
- Comment on Melbourne start-up launches 'biological computer' made of human brain cells 4 days ago:
How long before AI runs on this? We need to stop… I’m scared. This is black mirror level shit.
- Comment on Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals 5 days ago:
Nice, Brother was the last one standing in my mind.
I’m glad I have an IoT vlan without internet access. Nothing is allowed to phone home here.
- Comment on Can you create/moderate a community on a instance other than your own? 6 days ago:
lemmyshitpost currently has a mod from a different instance. Not sure if that means you can created it but it seems that you can at least be listed as a mod.
- Comment on Mozilla is already revising its new Firefox terms to clarify how it handles user data 6 days ago:
My understanding is that they are all under Mozilla and they’re all in danger of the same business decisions.
If that’s not the case I’d be more than happy if someone could prove me wrong.
- Comment on Mozilla is already revising its new Firefox terms to clarify how it handles user data 1 week ago:
I’ve already moved most of my stuff to forks or different software altogether.
Firefox -> LibreWolf and Waterfox
Thunderbird -> Evolution
I’m still trying to decide if I want to move off k9mail on mobile to something else. I probably will but I’m not sure what at this point.
- Comment on Oreo 5 months ago:
Yes, you may use my armpit.
- Comment on How to tell my actual internet speed usage? 5 months ago:
Web browsing needs maybe 5mbps, you can change the speed in the Firefox F11? F12? Menu and see.
The real test is downloads. How long do you want to wait for a 1GB file?
- Comment on too slow speed through wireguard 7 months ago:
Good luck!
If you want to stay with whatever provider you have you can try openVPN over TCP or a SOCKS proxy over SSH (both TCP traffic). Anything TCP might be faster than WG
- Comment on too slow speed through wireguard 7 months ago:
Yeah, that sounds about right to me. I’d look for a different provider if you’re looking for speed. Like I said above, OVH was unusable to me so I went to hetzner.
There “lowendbox” if you want something cheap. I used some Christmas or new year deal at racknerd that was alright.
- Comment on too slow speed through wireguard 7 months ago:
You could also try a VPS from hetzner and see if its any better. Here’s my speed test just now using WG on my cell, exit through Hetzner.
- Comment on too slow speed through wireguard 7 months ago:
Is your test TCP or UDP? My guess is that’s TCP traffic.
Your VPS provider can rate limit as specific as a single UDP port. Try a different WG UDP port or wrap your WG traffic in TCP with other software and try again.
- Comment on too slow speed through wireguard 7 months ago:
My WG traffic looked like a DOS attack to OVH and I got blackholed for 5min, then 15, then 30.
My guess is your provider is rate limiting your UDP traffic.
- Comment on Control D and Tailscale partner up! 7 months ago:
Why not use your current DNS solution? I’ve got all my hosts using my self hosted DNS at home.
- Comment on Webflow says 2TB of bandwidth is worth $1,250 per month 7 months ago:
I had a VPS with racknerd for a year. I just used it as a wireguard endpoint to exit in the US. I had no complaints but I also didn’t use it very often.
- Comment on I bought frozen BBQ eel and the best before date says LJ349. What does this mean? 10 months ago:
I mean, is there something to the right? I think not because the français is below so I guess good luck. I’d personally eat it unless you bought it months ago.
- Comment on Roku suffered another data breach, this time affecting 576,000 accounts 10 months ago:
My account is with mailinator (free throwaway email) and I’m hopeful someone does this for me. That sounds quite nice.
- Comment on Beginner needs help with setting NextCloud without a domain 11 months ago:
There’s free domains too. I can’t recommend any but I know .tk should be free.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Link too me to the comments.
- Comment on Multinational firm’s Hong Kong office loses HK$200 million after scammers stage deepfake video meeting 1 year ago:
- Comment on Camera Companies Fight AI-Generated Images With 'Verify' Watermark Tech 1 year ago:
Consoles (Xbox, Nintendo, PlayStation) are all hacked eventually. All that will happen is someone will hack a camera to sign any image sent to it.
I think this tech (signed pictures) is just going to make the problem worse. Once a camera is hacked, it’s “signed” but fake… Same spot we are now but now we have fake verified pictures
- Comment on Thousands of private camera footages from bedrooms hacked, sold online - VnExpress International 1 year ago:
I’d almost say your exposure is bigger in the cloud. WAY more software involved, it’s shared environment, and someone elses computer… In addition, it’s complex to properly setup. People often leave it alone once they get it working, no security test or checks.
Even IF it was because it was hosted at home, I blame the companies who build this shit. Market to end users, “super easy to use!!” But no security by default? Nuts.
Enable auto updates, randomly generated admin password (no defaults like 123456), and support for more then 3 years will go a LONG way for the average consumer.
- Comment on makes sense 1 year ago:
I have no idea but I had the same question. I also love the fact that We’d believe that he’d do something like this.
Please tell me it’s real.
- Comment on Google Fiber is offering early access to $250 per month 20-gig service - The Verge 1 year ago:
I can get 8gbps for a reasonable price. For ~30 less I’m getting 500mbps because my firewall only supports about 700mbps of actual throughput.
The home 2.5GE routers might have 2.5gig nic but I highly doubt they can support it for a sustained time.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yeah, it’s the entire thing /s