- Comment on Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos 1 week ago:
Carriers don’t care. They are selling you data. They don’t care how it’s used. Google is selling you a phone. Apple held down the market for a long time for being the phone that has some of the best security. As an android user that makes me want to switch phones. Not carriers.
- Comment on Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos 1 week ago:
If you want to talk money then it is in businesses best interest that money from their users is being used on their products, not being scammed through the use of their products.
Secondly machine learning or algorithms can detect patterns in ways a human can’t. In some circles I’ve read that the programmers themselves can’t decipher in the code how the end result is spat out, just that the inputs will guide it. Besides the fact that scammers can circumvent any carefully laid down antispam, antiscam, anti-virus through traditional software, a learning algorithm will be magnitudes harder to bypass. Or easier. Depends on the algorithm
- Comment on Cybertruck's Many Recalls Make It Worse Than 91 Percent of All 2024 Vehicles 3 months ago:
Imagine if every car was under as much scrutiny as elons tesla and cyber truck.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 peaks at 52,000 concurrent players, 20 years after its release 3 months ago:
I’m not sure how the game engine can incorporate such fine detailed mechanics. It almost seems like it’ll have to be reworked from the ground up, with only the assets being maintained.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 peaks at 52,000 concurrent players, 20 years after its release 3 months ago:
I mean half life alyx’s entire mechanics revolve around VR controls.
- Comment on Minecraft-like free and open source game VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2) hits over 500K downloads 3 months ago:
Oh yeah her and I put in over 100 hours into it. It was scary watching her play because I let her have her own save and she was like on year 4 with nothing done because she refused to leave the house when it rained. And didn’t know how to water crops so she just explored. Oh how much I forget how knowing nothing of how games are supposed to be played leads to just mindless wandering lol
- Comment on Minecraft-like free and open source game VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2) hits over 500K downloads 3 months ago:
Ok I get the Microsoft hate… I’m trying to introduce my daughter to Minecraft because it’s a great game to just explore adventure and creativity. I own like 5 accounts all of them were username and password, and all of them paid for. But since they didn’t have an email address I couldn’t find most of them? I managed to get one back and it required the worst Microsoft account log in experience. When I finally managed to get into the game and be able to play it there was no way for me to do split screen.
How the hell is there no native split screen. The console versions have it. I had to spend hours finding mods and have to open 3 different programs just to get the game to open and play split screen by running 2 different Minecraft screens, and even then half the time it doesn’t even work.
It turned me off so bad I said eff it and found some platform games for my daughter and I to play. Of which there are few, apparently Nintendo owns the best ones, Sony with their astrobots. I was left with some hat in time game which wasn’t bad. But it definitely left a lot to desire.
I guess I’ll have to check out it takes two
- Comment on Minecraft-like free and open source game VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2) hits over 500K downloads 3 months ago:
I don’t get it. I got Minecraft when it was still beta, then played it with friends and fam when aether mods were a thing, that was like 6 to 8 years ago? What has changed about Minecraft that Libre is something that needs to exist?
- Comment on WILD 3 months ago:
Not all words are accepted by society
- Comment on WILD 4 months ago:
You just made up all those words.
- Comment on Bad news 4 months ago:
Found the OSRS player.
- Comment on An Update from PlayStation Studios (Neon Koi and Firewalk Studios are closing) 4 months ago:
I was wondering why people were leaving the offices today ask solemn. Turned out the 2 floors above me were leased by firewalk. More room for the other gaming studio we’re building out who was sub leasing them I guess.
- Comment on It's because of Gerald's Game, isn't it? 4 months ago:
Not a good dream it still read as a nightmare lol
- Comment on It's because of Gerald's Game, isn't it? 4 months ago:
Yeah metro is good. My name is Artem so when I listened to the audio book it felt like I was reading a dream.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
I keep my own bees for honey and I have chickens for my eggs. I’m trying to cut off the industry from my life. Not that I’m vegan, the industry tends to remove a lot more from the end result than just the humanity.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
I mean anything commercial comes out to be pretty inhumane. They cut off the queens bees wings in commercial honey harvesting.
I guess bees aren’t as animal as chickens are?
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
Bees produce honey. Chickens produce eggs. Can’t eat eggs. Can’t eat honey.
Idk I’m not a vegan either.
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 5 months ago:
Where the hell am I supposed to get a N64?
- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 5 months ago:
I didn’t realize the hardware of an iPhone is superior to hardware of other flagship phones.
- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 5 months ago:
Why do you need an iPhone to get a Linux phone?
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Maybe. Who am I to judge.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Are we just making up words now?
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Man it doesn’t even need to devolve into a debate. You get berated just for having an opinion on something more and more. That’s the problem with the voting system anyways. People that don’t share an opinion with you shouldn’t even have an option to down vote. Just don’t vote at all. Up votes are for shared opinions. But even then the biggest gripe I had with reddit was the system has the up voted “popular” comments as the most viewed as well, leaving the opinions of people unseen without looking for them.
People are impressionable. If they see everyone agreeing with a comment they feel they need to skew their opinion towards the common dissent or risk being alienated. We’re communal creatures. And social media screwed with our heads with the need to fit in.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
I agree. I already tend to get tossed into a category because I don’t agree with a majority of the user base. If people can get categorized more by how they vote, and lemmy users are already pretty savvy, I can see a scenario where people get tagged.
- Comment on Boy meat 7 months ago:
We have this bologna in our fridge at all times. It’s the best. Fry it with some eggs. Kids love it. Never even thought about how odd the packaging looks lol
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
So who does the capitolost vote for? The rich control the decisions. Like always. The ones who fund the parties. The ones who back the people in power.
If the people got who they backed we’d probably have Bernie or someone else who got grassroot funding.
- Comment on Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” 8 months ago:
Man these sensational titles for articles have been setting such a deceiving narrative. I feel like I’m in a veiled world since like 2015
- Comment on Reddit brings back its old award system — ‘we messed up’ 9 months ago:
Dude I can’t even run the website anymore. It lags, won’t click links, can’t even get into my settings. I thought I had malware but it was exclusive to every time I opened a reddit link.
- Comment on How Airbnb accidentally screwed the US housing market and made $100 billion 9 months ago:
What does some kids leaving trash out have to do with air bnb?