- Comment on Sun God 1 week ago:
Ironically mercury while being the closest planet to the sun, isn’t the hottest planet in the solar system. Venus takes that title because of its atmosphere holding so much co2. Im sure its fine were putting so much of it in our atmosphere.
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 1 week ago:
If you are going to run a bland milquetoast status quote candidate every time, they have to be perfect to appeal to anyone. I can overlook a shady past if it promotes truly leftist causes.
- Comment on Mr. Steal Your Girl 5 months ago:
Oh just new boot goofin.
- Comment on If Jesus can turn water into wine, but wine is still mostly made of water, can Jesus apply his powers recursively and create more and more concentrated wine? 5 months ago:
Is this a midas touch kinda thing? The human body is 60% water 🤔
- Comment on Recommendations on casual GB/GBA games? 5 months ago:
Advance wars is peak gba
- Comment on Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating 5 months ago:
The earliest exponention clicker game I ever discovered. Lost dozens of hours to ti83 drug wars
- Comment on it's just that simple. Don't forget to exercise out of depression... 6 months ago:
As someone who spends 10+hr a day working outside I can assure you that being outside and doing physical activity does very little to aid my depression.
- Comment on mario 6 months ago:
There’s a reason everything the the mario universe has eyes.
- Comment on Blow dart 8 months ago:
Didn’t know your boyfriend was Mimi-Seku did ya.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 10 months ago:
My comments are in reply to it’s cheeper to buy fast food than healthy food. I pointed out that’s not always the case. I’m not the one using the disabled as a strawman to attack anyone’s point.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 11 months ago:
The points keep changing. Went from cheaper to buy fast food to takes more effort to make food to it needs to be well rounded. The goal posts keep moving. It’s been my experience that it takes less time and money to make a healthy meal at home. I don’t know why that’s a problem to you.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 11 months ago:
I’m not claiming to spend an hour making dinner. I haven’t ate fast food in a year mainly because it takes 20min waiting in line and costs way too much for junk unhealthy food. I often eat just scrambled eggs for meals because it is fast and easy. You sure as hell aren’t getting a balanced meal at a fast food chain. You can make excuses for eating that unhealthy junk all you want.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 11 months ago:
It takes roughly 5 min and 1$ to scramble up a few eggs. It doesn’t need to take an hour to prepare a decent affordable meal at home.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 11 months ago:
I don’t know about that. A combo meal at McDonald’s is inching closer to 15$ in a lot of places. You can go down to the grocery store and get a good amount of food for that much. Healthy doesn’t necessarily mean only the expensive organic, free range, non GMO whatever foods are worth eating.
- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
I hazard to guess they are the most likely to engage with adds like popups, and banners, and be least likely to recognize native advertisement.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram are currently down. 11 months ago:
Att had their major outage a week or two ago.
- Comment on Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game 1 year ago:
Maybe we don’t make every game a live service. Remember halo 2, game was fantastic and no micro transactions in sight if you don’t count xbl.
- Comment on A fake recording of a candidate saying he’d rigged the election went viral. Experts say it’s only the beginning 1 year ago:
When I was growing up I was told to never trust anything I saw on the Internet.
- Comment on First game you played 1 year ago:
Console would have to be the Mario/duck hunt/track and field combo. Pc would be either dos MegaMan or kurstys fun house.
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
- Comment on My Sega Genesis running Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) 1 year ago:
I never heard of anyone having fond memories of ecco the dolphin.
- Comment on Gen Z is cooking more and shopping less as they struggle to achieve financial success 1 year ago:
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches have become a staple for me over the last couple years. So long ordering out every day. I hate cooking.
- Comment on I hate how everything requires you to download a shitty proprietary data harvesting app nowadays when everything can be done just fine without an app. 1 year ago:
How Ironic I click the piped link. It throws a can’t play error and asks me to download the app. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
- Comment on Most U.S. adults don't believe benefits of AI outweigh the risks, new survey finds 1 year ago:
I’ve been watching a lot of geoguesser lately and the number of people who can pinpoint a location given just a picture is staggering. Even for remote locations.
- Comment on Is America Really That Bad? 1 year ago:
Live in a suburban area. Several of my neighbors have 5+ acres of land. One of them has a makeshift range, so I hear someone shooting all the time, sometimes for hours on end day after day. I’m not thrilled by it.