- Comment on In the US, it's finally socially acceptable again to clap when the plane lands 1 week ago:
I’ve witnessed it on waaay more than one occasion. After a “just a normal landing”.
- Comment on In the US, it's finally socially acceptable again to clap when the plane lands 2 weeks ago:
I wonder who doesn’t like your comment. This clapping shit is so cringe. Maybe under some very difficult conditions. But hey, they’re trained for it? And I’m pretty sure they do it for themselves too lol
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I don’t remember the details but yes, further promotions do avoid mandatory retirement.
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
It’s been released on PS3. This is a remake or remaster, whatever is the most appropriate terminology.
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
And Demon’s Souls shouldn’t really count either. Not without a significant disclaimer at least.
- Comment on If me and a bunch of my lemmy friends got on a yacht. Went into international waters what could we get away with legally and what would still be illegal? 2 months ago:
What about cruise ships and their changes to gambling when in international waters? I’ve read quite a few times that the rules their machines work with change dramatically in that case. And they’re mostly still registered in countries with more strict rules otherwise.
Provided the above is true of course. Or could they be sued in this case?
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Spelunky 2.5
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 4 months ago:
And give refunds if it’s added after purchase.
- Comment on TSMC execs allegedly dismissed Sam Altman as ‘podcasting bro’ — OpenAI CEO made absurd requests for 36 fabs for $7 trillion 5 months ago:
Mah, won’t happen like this. It was similar with Facebook 10 years ago and look at where it is now.
- Comment on Cyborg: A Documentary – new film about first upgraded human asks whether we should just because we can. 5 months ago:
Ask Alt Cunningham if her soul is intact…
- Comment on NATO official: Ukraine has legal right to strike deep into Russia 5 months ago:
Right, like I said. So no news.
- Comment on NATO official: Ukraine has legal right to strike deep into Russia 5 months ago:
But was this ever a question? The problem was if they can use “gifted” weaponry for this purpose.
- Comment on Google threatened tech influencers unless they ‘preferred’ the Pixel 6 months ago:
While this is true it should come with the caveat that it is basically reduced to… Advertising.
- Comment on Steam’s latest update to user reviews doesn’t find your “jokes, memes, ascii art and other content” as funny as you do 6 months ago:
One does not necessarily exclude the other 🤷♂️
- Comment on Anna's Archive Loses .GS Domain Name But Remains Resilient. 7 months ago:
I’m thinking about starting to host some content.
Unrelated to hosting, from the few searches I’ve done, they’ve got MASSIVE content duplication issues. If I would average this out to all content I could easily say the content is duplicated 20-30x, which probably isn’t true on average. But even if it’s 2-3x it still seems a waste at such a large scale.
- Comment on The taste of 🦅🇺🇲 Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 7 months ago:
Too much bread in that case 😂
- Comment on What’s happening at Tesla? Here’s what experts think. 10 months ago:
Sorry he started what? Or did you mean to say he took-over?