- Comment on Am I a bad artist 😂? 22 hours ago:
If all your art looks like the single image provided, then the honest answer would be yes, unfortunately. That said, one image with minimal content isn’t much to go off, and as with any skill, this will change over time, esspecially with practice. Notably, this also looks like something dedicated to a loved one, so at that point intent matter more than artistic skill anyway.
- Comment on Gaming has a polarization problem 1 day ago:
From what I’ve heard, its mostly people expecting the game to be more dynamic - more akin to Skyrim’s varied gameplay systems or Fallout: NV’s story and quests. They’re going in expecting something with heavy RPG focus and getting something more action focused.
- Comment on Is there a better way to search for/sort mechanical keyboards? 4 days ago:
At this point, I’m mostly just trying to figure out what my options are. Trying to search Mechanical Keyboards dot com just burries me in results with no meaningful way to filter them. PcPartPicker is slightly better, but lacks most of the dedicated keyboard brands. The only site I’d found that offered through filters was Memoey Express, although their selection was also very limited. The other comment suggesting Keeb-Finder was pretty much exactly what I was looking for (although a lot of the results aren’t available in Canada, but its still far better).
- Comment on Is there a better way to search for/sort mechanical keyboards? 4 days ago:
I didn’t expect to get my answer from a marketing spam bot (nontheless one that can’t even link the relevant website properly), but here we are. Keeb-Finder was what I was looking for.
- Submitted 5 days ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on why was 1995 video games console very pixel art graphics but music was high quality and images were great??, 5 days ago:
When you compare that to the amount of memory in video game consoles, they had to keep things simple and couldn’t afford to go fill professional digital audio.
This was my point. The problem wasn’t digital verus analog. It was more that home computers couldn’t run something as complex as a game with resources that high-quality. Even 3D games following 1995 (since that was the start of at-home, 3D games) were running at low resolutions with low poly, low-res assets and lower quality sound.
- Comment on why was 1995 video games console very pixel art graphics but music was high quality and images were great??, 5 days ago:
In 1995 CDs were already well-established and quickly becoming the standard. Dgital audio had already been around for decades, and the main distribution method was digital.
- Comment on Is cops being evil/lazy/incompetent a USA specific thing, or is it the same everywhere in the world? 5 days ago:
American cops are kinda average compared to the global stage. Most of Europe, for example, has much more restrained, much less incompetent cops. On the other hand, much of the world has cops much worse than the US. I have a family member who lived in one of the less stable African countries, who recounted the time a bunch of cops beat a child for “daring” to wear camo pants.
- Comment on why was 1995 video games console very pixel art graphics but music was high quality and images were great??, 6 days ago:
There’s a couple factors, but to oversimplify, games are just very complicated. If you had a high-end recording studio, you might have a high-end computer (for the time) to digitize recorded audio. You just need to basically record a microphone and be able to play it back, so its not too complicated anyway. In the same vein, for animation and CGI, a studio would have super high-end computers, and even then it would often take days for the computer to process a single high-quality image or much longer for animation.
Compare that to games, where you need to generate an image in about one 30th of a second. At the same time, the game has to also play back sound, handle a bunch of extra input and logic for the game, and has to do it all on a computer that an average family can afford.
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Balatro: Friends of Jimbo (Pack 4) - Official Reveal Trailer 1 week ago:
Yes. They’re just free, themed reskins. Nothing major, buts its extra free content for an already good game.
- Comment on What is the difference between same brand or different brand different 5070Ti gpus? I mean prices vary quite significantly 1 week ago:
Basically, the actual processor on the card is made by Nvidia and sold to card manufacturering companies like Asus, Zotac, ect. Those manufacturers will then build the rest of the graphics card around that processor. Most of the card will be very similar between manufacturers, as the processors require very specific card designs but some layout details, cooling, overclock specifics, and appearance can all be changed by the card manufacturer. As well as that, different manufacturers will have different design and quality standards, and different support systems.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Generally, its because people don’t know its an option, or how to do so. Like, even knowing its a good idea, I have no idea where I’d start looking to buy one and I’m fairly informed around tech.
- Comment on For different game store, legally, what happens if they close? 2 weeks ago:
Thanks for your thorough answer. That was my understanding from the research I was doing as well, but I am probably even less of a lawer and was hoping someone with more experience could check my work.
- Comment on For different game store, legally, what happens if they close? 3 weeks ago:
As I said in the post, I understand the technical side. Its the legal aspect I’m asking about. For example, yes, you can freely download a reuseable launcher from GOG, but as its only granting you a licence to the game, that licence can’t be transfered (without GOG’s permission), resold, ect. and if the licence is revoked, continuing to use the launcher would be piracy. I’m asking what happens if any of these stores goes bankrupt legally. Would licences be revoked/invalidated, or how would that work?
- Comment on For different game store, legally, what happens if they close? 3 weeks ago:
You’re buying a licence either way. Its not like you can resell your GOG games or anything. They say you will have three days to backup your installer, but what happens to the licenses in either case? If they end when GOG or Steam go under, legally, it doesn’t matter what DRM is used.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 17 comments
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
Looks like the general consensus is that its not terrible, but is unfinished and not at all worth the price.
If you’re looking to get into Civ, I’d probably recommend either five for a more complete, and polished game, or six for a weirder and more experimental game.
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 4 weeks ago:
I’m currently using a model M clone (thats like 40 years old) but the lack of N-key rollover is killer for even simple games.
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 4 weeks ago:
Ducky One 3 TKL RGB in white is $179 CAD, so even more expensive. That said, I guess its probably worth the extra money compared to the backlight-less version at least.
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 37 comments
- Comment on California just debunked a big myth about renewable energy 1 month ago:
Ah, yes. Thank you for proving solar and wind are reliable. I’m sure the performance will be completely identical here in Canada where it’s been dim and overcast for the last two weeks and everything is coated in 6 inches of ice and 30 more of snow.
I’m obviously being facetious, but this is a really terrible headline. Renewables have an important place, and California is right up there for best case, but using best-case and saying that debunks the idea that they’re unreliable is ridiculous.
- Comment on Plex redesigns its app to look more like a streaming service 3 months ago:
Honestly, I’ve only dabbled in Plex, but Im kinda confused about the hate for this. Isn’t the whole point to be able to more easily browse and use a large media library (esspecially for something like a shared library)? This seems like its useful to that purpose.
- Comment on Why do gamers encourage this kind of behavior? 3 months ago:
Its unfortunately a pretty common thing, esspecially for gatcha games. Look at the whole Limbus Company debacle from a few years back, for example, where people protested outside the studio because the summer skins weren’t sexy enough (for a game that hadn’t previously sexualized characters heavily) and got an unrelated artist fired because she was a feminist and thus was surely the one who made the decision.
With gatcha games, its a bit of a perfect storm with the extreme investment expected in these games, the monitization of characters, an industry that leans into this, and the fact that these games tend to be made in and marketed towards east-Asian regions where generally, sexuality is more accepted but sexism also more common.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
Its possible I’ve just been lucky enough to avoid that part of the playerbase. Then again, my perception my also be skewed from spending so much time in Dead By Daylight, War Thunder, Minecraft and Counter Strike. At least in Dota, it takes some effort to kill more than a couple teammates.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
Honestly, by online gaming standards, I’ve found Dota pretty tame. Prehaps its just because I stick to more casual modes and have a high behaviour score, but I rarely see much more than a “GGEZ” at the end of a game, or players tipping mistakes. I think its been at least a month since the last time I saw someone hack, intentionally teamkill, or throw. Obviously, its still a competitve online game (toxicity isn’t rare), but the only other online game I can think of where I experienced less toxicity was Deep Rock Galactic.
- Comment on Would there be any merit in the idea of NATO waging a "benevolent war" (for lack of a better term) against Ukraine? 3 months ago:
It could be done, but it could even more easily be done to just say Ukrane is part of NATO, and NATO will intervene if necessary to prevent further territory loss. The result would be the same. Putin doesn’t care about the theatrics. He just wants the Ukrainian identity destroyed and the land to be considered Russian.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 3 months ago:
Well, they implemented some graphical improvements and options, as well as workshop mod support so now would be a good time for a replay.
- Comment on How far away are we from someone using AI to create an animated TV show by themselves. 3 months ago:
Technically, it can and has been done already. The problem is that AI is very bad at creating new ideas and even worse at understanding what it has created (as is required for plots or jokes). As a result, any writting created with heavy AI influence tends to sound like a child’s stream of thought with an adult’s vocabulary, and any jokes rely purely on randomness or on repeating an existing well-known joke. Similarly with art and animation, because the AI doesn’t understand what it is creating, it struggles to keep animation of elements consistant and often can’t figure out how elements should be included in the scene. Voices are probably the strongest part, but even then, it can be buggy and won’t change correctly to match the context of what is being said.
None of this is to say AI is useless. Its very good at creating a “good enough” quick-fix, or to be used to fill unimportant or trivial work. If used to help clean up scripts or fill in backgrounds, it can speed up the process greatly at minimal cost. It’s a tool to be used by someone who knows the field, not to replace them.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 RTX | Half-Life 2 20th Anniversary Tribute Video 3 months ago:
In general, I agree, but I think you underestimate the benifits it provides. While ray-tracing doesn’t add much to more static or simple scenes, it can make a huge difference with more complex or dynamic scenes. Half Life 2 is honestly probably the ideal game to demonstrate this due to its heavy reliance on physics. Current lighting and reflection systems, for all their advancements and advantages, struggle to convincingly handling objects moving in the scene and interacting with each other. Add in a flickering torch or similar and things tend to go even further off the rails. This is why in a lot of games, interactive objects end up standing out in an otherwise well-rendered enviroment. Good raytracing fixes this and can go a really long way to creating a unified, variable look to an enviroment. All that is just on the player’s side too, theres even more boons for developers.
That said, I still don’t plan to be playing many RTX or ray-traced games any time soon. As you said, its still a nightmare performance wise, and I personally start getting motion sick at the framerates it runs at. Once hardware catches up more seriously, I think it will be a really useful tool.