- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 1 week ago:
I’ve checked, its true. Linux plus Firefox already puts you in the 2 percent category.
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 1 week ago:
This breaks all kinds of stuff though. A ton of sites use Google for captchas.
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 1 week ago:
Port Authority is a good one too, I think. Need to check that it is still maintained.
- Comment on What 5 Megabytes of Computer Data Looked Like in 1966 ~ Vintage Everyday 1 week ago:
Look at those forearms. Absolutely she knows how much work this is. Also absolutely she numbered them all in pencil.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Just trying to rake some of thst Google cash
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 1 week ago:
Just looking through the features, things like their own VPN.
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
What is the licensing? Doesn’t look open.
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
Got any links for howtos on this?
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
I dealt with a lot of time sinks like this running on consumer hardware. I got a Dell R720 and those problems all went away. Now I have a power and cooling problem. :D
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
Interested in this too - immich gets so much viral hype I’m a little suspicious of it
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
That’s such a nice feeling
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
I run it on BSD and just use the pkg and never have any trouble. Clients are all in the Tumbleweed repos so are the latest which I think helps. Update, run occ update and it always works fine.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
Don’t forget that “may you live in interesting times” is a curse
- Comment on Stalwart mail server 2 weeks ago:
Ive been using exim, hardly a change in many years. Works great. Front end with pfsense and pfblocker, add spamassasin, it is very, very solid once you get over the initial configuration hump.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 2 weeks ago:
Yep it is slow but steady.
- Comment on Virtualizing my router - any experience to share? Pos/cons? 3 weeks ago:
Even if the virtualized router is down, I’ll still have access to the physical server over the network until the DHCP lease expires. The switch does the work of delivering my packets on the LAN, not the router.
Yes, of course it depends on your network topology. If you have a link in the same subnet you’re good (and can configure a static IP if need be). But if you’re using vlans you can get in a pickle if the router is down. In my setup everything on the user side is segregated so if the router goes down I have to take a dedicated management laptop and plug into the host management network directly on the management switch where i keep a port empty. This maintains segregation and in practices means I take my ancient Acer Aspire One used for nothing else into the server room that looks strangely like a laundry room and plug it in.
- Comment on Virtualizing my router - any experience to share? Pos/cons? 3 weeks ago:
It works great as long as you have a method to access the server directly when the router machine is down. A laptop set to a static IP on the same subnet will let you access the host when you b0rk something. Keep a backup config on that machine It’s pretty great though. Just remember pfsense won’t support more than 7 external interfaces when you start getting crazy with vlans
- Comment on Rackspace moving some of its own workloads off VMware 3 weeks ago:
They were Openstack since the beginning. When did they go to VMWare?
- Comment on This was Likely Recently Auto-Installed on your Phone. 3 weeks ago:
Second Hamstudy app. Also it isnt super trivial but I heard there was a six year old that passed so YMMV I found it a decent amount of work but nothing crazy. Join your local amateur radio club and they are usually awesome.
- Comment on I have $5 genuine United States dollars here. 3 weeks ago:
The Jack London story “The One Thousand Dozen” from The Faith of Men pivots entirely on eggs being $1 apiece
- Comment on Bottling that vaporlock blowing batch of Grand Cru 4 weeks ago:
Yep I had lots of those.
- Comment on Bottling that vaporlock blowing batch of Grand Cru 4 weeks ago:
Yeah I treat twist offs as one time use, they are just too hard to deal with. Aside from being clear and irredeemably labeled, Topo Chico bottles are the best. But Fischer made the best - brown and flip top.
- Comment on Bottling that vaporlock blowing batch of Grand Cru 5 weeks ago:
Nah they are pop top. I can’t recap twist offs so your memory is correct.
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to homebrewing@sopuli.xyz | 6 comments
- Comment on Don't let the smoke out 1 month ago:
But if possible I’d like to cause a short without being an animal about it
- Comment on Don't let the smoke out 1 month ago:
Operate it wrongly enough
- Comment on Something has gone awry 1 month ago:
Not in this one. Was a couple pounds of Llano Pilsner malt, a pound of pils LME, 5 lbs golden LME and a couple of lbs honey. Simethicone? Never heard of that but why not lol
- Comment on What are you brewing? 1 month ago:
Diastaticus is a good one I want to use in meetings
- Comment on Something has gone awry 1 month ago:
I’m thinking it was a temp spike as the house heat came on. Hasn’t run and it was pretty cool in it’s little corner, then warmed up some and all the sluggish yeast woke up.
- Comment on Something has gone awry 1 month ago:
Just goes to show you, ive been brewing at a medium skill level for ages and leave lots of headspace and never had this happen, but I guess krausening is good