- Comment on Astro Boy: Omega Factor Artist Tomoharu Saito Lost A Leg Due To Working On The Game | Time Extension 4 days ago:
Damn, didn’t know he died. The headline should be:
Omega factor artist Tomoharu Saito lost a leg, and then his life, due to working on the game
- Comment on 1 week ago:
For me, it was the lack of support for certain Wi-Fi cards. I had to pull an older Wi-Fi card out of an old Chromebook, because no flavor of Linux supported the card that came with the (Windows 11) laptop. And guess who has two thumbs and no Ethernet port…
Finally got it working, but at one point i was almost willing to have a USB tether to my phone, just so i wouldn’t have to fight with windows anymore.
- Comment on The world might be a whe different place if Ask Jeeves won the search engine wars 1 week ago:
“Just Jeeves it” doesn’t quite roll off the tongue…
- Comment on Can I ethically use LLMs? 2 weeks ago:
The only “creation” I’ve tried to do is a cover letter for job hunting. If I needed something other than a resume, portfolio AND references, then I see nothing wrong with using one to do work that another ai is going to look at… Just my $0.02
- Comment on If I'm at threat to lose my job because I never shut up about politics free speech means nothing to me. 2 weeks ago:
“freedom of speech” means the government can’t arrest you for your views. It doesn’t mean the rest of us have to listen…
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 2 weeks ago:
Whenever i search for a problem now, most of the posts that contain actual answers are more than a year old, and increasingly out dated.
Fortunately, Lemmy is tech savvy and small enough that I can ask questions without worrying about the down vote brigade.
- Comment on Wonder Woman Game is "Years Away From Release" As Warner Bros. Gaming Division Struggles 3 weeks ago:
I’m imagining an LA noir style section involving the lasso of truth (?). And i haven’t seen the movies, but watched reviews, and there seems there might need enough upgrade paths to ramp up the combat elements. Maybe she gets with Batman to upgrade her suit?
Hell, even a tomb raider style origin story might work, if they don’t skimp on the writing team.
- Comment on This was Likely Recently Auto-Installed on your Phone. 3 weeks ago:
Yup, found on my phone yesterday.
It also claimed that i was part of the beta program, which is probably how they back-doored it in, so make sure you leave the beta program to keep it from coming back.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 month ago:
When I beat Grim Fandango.
It was bitter-sweet, because you ::: spoiler spoiler have to leave one of your companions behind, him being a spirit of the land; while you ride off to the land of eternal rest with your new love interest :::
- Comment on What is the origin of aliens looking like humans? Why and when did it become the norm? 1 month ago:
One of my favorite trivia bits from Deep Space Nine;
In order to have a bustling station with weird, exotic, new aliens, the production team took to mixing up alien makeup appliances. A Cardasian neck ridge, with a Klingon forehead, maybe a fish-species mouth, paint it all a different color and baby, you got an alien stew goin’.
- Comment on what floor lamp would you recommend to play a grand piano? 1 month ago:
I like the ones with the multiple, positionable, lamps. You can aim the light.
- Comment on AI Models Falter Answering Election Questions in Spanish. 4 months ago:
AI Models Falter
Answering Election Questions in Spanish. - Comment on Confessions of a Republican Exile 4 months ago:
All conservatives should be exiled.
- Comment on Meet Jagannath Cuddapah: The Architect Behind AI-Powered Media, Entertainment, and Gaming Solutions 5 months ago:
Innovative solutions to what problems exactly? Problems they created so that AI could solve them?
- Comment on Advertisers plan to withdraw from X in record numbers | CNN Business 5 months ago:
Musk plans to sue advertisers planning to withdraw from x in record numbers.
- Comment on Chevron, in a blow to California, says it is relocating to Houston 6 months ago:
Enjoy the hurricanes you helped create…
- Comment on 2nd Work Interview Meeting 7 months ago:
I once had the different recruiters contact me within a month for the same job. Client wanted a unicorn, and kept switching recruiting firms. Wasn’t worth the effort I put in between the three recruiters, but your mileage may vary…
- Comment on Kaspersky Lab is shutting down all its operations in the US by July 2024 due to recent ban 7 months ago:
Hell, I stopped using LiveJournal when they were bought out by a Kremlin aligned company and moved all the servers to Russia…
- Comment on How to talk about the PM of the UK. 7 months ago:
And we love you for it! My current favorite YouTuber is doing a “Star Trek Reviewed by a pedant”
- Comment on Prodigy Season 2: How do we want to discuss it? 8 months ago:
You go to the season post to get an overview and general feel for the season, plus any and all questions or fan theories are welcome.
Individual pages so you can talk in depth about an episode or post questions as you watch, with spoiler free answers.
I wouldn’t do the four discussion threads, but that’s just me trying to cut out redundancy. If others like breaking it up, hell, I’ll give it a try. But i mostly watch Star Trek with the wiki and/or Reddit page up so i can look up trivia and actors i recognize, so one post per episode and a megathread for the season are right up my ally.
- Comment on US bans Kaspersky antivirus software for alleged Russian links 8 months ago:
Well damn! Who’s going to finance the next Roland Emmerich film?!
- Comment on Elon Musk laid off the Tesla Supercharger team; now he’s rehiring them 9 months ago:
I’d go back, put my feet on the desk and collect a little walkin around money, basically daring them to fire me again…
- Comment on Microsoft shows another Bing popup advertisement to Windows users - gHacks Tech News 11 months ago:
I have a laptop with Win 11 installed as default, and dear gods is it exhausting to work with. Right-click has been neutered to the point where I have to click “extra-options” every ducking time because they moved the options I actually need behind another damn click.
If Microsoft would take a lesson from the failure of Clippy, and stop trying to “help me” (jerk off motion) I might stick with it. But as it is, and as it’s going, they are trying to tablet-ify the UX to the point it’s useless on desktop (why the fuck do I have to dismiss a blank screen in order to actually input my password when logging in?!).
Once I get the important files transferred out, it’s Linux baby!
- Comment on YouTube is revamping its TV app to make videos feel way more interactive 11 months ago:
And yet, my YouTube app has to be force closed at least once a day because they just can’t seem to get their shit together…
Dear YouTube/Google/Alphabet/what-the-fuck-ever, GET YOUR APP SORTED FIRST! THEN TRY ADDING FEATURES!?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
“I’ll give you something to cry about!”
Therapy helps, but not enough for me to continue the cycle.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
When i was in high school 2003, my physics class devoted an entire period to a military recruiter… Sufficed to say, only the redneck kids were interested.
- Comment on What are your favorite tools for monitoring Linux and individual docker containers? 1 year ago:
Portainer for docker stuff; CasaOS for RAM, CPU usage, disk drive monitoring, samba shares.
Casa also lets you access the file system, so when jellyfin fails to clear transcodes, I can go in with the web interface and delete the folder.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
Longest I’ve ever gotten was 1114 cycles, and I haven’t won yet either. You don’t win, you just do better each time…
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
I tell people it’s the funnest game you’ll ever hate. It’s cathartic as hell when everything is running smoothly, but it just takes one little bump to throw everything off.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
I’ve put in over 2,700 hours into Oxygen Not Included, so that’s my vote.