- Comment on is feeling disrespected reason good enough to change jobs? 3 weeks ago:
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I got a >100% in 3 years from a >50k by switching companies. That being said I don’t think I would change my current job for a different one, if I ever get made a significantly higher offer elsewhere I’m more likely to use it as leverage to get a similar raise here, so I can definitely understand the not wanting to leave a given company.
- Comment on Not disparaging the dead or anything. But why does it seem in the US we are expected to feel sorry for a person who overdoses on illegal drugs? Didn't they make the choice knowing the outcome? 2 months ago:
By that logic you also don’t feel bad for people who die in car accidents because from the first time they got behind a wheel they knew of the possibility. You should also not feel bad about people who are ran over, from the first time you walked outside your parents told you it was a possibility. Every time you go outside you’re risking being hit by a car, so don’t expect me to cry when that happens, right?.. Right?..
No, life is full of dangers, and ODing is just one of them. Most people who OD are in a bad situation and started using drugs to cope, and then it took control of them. Almost none of them made a conscious decision to OD, and one could argue their road to using that amount of drugs was also not entirely their choice, after all lots of those cause chemical dependency. Think about this, someone is stressed at work, they’re offered a cigarette by a friend who smokes daily, they smoke it and feel the stress going away, are able to focus and get through that tough spot, so they do it again next time they’re stressed, and then they start to get more and more stressed, but now they’re hooked, and trying to quit will be extremely difficult… Would you really not feel bad if that person developed cancer because he was stressed once and a friend offered a cigarette? How is ODing any different?
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 2 months ago:
Yeah, and this should showcase just how bullshit the system is. IMO every one of those 100 trades in the middle should be taxed, this removes bullshit from the system, you can’t buy a contract saying you’ll buy the stock, because that would be buying something of that value and would be taxed. We need to start seeing those 100 trades, as what they are, i.e. a way to try to rig the system.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 2 months ago:
But then the value goes WAAY up. Let’s assume you live in a very good house, and mortgage it you’re able to get 5 million out of it. Do you think someone like Jeff Bezos could live for 5 years with that?. You can do it fairly straightforward, everytime you take a loan, the full amount of that loan gets added, after a period of 5 years that value disappears, if at any point that value goes above 10 million, you start paying taxes on it. And the higher it goes the more tax you pay on it, just like how income tax has brackets, and just like how up to certain values are exempt.
For you or me if we were ever loan 10 million over 5 years we wouldn’t have a way to pay it back. For an Uber wealthy they do that fairly quickly, Bezos mention costs 600k a month, so he’ll get into the first bracket from just that in a year and a half.
People need to realize just how big the gap is, there are plenty of ways to tax extremely rich people without affecting the middle class by just putting the bracket so high up that it’s impossible for a middle class to reach it.
- Comment on How did Third World countries handle the Covid Pandemic? 2 months ago:
MF got elected after saying his son is too educated to date a black woman, in a country with a very large black population. How does anything else he did surprised you? The day he got elected I quit my job and moved to another country.
- Comment on How did Third World countries handle the Covid Pandemic? 2 months ago:
That would mean Brazil is not a developing nation, but USA is.
- Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 2 months ago:
Forever, unless they start calling it Xcom (which would then be confused with the game) X itself could also mean Xorg ( which is a lot older. Not to mention that it looks like someone forgot to remove a placeholder “in the site X, many people talk about…”
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 2 months ago:
It scared the shit out of me, but was one of the best decisions I took, on my next job I learned to impose limits from the start.
I managed to find something very soon, but if I were in a similar position nowadays I would first find something new.
- Comment on Selfhosted alternative to google keep/onenote/evernote/goodnotes? 2 months ago:
I use and love it, it’s a bit more than a note taking app, but it’s definitely worth it.
- Comment on Jellyfin 10.10.0 | Jellyfin 2 months ago:
Uhh, that’s interesting, I miss that feature a lot, but the plugin is always out of date.
- Comment on Why do cell phones have a data limit but home internet doesn't? 2 months ago:
Not all of them do, I’ve seen that in America data limits on home internet is common, and here in Europe unlimited phone data is common.
- Comment on Why do cell phones have a data limit but home internet doesn't? 2 months ago:
Of course you can complain, I pay less than half what you do for unlimited cellular data.
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 2 months ago:
While I agree with you and understand that perfectly, slack doesn’t have that remote management thing, so far I’ve only seen that Microsoft apps.
- Comment on If you already know Docker CLI, is there a reason to use Portainer? 3 months ago:
Dozzle sounds awesome, definitely adding it to my stack
- Comment on which VPS do you recommend? 3 months ago:
I haven’t heard anyone else mention it, Vultr is a good one as well.
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 3 months ago:
Switching the emphasis on one word can completely change the meaning of a phrase, there’s one example I love: "I never said she stole his money"
- I never said she stole his money (someone else did)
- I never said she stole his money (absolutely not true)
- I never said she stole his money (I wrote it down)
- I never said she stole his money (it was someone else)
- I never said she stole his money (she might have just borrowed it)
- I never said she stole his money (it was someone else’s)
- I never said she stole his money (she stole something else)
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 3 months ago:
Even considering your edits, it’s still a stupid argument. By that same logic nothing should be preserved. Watching LotR now is not the same as watching it when it first came out, which should have never been made according to you because by that time the book should have already been destroyed since you wouldn’t want to preserve it for 50 years, but Tolkien shouldn’t have even written it, since they were based on ideas and drafts he did during the first world war exploring how war changes men and power corrupts, which obviously is only valid in that context and nowhere else so it should be destroyed since preserving it would be invasive and destructive, no?.
Preserving something can never be destructive, it’s the opposite of it. If the Mona Lisa was destroyed you wouldn’t even know it existed, so how can having preserved it be destructive when the alternative is oblivion?
And I agree that the Mona Lisa is no big deal, you know who else agrees? People from that time. It’s widely known that the Mona Lisa was one of Da Vinci’s less famous works, and until Napoleon made a big deal out of it it was just a random painting in a random museum. So I get part of your point, that people who make a big deal out of the Mona Lisa are only there to see the famous painting, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no reason to preserve it, or that there are no people who go there to see the actual Mona Lisa.
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 3 months ago:
One thing I find very interesting about how brains process reality is that there’s a disease that makes your eyes have blind spots. However people with that disease don’t see those blind spots because the brain fills the gaps with the information it knows to be there. So you could see a door closed just as it was when you last looked at it directly, but in the meantime someone opened the door and you’re still seeing the door closed until you look at it directly.
- Comment on Does leaving a single board computer caseless can be a problem or not? 4 months ago:
It’s probably fine, but you can accidentally short it when moving it around by touching it or resting it up on something conductive, even if you’re careful dust might short it as well, but this is much rarer.
As a general rule I would try to avoid it, but would not be my first concern.
- Comment on Witchfire is now available on Steam 4 months ago:
Steam vs GoG is a turf war, Epic vs anything will make people side with anything. The problem is that Epic has a shitty store with shitty features, and the only way it can compete with the others out there is to pay piles of money to game devs so they make their game exclusive to their store for some time. So usually people just ignore the game until it comes up in another store, and most of us have completely forgotten about it by then so when we find out just add it to the wishlist and wait for a 90% discount in a while. The game has been out for years at that point so a massive discount is expected soon and you already waited years to play, you can wait a bit more and save money, plus that teaches companies that signing exclusivity contracts is a shit deal.
- Comment on What are good harddrives to use with serves 4 months ago:
One important thing, ensure the drive is CMR, the reason is that you likely want a RAID, and non-CMR disks take so long to read the entire disk that the chances of a second failure while recovering from a disk failure is significant.
That being said, how are you keeping track of the disks state? I built my RAID recently, and your post made me realize that I have nothing to notify me if one of the disks shows early signs of problems.
- Comment on Is martial arts really that useful? 4 months ago:
Rule against hitting the groin or gouging someone’s eyes. There are lots of combat styles that are more efficient than Jiu-Jitsu, but they’re not for competing, they’re for survival.
I used to train some of the less savoury martial arts, and ever so often we had people from the Jiu-Jitsu class wanting to train with us because they saw us doing “wrong things” and wanted to “teach us”. What they discovered very quickly is that lots of Jiu-Jitsu positions put you in a very vulnerable spot if your opponent knows and can use pressure points, including groin and eyes, and that the “wrong” things we were doing might open a counter attack but prevented those things.
I’m not saying BJJ is bad, but it’s not the br all end all that people claim it to be.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
I don’t think it was my GotY, but still an excellent game
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Never heard of it, and sounds awesome, regexes are the sort of things that need lots of practice to be good at, a game seems like a great way to keep the skill alive
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Out of Space a cozy co-op game similar to Overcooked but less chaotic.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Also pissed that the Linux version never made it to Steam, now that Proton is a thing I forgot to check it again.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 5 months ago:
Downvoting per the rules, as I spent months obsessed with this game, having notes with the codes open on my second screen. Excellent game.
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 5 months ago:
Again even if that was the case the fact that you have a button you can click to go into offline mode to play completely negates that this is a form of DRM. How is it the “play anyways” button different from the “go into offline mode” one?
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 5 months ago:
Why do you think backing up an installer is anything different from backing up a folder? What do you think an installer does that’s so special?
You claim I’m emotionally attached to Steam and claim you use GoG because it’s DRM free, and yet I show you GoG is not DRM free and that Steam has DRM-free games and your answer is that “but that doesn’t count because the folder is not inside an installer”.
It’s okay that you prefer GoG, but it’s not because of them being DRM free because they’re not. It might be because you prefer your hames backed up in installer format, or you might have developed an emotional bond over the DRM free claim. You’re the one making an argument from emotion, because you feel that different methods of backup are better or worse, and stick to GoG despite the reason you claimed being false.
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 5 months ago:
Not sure if sarcasm, but in case it isn’t yes they have an offline mode so you can play games and still get achievements, cloud saves, etc while offline and then when you go back to being online it syncs those up.
Not sure why they needed an actual offline mode instead of just trying stuff and caching it for later if it fails (which I think it’s what they do now), but it’s there.