- Comment on If society goes completely cashless, bank robberies would no longer be a thing, which means there would no longer be "bank robbery" plots in future Movies/TV shows. 1 day ago:
What’s wrong with holding people at gunpoint and requesting a cryptocurrency transaction?
- Comment on Meet Rayhunter: A New Open Source Tool from EFF to Detect Cellular Spying 1 day ago:
Is it necessary to get a cell plan to run the hotspot? If its just a matter of buying the $20 and loading EFF’s software, I’m definitely onboard!
- Comment on The one change that worked: I set my phone to ‘do not disturb’ three years ago – and have never looked back 2 weeks ago:
Google hardware is actually solid. Just don’t run Google software.
- Comment on Is there an extensive guide on how to protect kids on the internet? 2 months ago:
Block tyranny porn? Doesn’t that also filter Project 2025?
- Comment on Purposely leaving small amounts of crypto on your device is like leaving a few dollars in the console of your car. It lets you know if your property has had it's security breached. 4 months ago:
Yeah, this was my thought process. Security comes in layers and a huge amount of malicious software will scan for and send away unencrypted crypto sitting on a device. Setting up a small honeypot and monitoring for transactions gives me slight peace of mind. I just wanted to share my shower thought.
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Apple quietly deletes nearly a hundred VPNs that allowed Russians to get around censorship 5 months ago:
The issue is 3rd party apps make it easier for non-techie people to subvert censorship. Raising the bar works bigly in the Kremlin’s favor.
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
- SponsorBlock = chef’s kiss
- Comment on Google Gemini might soon handle your WhatsApp calls, notifications, and more (APK teardown) 5 months ago:
I’m certain I initially saw the screen you just posted. I hit “Use a different app” and hit Camera, then later chose Always. Any idea how to alter that double tap behavior to a different camera app (that’s not built into Graphene)? That’s the situation I’m in now. Thanks!
- Comment on Google Gemini might soon handle your WhatsApp calls, notifications, and more (APK teardown) 5 months ago:
I’m unable to disable that app ( Its greyed out. I assume I did get a prompt initially asking me to “Complete action using Camera” and I hit “Always.” That was before I found and installed the Google camera ( So I’m still stumped how to alter that double-tap “Open by default” to a different, non-built-in camera app (and I can’t seem to find anything in settings). Not a huge deal, but it would be nice to know. Thanks all!
- Comment on Google Gemini might soon handle your WhatsApp calls, notifications, and more (APK teardown) 5 months ago:
I agree that you should be able to change which app opens with double tap. But AFAICT you cannot on GrapheneOS build 2024082200. Someone please enlighten me, if you know a way.
- Comment on Google Gemini might soon handle your WhatsApp calls, notifications, and more (APK teardown) 6 months ago:
You can still install the Google camera app alongside the GrapheneOS camera app.…
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Do Win 10 LTSC users still get shoveled this shit? I’m asking for a friend.
- Comment on Microsoft defends barging in on Chrome with pop-up ads pushing Bing, GPT-4 11 months ago:
Win 11 license is tied to your motherboard. Switching anything besides that won’t change anything. Did you do a fresh install without Internet when you swapped your mobo? Besides that: you could go with Win 10 (preferably LTSC). Your only other option is to ditch Win for an OS that verifiably respects your privacy.
- Comment on SIM swappers hijacking phone numbers in eSIM attacks 11 months ago:
Thanks for the advice! I just added 2FA to my phone carrier account.
- Comment on Walmart to buy TV maker Vizio for $2.3 billion in move to grow its ad business 1 year ago:
“Alexa, was there an attempt by Amazon to put Internet connected microphones in everyone’s home?!”
- Comment on You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI 1 year ago:
Thanks! I’ll have to check it out. I’ve been waiting for an LTSC version before I tried 11. This might due for now.
- Comment on You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI 1 year ago:
- Comment on Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption 1 year ago:
Yep. That 3.5k I pulled out of my ass was just by looking at a graph of max transactions per block thus far. It highly depends on the efficiency of the transactions and size of each.
- Comment on Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption 1 year ago:
Because the max blocksize of BTC is heavily crippled, max transactions per block is around 3,500ish. That puts us at about 500k transactions max per day (1 block every 10 min). So divide 500k by how many seconds are in a day (86,400) and you get slightly under 6 TPS. Whoever came up with 7 TPS probably did more accurate math than me.
- Comment on Sphere in Las Vegas made $167.8M in revenue for first three full months | KSNV 1 year ago:
I’d say this is more of a billball. Sorry, everyone.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Gotcha. A ZigBee/Z-wave plug was the first thing that came to mind. I’ll probably go the same route. I was merely saying that wireless-anything is less dependable than wired. But I don’t even know if wired smart plugs exist. I use wireless sensors around my home and I’ve never had an issue with dependability. I definitely wasn’t considering Z-wave as a local attack vector. I was just brainstorming some way to avoid a wireless solution for something where dependability is paramount.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Care to share what outlet you had success with? I’m comfortable with Home Assistant and ZigBee/Z-Wave. Something this critical probably shouldn’t be wireless, but I digress. I’m also interested in what software you’re using for monitoring and alerts (if you’re willing to share). Cheers!
- Comment on Exploring Reddit’s third-party app environment 7 months after the APIcalypse 1 year ago:
Download and install the Revanced Manager APK from
Now you want to download the Infinity APK from…/infinity-for-reddit/
Now you open the Revanced app, go to the Patcher screen and “Select an application.” Tap storage and navigate to the Infinity APK you downloaded. Tap “Selected Packages” and tap the gear next to “Spoof client.” Enter your ClientID, which you get from:
After you enter that, tap Patch and wait patiently your modded APK. Now install that and you should be set!
Obviously you should test any APK on VirusTotal (or similar) to make sure they are not malicious, but yeah. Please downvote me to hell if any links I posted are bullshit.
- Comment on Exploring Reddit’s third-party app environment 7 months after the APIcalypse 1 year ago:
I avoid the site when I can, but I use Revance-modded Infinity. You generate an API key on and mod the APK with that via Revanced Manager. Unless I’m missing something: that gets you an ad-free Infinity experience for free. Fuck Reddit and fuck Spez. Hopefully the Fediverse will get more niche communities and I can abandon that site for good.
- Comment on How a 27-Year-Old Codebreaker Busted the Myth of Bitcoin’s Anonymity 1 year ago:
That’s crazy that you heard about crypto before it was created in 2008. Are you Satoshi? Did Hal Finney get Internet installed in his casket?
- Comment on SUV stolen from Toronto driveway shows up 50 days later — AirTags tracked vehicle from Canada to Middle East, offering glimpse into shipping routes used by car thieves 1 year ago:
Good call. Sedans are un-stealable. taps head
- Comment on X removes support for NFT profile pictures 1 year ago:
NFTs came about due to collectable communities trying to capitalize off cryptocurrency (think baseball cards, shoes, Funko Pops, etc). NFTs were doomed from their inception because they attempt to give limitless data artificial scarcity.
- Comment on China’s BYD is selling more electric cars than Tesla 1 year ago:
BYD recalled 53k cars in 2022. The pictures you’re talking about of abandoned EVs in China are mostly from ride-sharing companies that went bankrupt in the mid-2010s (after purchasing the cars with generous subsidies that ended in 2019).
- Comment on Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence 1 year ago:
Aux vs Bluetooth is not analogous to Betamax/VHS. It’s more like WiFi and ethernet. WiFi can replace ethernet most of the time, but there are clear benefits to wired connections.