- Comment on Speculative Evolution 6 days ago:
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 6 days ago:
Nope. I try to avoid cheap chocolate though. Life is too short for that. Lol
It’s hard to describe what cheap chocolate tastes like, but it’s day the best description is “waxy”
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 6 days ago:
Huh. I have me problem with candied ginger (or fresh) at all. I’m not crazy about it, but it certainly doesn’t taste like soap.
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 1 week ago:
Yeah, I’m one of those people. AMA?
It’s weird - sometimes I can kinda understand why people love cilantro so much… It’s like, I can kinda pick out the “good” flavors in it even though the overwhelming flavor that registers with me is soap. It’s a real bummer, because I love food and feel like I’m missing it on some really unique flavor profiles.
It’s always awkward having to ask for “no cilantro” in restaurants, and then explaining that it’s not an allergy. It just doesn’t taste good to me.
- Comment on I'm just a 20 year old guy, AMA 1 month ago:
Old dude here. What are the kids into these days? Oh, and get off my lawn.
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
That’s only of you have it set to Wumbo
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
No. God can produce as much lead as he wants. Duh!
- Comment on The feds are coming for John Deere over the right to repair: The farm equipment giant has fought against letting farmers repair their own equipment for years 4 months ago:
Louis Rossman intensifies
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 4 months ago:
God, the irony of MTV playing this as their very first music video.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Whatta Man in my ass
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Not the Push It i was listening to, but this works even better! 😂
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Well, this could not have worked out better…
Push It in my ass
- Comment on Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion 6 months ago:
Logitech has great lawyers. It’s almost guaranteed that there a “this controller’s intended use is only for ____” in their purchase agreement paperwork.
No way is this lawsuit going anywhere
- Comment on Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion 6 months ago:
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 7 months ago:
Like, all their songs?
I can’t stand anything they did after BSSM. Totally lost their mojo and every just felt bland. Prior to that - every album was a banger
- Comment on Garfield do you smell burnt toast? 8 months ago:
And a storage unit for all that junk in the trunk
- Comment on Trustafarians: When the Rich Pretend to be Poor 9 months ago:
Tell me you’ve never heard of Meat Canyon without telling me you’ve never heard of Meat Canyon
- Comment on ‘My hoo haa is gonna be out’: US Olympians slam Nike for skimpy women’s track kit 10 months ago:
Camel Toelympics
- Comment on Still wondering why people from Alaska didn't post about the eclipse 10 months ago:
Yeah, i hate to say it, but unless you’re in the path of totality, it’s pretty lame. Sure, the light gets weird, and you can make neat little crescents with shadows, but that’s about it
Being in totality is without a doubt, one of the most awe-inspiring things you could ever witness
- Comment on Woman removed from Delta flight over 'too revealing' clothing, calls for policy change 11 months ago:
Thank God Delta is doing their part in battling the nipple scourge that has plagued this fine nation
- Comment on Owners of a domain, which domain registrar did you choose and why? 11 months ago:
Porkbun because it was super easy, one of the cheapest, and has rest good guides for noobs for how to connect various hosting sites (like, using Google sites but owning the domain from porkbun)
- Comment on Scientists aghast at bizarre AI rat with huge genitals in peer-reviewed article | It's unclear how such egregiously bad images made it through peer-review. 1 year ago:
It’s not a rat. It’s clearly a grouping of “senctolic stem cells”
- Comment on Ketchup alignment 1 year ago:
Just use the entire ketchup packet as a handy snack; you know, like a savory Gushers candy
- Comment on Meow 1 year ago:
Only compatible with women from Asia
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
Great. Now I’m craving a butter burger
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
Engineer here.
Basically, it’s all about workflow. With the drive through, you’ve got this system that is very linear. The result of that is a flow that can get incredibly backed up easily if one step takes a long time. And believe it it not, placing the order is often the slowest step. This is why many McDonald’s have put in 2 drive through lanes (while still keeping just one payment window and another pick up window which all cars must funnel through).
This basically allows more orders per minute to be collected, as well as preventing clogs due to grandma taking her goddamn sweet time to put in her order
- Comment on Video of ceramic storage system prototype surfaces online — 10,000TB cartridges bombarded with laser rays could become mainstream by 2030, making slow hard drives and tapes obsolete 1 year ago:
- Comment on Video of ceramic storage system prototype surfaces online — 10,000TB cartridges bombarded with laser rays could become mainstream by 2030, making slow hard drives and tapes obsolete 1 year ago:
Holographic storage has been around for about 20 years now. Where’s my holographic drive?
- Comment on WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAIL 1 year ago:
Also highly recommended “alternative” video for the same awesome song:
- Comment on Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first... 1 year ago:
Oh really…