- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 2 days ago:
Because everyone hates xenophobia until it makes them feel superior.
- Comment on France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU. 3 days ago:
I don’t lock them to begin with. And I certainly wouldn’t purchase a tsa approved lock. Regardless, I was not subject to using a lock to avoid opening, that then had a backdoor. Which is why this is a bad comparison all around.
- Comment on France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU. 3 days ago:
You don’t need a tsa approved lock to open an unlocked bag. Nor a bag that is locked in any other fashion. Which is why this is a contrived connection.
- Comment on France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU. 3 days ago:
Red locks had nothing to do with that story. And they were caught and arrested. It is not related.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 3 days ago:
Seems like they made the better bet given the odds, but oh well indeed. Still pretty funny.
- Comment on France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU. 3 days ago:
First off, fuck the NY post.
Secondly, no, it IS unrelated. An issue with the TSA is not an example of a backdoor. Both are bad things, but it ends there.
A law implementing a back door would be a far more ubiquitous concern than some one off sticky fingers in Florida.
Did the tsa use a backdoor to find out what people had in order to steal it? No. How tf is this dumb take supported.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 3 days ago:
Ain’t no dirt involved here. That’s a weird take, tbh. And telling. Naw, it’s just really really funny that you did the thing you accused others of so blatantly and immediately. That’s all.
- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 3 days ago:
Lol. Holly shit, talk about bouncing around being wrong about people. “Mr. Pancake man” is most definitely a woman. Like … nevermind.
- Comment on YSK about Jury Nullification, if you're an American and you don't, look it up. 4 days ago:
You should be applying this to all juries you serve on. Accept those summonses. Get on those juries and use your brains.
- Comment on YSK about Jury Nullification, if you're an American and you don't, look it up. 4 days ago:
Or it will be used to let fascists off, because their supporters will vote fucking not guilty and say that everyone else should too.
- Comment on Why am I getting gore on my racism app? 4 days ago:
Doing the lords work would probably be to support 404 for doing the lords work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 6 days ago:
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 6 days ago:
Don’t let them upsell you on an auto jacker, the manual ones work just fine.
- Comment on What would happen if I took a thc gummy as a suppository? 1 week ago:
I dunno how far to go with this bit, but … Who tf fires a butthole-licking maid!
- Comment on What would happen if I took a thc gummy as a suppository? 1 week ago:
Win win.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
All is not consolidated, though. “All” is your local feed plus what is subscribed to by other users on your instance. It isn’t everything by default, afaik.
- Comment on I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone 1 month ago:
Jfc, finally some sanity in this thread. Thank you. You’d think a bunch of supposed computer nerds would have done a fucking experiment before going off on some anecdotal bullshit.
- Comment on Is it worth it?? 3 months ago:
Working with pretrained models implemented in FPGAs for particle identification and tracking. It’s much faster and exactly as accurate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on 11 pumpkins printed! 4 months ago:
9 skelly bois boning
- Comment on Support local bands 4 months ago:
I played trumpet in a ska band in the 00s. This one time, at band camp.
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 4 months ago:
I was just joking about how newyorkers are notoriously, flippantly, pRoFAnE. Which is just a dumb stereotype, and like most things about the US, it’s not monolithic. Including some infuriating lack of profanity … ya cunt‽
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 4 months ago:
Well fuck off then shit head
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 4 months ago:
You’ve obviously never crossed the street in NY.
- Comment on Comic Sans Got the Last Laugh 4 months ago:
9/10 should have been written in comic sans.
- Comment on It's been 30 years and I still can't get over the fact that the French word for "potatoes" is "ground apples." Have The French never had an apple? 4 months ago:
Here i go, imagining again.
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 5 months ago:
There’s some sampling bias at play because you don’t hear about the less flashy examples. I use machine learning for particle physics, but there’s no marketing nor outrage about it.
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 5 months ago:
Almost as if it’s artificial.
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 5 months ago:
Sure, but people seem to buy into that very buzz wordyness and ignore the usefulness of the technology as a whole because “ai bad.”
- Comment on flowers 5 months ago:
Beats, bears, Battlestar Galactica.
- Comment on Blocked 🚫 6 months ago:
Math is not an invention. It’s a discovery.