- Comment on Those damn democRATS are just a bunch of SNOWFLAKES 3 days ago:
Yes. Fear the clandestine teachers turning your children into the gay. /s
It’s tragic that the teacher has to have that conversation with the kid to show them that it’s okay to be themselves because the kid feels that their parents won’t support them or will outright abandon them. Ironic that there’s no love more conditional than the love of a conservative Christian.
- Comment on We did it! Fandom rebels defeated the looming threat of DEI. 4 days ago:
The modern-day moron’s version of Social Darwinism.
- Comment on We did it! Fandom rebels defeated the looming threat of DEI. 4 days ago:
Everything is DEI if a white man doesn’t have that position. There no way anyone else earned that position on merit. Only white people earn things on merit. It’s not like white men have ever had easier access to jobs, education, positions of power, housing, or anything else…
- Comment on Common Ground 5 days ago:
That’s it how you get people to start moving over to our side here mate. Sure, what they supported is pretty fucked, but if you’re not going to offer people a way to crawl out of the hole they dug themselves in, no one will want to leave the hole.
You’re not wrong for wanting that, but in your righteous superiority, you’re not helping to make anything better.
- Comment on AI Video of Trump Sucking Musk's Toes Blasted on Government Office TVs 6 days ago:
No one’s shaming the kink. It’s a play on “Kissing the feet of your ruler”, essentially implying subservience.
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 1 week ago:
Even as a wildly left progressive, this isn’t cool. Conservatives are necessary as a counterpoint to progressivism in general. Differing views are a good thing as long as they can still work together at the end of the day.
That said, when one group starts stripping the rights of others, whitewashing history, and eliminating free speech? Then yeah, resistance becomes necessary to enact change. And I sincerely hope that the people stripping rights remember that resistance is not always peaceful.
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 1 week ago:
<Trump Crowns himself> " God, this is so funny! I bet the liberals are so pissed now. They don’t get that this is just merely just for show." <Trump dissolves the Senate> “He’s the best! He’s doing exactly what he said he would do, he just permanently drained the swamp! Wooo! Trump saved America.” <Trump strips away the rights of low-value citizens> “Hell yeah! Why should I have to fund their pathetic existence! America is the greatest Democracy.”
I guarantee they will always find a way to pay homage their golden idol.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
No, it’s intended to show their real intent. He has an entire PR team dedicated to trying to make him appear intelligent, competent, and in control. However his actions speak so much louder than words. He’s barely able to contain himself. Luckily, his living flak jacket that he wears around is learning to speak and his hilariously repeating all of the things he says in private.
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 2 weeks ago:
What about that roughly $0.04 of your money so Trump could go to the Superbowl? I mean if we’re being nitpicky here…
- Comment on US egg prices expected to climb further as farmers strained by bird flu outbreak 4 weeks ago:
Please take down this post. It’s mere mention is unpatriotic, and our beautiful, strong President doesn’t like it. As we all know sickness, like this Bird Flu, doesn’t exist, it’s God punishing those who’ve let the gay and other liberals demons into their minds. And even if it did, it would have been Kamala’s fault (Kamala Flu). So again, please remove this post, or else I’ll have to report you.
- Comment on Ex-Obama DHS Chief Tells Morning Joe He Expects ‘Mass Resignation from the Department of Justice’ As a Result of Trump’s J6 Pardons 5 weeks ago:
So that he can install hundreds of his brown-nosed sycophants? How about no…?
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Men that have been captured by the “alpha” and “masculinity” culture don’t realize that it makes them fucking radioactive. They are literally the reason why women choose the bear. Boys thinking that they have to be hyperbolic, over-aggressive, possessive, manipulative assholes in order to be a “man” are the exact reason that they are lonely.
These men don’t have a god given right to just “have” a girlfriend.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
Yeah. I got the magenta one years ago. I’ve been making Trump drop a fucking load on camera for awhile now.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Yeah, I guess that somehow totes proves his point. Super easy to see the world wrong when they have the reading comprehension of a 6th grader.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Mate, your entire second paragraph is completely false. Like, you need to just read this:…/the-story-of-fluoridation
It’s considered by the CDC as one of the greatest Public Health Achievements of the last Century. There have been dozens, if not hundreds of studies about fluoride affects in the water supply.
- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 3 months ago:
Yeah, but at the end of the day we either want Lemmy to grow, or we don’t. And if we make it difficult or awkward for people to use Lemmy, then we’re shooting ourselves in the foot if our goal is to grow Lemmy’s user base.
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 4 months ago:
Always line something else up first. If possible, also have enough money to last 3-6 months without a job - makes things a hell of a lot less stressful. We would essentially just bank any bonuses throughout the year, and it would afford us a nice nest egg in case something ever happened. However it needs to remain untouched.
- Comment on WHAT 4 months ago:
Yeah. It’s photoshopped. Good catch mate.
- Comment on I'm going insane 4 months ago:
Aaaaaaaaaaaand that’s exactly why the opening scene of Juon: Black Ghost/White Ghost made me scream like a child. The dread that rises up when something doesn’t feel right. There’s no build up to a scare…it just slams into you full force. Only movie I ever screamed while watching. Only happened once…but good God. We had to pause the movie and laugh for about 10 minutes as both me and my sibling both screamed.
- Comment on Don’t Ask AI Which Rocks You Can Lick. 5 months ago:
I used it to write a kickass counteroffer for an internal job promotion. I was pissed off with the offer and wrote out what I REALLY thought. I asked GPT to clean it up and respond with and upbeat and positive response where I’m eager to work with them.
ChatGPT about to help me get an $18k raise.
- Comment on American Pro-Kremlin Fighter Russell Bentley Tortured to Death by Russian Soldiers 5 months ago:
Can you do sourdough in a bread maker?
- Comment on World's first transparent 5G antennas turn windows into base stations 5 months ago:
Fuck off…your telling me that 5G has now infected our windows? /s
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago:
I finish with the D too!
- Comment on Stay motivated 5 months ago:
Hey! It’s me! The CIA!
- Comment on How come roosters crow but crows don't rooster? 5 months ago:
Roosters don’t crow, they cock-a-doodle-doo. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
- Comment on The Big One 5 months ago:
… Always has been.
- Comment on New York Times 1924, Hitler leaves prison 5 months ago:
Yikes. Thank god we don’t have degenerates in charge that unironically believe that stuff like that is a good idea.
- Comment on New York Times 1924, Hitler leaves prison 5 months ago:
Yes, let’s create a martyr of Trump. Fantastic idea. No way that would have backfired. Nosiree.
Democrats tried to do things by the book. Legally. You know, the way things should be done. Not by escalating tensions with more violence.
Democrats are absolutely infuriated by all of this. The shear frustration that more is not able to be done. Hell, look at Jack Smith and everything he’s been fighting for and trying to get pushed through. There have never been lawsuits like this brought against a former President - shit has to be airtight. You can’t just walk into court and say, “Trump sucks, he’s a menace, lock him up,” and expect Trump to get hauled off to jail.
Your not being remotely realistic about how things SHOULD happen. Sure, the reactionary in me would have loved to know that the traitor got drawn and quartered, but the realist in me knows that it wouldn’t have done anything but beget more violence and extremism from the right. Trump cronies structured the Judicial System in his favor, and yes. He’s a fucking menace, but it’s not likely we’ve lost here, Kamala will win and he’ll get fucked. Let’s do this legally, and not take the “Nuclear, who cares about the fallout” option.
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
My dude, you can always start. I guarantee there’s a group out there for you.
- Comment on Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars – Reforged Releases On September 19 | Retro Gaming News 24/7 6 months ago:
I’m sorry, but is that an ominous clown looking down from the Heavens?