- Comment on Windows 11 Start menu ads are now rolling out to everyone 10 months ago:
- Comment on YSK : Dark patterns among large companies are becoming more mainstream 10 months ago:
Install Blocktube or another extension that stops videos from starting when you open the link, and read the transcript. It used to be at the top, just under the video itself, but now they’ve moved it to the bottom of the video description so you have to go through all the affiliate links just to get to the fucking transcript button.
But once you’ve found it, transcriptions are your best friend: skim it to see if there’s any real reason to watch (usually not) and enjoy that portion of your life that you just saved for things that YOU want and not what Google and that content creator want. The transcript will also tell you what portion of the video you need to watch, if actually watching it suits your needs.
I also regularly speed up videos; 1.25 is great under most circumstances, 1.5 if they’re really trying to draaaag shit out. You can always slow it down again, but it’s great for getting through the fluff if you need to hear it all (like repair videos for something you’ve never done yourself).
- Comment on What's inside the London Tower Bridge? 10 months ago:
Excellent response. You put it perfectly.
I like this sub exactly the way it is. If something isn’t for me, I move on. Not a big deal. And OP asked a great question. I never thought about it either, lol.
- Comment on Paging Mr. Manager 10 months ago:
Admin approval with some text that needs a little bit of thought to fill out is surprisingly effective and definitely slows down spammers a lot.
I had to do that on dbzer0 and I think beehaw, they were both a fun exercise and took no time at all. Hell, I ended up submitting a wall of text about Sacco and Vanzetti on dbzer0 if I remember correctly, lol. But if nothing else they knew that it was 1) a human, and 2) I really believe what I was saying.
If the point is to get regular users who are thoughtful participants in online communities, requiring an email address and the typing of a few coherent words on their own behalf is NOT a barrier to entry, or even a much of a bar. After all, these people are applying to join a forum in which they are presumably going to spend unlimited time typing statements of their own creation in the future. Instance owners are just requiring a bit of that up front, and it’s not a huge ask.
It is, however, a very frustrating requirement for people who want to open multiple accounts for spamming and trolling purposes, and for that reason alone is a great filter for applicants.
- Comment on If hot air rises, why is it colder at the top of a mountain? 10 months ago:
I never heard it explained that way. What an excellent comment. Thank you for taking the time.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
The only thing I really want to know about Google’s Protected Audience “alternative information dimension” container is how I can stuff it full of noisy bullshit, fuck around with it, poison it as thoroughly as I can, and then cheerfully send it away back to Google as a trojan horse as often as possible – all while maintaining the appearance of operating organically within the parameters of normal function as expected by the Google mothership, so they will gladly hoover up my toxic shit and not stop me from seeing what I want to see outside the interference of their New and Improved intrusive hellscape of data collection and ad serving.
And all this preferably as an automated function via uBlock Origin. Thanks!
- Comment on Pre-IPO Reddit lets ads be dressed up as promoted user posts 11 months ago:
It’s gone now, on www. and old. via browser. “Page not found” with a pic of that snoo crying under a hot sun because he bought into the pre-IPO hype and sank his entire savings into Reddit shares because Spez sent him an email and told him he was Special but now sees it all going over the cliff before the IPO even lands, lol.
- Comment on Cory Doctorow gets scammed 11 months ago:
From the article:
it’s also important to remind people that everyone is vulnerable sometimes, and scammers are willing to try endless variations until an attack lands at just the right place, at just the right time, in just the right way. If you think you can’t get scammed, that makes you especially vulnerable:
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Yeah. In a nutshell. The number of commentaries, old and new, formal and informal, asking the exact same questions from every possible angle, are countless. And every single one of them is pointed at trying to make it make some kind of sense, lol.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Funny you should mention that.
In the mythology of the bible, 2 Samuel 24 talks about how King David took a census of Israel, and it pissed god off so much that he killed 70,000 completely uninvolved Israelis over it, and would have killed more but he stopped when he got to Jerusalem.
And these modern day chuckleheads are doing it on purpose, lol. If only they believed a fraction of their own holy book, I would have the best time gladly explaining to them via scholarly biblical exegesis how and why they’re gonna DIE a nasty death if they do this.
If only. -sigh-
- Comment on YouTube stops recommending videos when signed out of Google 11 months ago:
I haven’t signed into YouTube in maybe 5 or 6 months, cookies get deleted every time I shut down the browser, and I keep my subscriptions in FreeTube. But some things, like foreign language videos that need automatic caption translation, I still watch in YouTube.
Even so, I’ve only encountered a blank page like this maybe three times in all those months. And the blankness doesn’t last: as soon as I opened a specific video URL – any video URL – it fills right back up again with the same old shit, except now it’s ALL related to that one single video I opened.
This is no big deal. Open up any video and you still get sidebar recommendations. I use Blocktube to ensure I don’t see channels I don’t want, so it doesn’t just fill back up with Mr. Beast and Fox News, I continue to use FreeTube for everything else, and all is well.
- Comment on Reddit wants to raise $748M with IPO, sets value at $6.4B 11 months ago:
I read the Reddit S-1, the lock-up period is three days. Yeah, I’m a nerd, but in this case it was more just wanting to know how long Huffman et al will be forced to sit and watch the stocks freefall before they could ditch them, lol.
- Comment on Roku disables TVs and streaming devices until users consent to new terms 11 months ago:
Clearance Thomas.
Please do NOT change this. It is both accurate and delightful.
-chef’s kiss-
- Comment on A Star Trek community where you're free to share opinions 1 year ago:
Holy shit. I hadn’t seen that one. Thanks for the link.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
I feel like AI companies have been scraping Reddit for their datasets already since the beginning and without permission.
Well yeah, Sam Altman (Open AI) was even on the board of Reddit for a while. It’s a safe bet that they’ve been doing it for years.
- Comment on GOP warning of 'national security threat' is about Russia wanting nuclear weapon in space: Sources 1 year ago:
Like the Budapest Memorandum, lol.
- Comment on GOP warning of 'national security threat' is about Russia wanting nuclear weapon in space: Sources 1 year ago:
This is not surprising, given as much nuclear saber-rattling as Putin has done in the last two years. He is absolutely desperate to be feared and for the West to back down, and I don’t think that’s an overstatement. Every day that goes by is a day his own empire slides back a bit, and his home control weakens as more and more Russians personally feel the bite of war coming back to them in myriad little ways.
And meanwhile, as Putin grows weaker both at home and abroad, Europe and especially his bordering countries are strengthening both alliances and arsenals, choosing NATO over Russian lies and Ukrainian freedom over the easy path of just letting him have yet another country without a fight, like Georgia and Crimea.
This war was only supposed to last three days, and we’re almost at the two-year point. If Putin could already have used nukes, even in the tiniest of “accidents,” he would have.
Yet Putin is even more aware than anyone else that nuclear saber-rattling is ALL he can do without triggering MAD and/or putting the “blast” back into “oblast” when his shit blows up without leaving the pad for want of maintenance over the last few decades.
Putting nukes into space is a great way of reinvigorating the threat behind his nuclear arsenal for the rest of the world and giving us all a bit of shock-and-awe – but without actually having to turn the key on anything he’s had laying around for the last forty years.
“Less filling, tastes great.”
But it’s still all theater. What Western satellites or resources can he actually nuke, anywhere, without triggering Article 5?
- Comment on GOP warning of 'national security threat' is about Russia wanting nuclear weapon in space: Sources 1 year ago:
This is the truth. They’ve been trying and failing to peel his supporters off him since 2015 and have not only epically failed, they’ve generated more for him over time and the ones he has stick even harder.
If the GOP or anyone else actually had any ability to steer his followers away and onto something else, the Day-Glo demagogue would have disappeared off the world stage long ago. But they can’t, and because he IS a demagogue while they have all the personal appeal and charisma of flaking eczema, they never will.
- Comment on Audacity adds AI audio editing capabilities thanks to free Intel OpenVINO plugins 1 year ago:
I just tried the OpenVINO transcription on a random speech over music mp3 I happened to have: it works great, FAR better quality than I expected (I think I was expecting Youtube quality, but this is much cleaner and clearer).
Only problem is I can’t figure out how to copy the transcription so I can paste it outside Audacity: the transcriptions show up attached to specific portions of sound, like track labels. While it will save me the trouble of having to actually transcribe audio manually, to get them out of Audacity and into a word processor it looks like I may still be stuck copying each “label” individually unless I can find a way to copy or export them.
- Comment on What is a good, healthy, unhurtful, socially positive way to express anger? 1 year ago:
Get some time and space to yourself, 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the situation. Think about exactly who/what you are angry with, and why (including yourself*). Don’t worry about solving it, just get it front and center in your mind. Pile up a huge number of couch cushions. Beat the ever livin’ fuck out of them with your fists and feet until you break down or wear yourself out. Repeat as necessary.
*Note: One of the reasons some emotional things never die is because we try to solve them without including ourselves from the equation: we see forgiveness is needed but we don’t include ourselves, for example, or guilt needs addressing but we don’t want to measure our own part in it because someone else’s betrayal was so overwhelming, thus it’s almost unbearable to think of the self as participatory in that destruction. Yet those are examples of exactly the kind of inner situation that keep us stuck in unhealthy emotional patterns. If you really want to get out of an emotional trap, including anger that doesn’t quit, and you think you’ve tried everything, try specifically looking for exactly what you don’t want to see about your own part in it.
- Comment on Wi-Fi jamming to knock out cameras suspected in nine Minnesota burglaries -- smart security systems vulnerable as tech becomes cheaper and easier to acquire 1 year ago:
- Comment on How Walmart, Delta, Chevron and Starbucks are using AI to monitor employee messages 1 year ago:
30 seconds in the breakroom microwave ought to take care of any problems in that regard, if there’s no other obvious metal in them like grommets for laces. Bzzzzt ding! and problem solved, lol.
- Comment on X appears to be juicing MrBeast’s views to woo the YouTuber to the platform, pushing video upload into users’ feeds as an unlabeled ad 1 year ago:
There is something not right with that guy. Apologies to all the Mr. Beast fans, but there it is.
The first time I ever even heard about him was from a news article about a year ago. Some disadvantaged little kid got pranked by people claiming to be on Mr. Beast’s staff promising him [something] that made him light up with joy, but was then deliberately stiffed on whatever the promise was, and of course it broke his little heart. It was clearly not a scam and the kid was just destroyed by it, so much so that it upset his community and finally hit the local media.
When contacted, Mr. Beast and his staff denied they had anything to do with it, which is entirely possible – but what really got my attention was just the callous kind of half-assed apology and oh well response the kid got from them. They could so easily have tossed the little guy some kind of bone; instead it was more of a shut-up-and-go-away response.
I have my YouTube subscription tightly curated so I rarely see any of the really popular stuff, but at some point after all this a Mr. Beast video was offered, and I remembered it was that guy. So I went and looked at his channel and ALL of it just seemed to have a very strong ick factor. Okay, maybe it’s just my poor taste, lol.
But now he’s on my radar, and I’ve noticed something else: I have never actually heard a completely positive word about him. There’s always some kind of controversy involved. Contrast that with other celebrities: there are many who never have a bad word spoken about them. Not this guy.
And now Elon Musk wants him on X. Keep in mind that Elon Musk is openly repelled by those he cannot manipulate, including anyone with working conscience who is repelled by the kind of propagandistic hatred X serves up on the regular, and Musk tirades against that kind of ethical “wokeness” regularly. Yet he loves Mr. Beast enough to run Beast content (for free? as an ad?) to get Mr. Beast onto his platform. That’s not the kind of recommendation decent people get from Musk.
Yeah. There’s something just NOT right about that guy.
- Comment on X appears to be juicing MrBeast’s views to woo the YouTuber to the platform, pushing video upload into users’ feeds as an unlabeled ad 1 year ago:
Slightly off topic, but I was just thinking about BOFH/PFY an hour or so ago, lol. Good times.
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
I haven’t experienced this because I don’t log in, and haven’t since all this fuckery started a couple months ago. I have to double-click play, but that’s it. Fully loaded uBlock Origin and AdBlockPlus, no problems in browser at all.
I keep FreeTube loaded with my subscriptions, so if I want to see what’s new I can open FreeTube and either watch there or copy the YouTube link and watch on YouTube.
- Comment on ‘Don’t Mess With Us’: WebMD Parent Company Demands Return to Office in Bizarre Video 1 year ago:
Oh, that is righteous. Congratulations!
- Comment on X removes support for NFT profile pictures 1 year ago:
Company scrip
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Yeah. When you already know there’s nothing better coming, no point in waiting.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Look at their post history, lol
- Comment on Pornhub blocks Montana and North Carolina as their age verification laws take effect | The website says the states' ID requirement would put users' privacy at risk 1 year ago:
So parents would rather let kids watch porn than comply with age verification laws
FTFY. Pornhub doesn’t have kids, parents and guardians do. Unlike schools, Pornhub has zero in loco parentis rights or responsibilities. All of that? Parents and guardians.
But in Utah and NC, recognizing the futility of being able to comply with the laws as written, Pornhub is OVERCOMPLYING, something that seems to have sailed far above your comprehension.
In those states, Pornhub is ensuring that NO ONE of ANY age watches their content. Yet you write,
So pornhub would rather let kids watch porn than comply with age verification laws
Perhaps you can explain to the rest of us how blocking access to ALL users in a given state is Pornhub expanding access to children in that state,
(And you’re fooling yourself if you think this has fuck all to do with protecting minors anyway.)