- Comment on Don't you demonRATs UnDeRStAnD, I just need the people I don't like to be hurt!!!1!1!! 6 days ago:
- peacefully
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 4 weeks ago:
There’s also ancient Greek and Rome which were republics 2000 and 2500 years ago.
- Comment on We like music because our brains crave pattern recognition. 2 months ago:
I agree, LLMs have the amazingly human ability to bumble into the right answer even if they don’t know why.
It seems to me that a good analogy of our experience is a whole bunch of LLMs optimized for different tasks that have some other LLM scheduler/administrator that is consciousness. Might be more layers deep, but that’s my guess with no neurological or machine learning background.
- Comment on We like music because our brains crave pattern recognition. 2 months ago:
This is a cool take! I don’t think I agree though. I assume we developed pattern recognition before music/language. Many animals have the ability to note attributes about plants and animals even without the ability to communicate complex ideas (ie language or oral tradition). I assume that type of pattern recognition was a good blueprint for functions like music and language, but my guess is it started from a general pattern recognition, then was retuned for music and language.
Again, pure speculation, but there is some logic behind it!
- Submitted 2 months ago to showerthoughts@lemmy.world | 37 comments
- Comment on What do you create? 3 months ago:
What does this mean? Cameras? Machines that can identify things via images?
- Submitted 3 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 65 comments
- Comment on Should you trust that doctor? 4 months ago:
I love how he’s the only one not called Dr. On this chart.
- Comment on Microsoft inks deal to restart Three Mile Island nuclear reactor to fuel its voracious AI ambitions 5 months ago:
I mean, even with a union, if a company crumbles the laborers are out of a job.
- Comment on Cats 8 months ago:
Totally agree. The general concept of calculus is pretty straightforward. The implementation of calculus is an exercise of algebra.
- Comment on Here is what 6 decommissioned servers looks like. My Jellyfin will be very happy 9 months ago:
Hard to tell if this is a proposal to fight over hardware or an offer for free stuff.
I choose to believe the former because it makes me chuckle more.
- Comment on Sony gives up on forcing PlayStation Network for Helldivers 2 9 months ago:
That was quick!
- Comment on Inside the UK's First Open-Access, Pay-As-You-Go Factory 10 months ago:
Nonono, you see it has factory in the name so it’s different.
- Comment on nice for a holiday, i presume. 11 months ago:
The hadrean period (lava earth) was approximately as long as there have been vertebrates. So pretty long!
- Comment on humility 11 months ago:
It’s a bold move, but the payout is a happy professor!
- Comment on Last one but it’s a hell of a book 11 months ago:
The Christian Old Testament and the Jewish Tenakh are basically the same book. “Useful Charts” has a great 7 part series about who wrote the Bible that I found fascinating as a non-believer. The book has so much influence over today’s society that I think it’s good to understand more about it even if isn’t spiritually significant to you.
- Comment on Last one but it’s a hell of a book 11 months ago:
Thank you for the context. I feel like you could find similar sentiments today over less severe harms.
Honestly, that type of retaliation is happening right now by the descendants of those that wrote the Psalm. Goes to show we really haven’t progressed much in how we treat each other in 3000 years.
- Comment on But isn't it dead too? 1 year ago:
Cool!! I didn’t know that word! Thank you, bud!
- Comment on But isn't it dead too? 1 year ago:
While aeroponics are cool and interesting as hell, I’m pretty sure this is a bromeliad which are adapted to living on tree branches. They collect and hold water using funnel style leaves, not through aeroponics style root mist.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
There are many things that need change, but fixing the housing prices isn’t complicated, it’s just unpopular. You just need to take make speculating on housing as an asset very expensive. This will drive down the demand from non owner occupiers (businesses). It will also reduce the value of the largest asset most people own. People who invested so much into owning a home with the expectation that it will appreciate aren’t going to support policies that do the opposite.
- Comment on Coincidence?! 1 year ago:
There is correlation evidence on Mars too! I don’t think it’s been considered casual at this point, but Atlas Pro has a really cool YouTube video showing a lot of potential examples. The Hawaiian Islands were particularly convincing to me. I’ll try and find the video.
- Comment on gatekeeping 1 year ago:
Infinity! Infinity -1, also infinity! Well what about infinity * infinity? Believe it or not, infinity! ♾️
- Comment on Same?... Yes, Same 1 year ago:
Great advice!
- Submitted 1 year ago to houseplants@mander.xyz | 1 comment
- Comment on The US just invested more than $1 billion into carbon removal / The move represents a big step in the effort to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere—and slow down climate change. 1 year ago:
I agree that planting trees is generally good, but doing so can’t sequester the amount of carbon released by humans since the start of the industrial revolution. We need other avenues to do that. If we returned forests back to how they were 100,000 years ago (untouched by modern humans) the new trees that would grow wouldn’t be able to soak up the CO2 released. Returning the forests to that state with the current world population isn’t feasible either as we need some of that land for agriculture.
I get your sentiment, but we’re beyond a ‘plant trees’ solution.
- Comment on I need a new bench power supply 1 year ago:
None of us can tell you if it’s worth it for you. That’s super subjective based on your cash on hand and what you’re trying to do. How often do you use three separate DC voltages? Should you just do a dual output and keep a cheap single output on the side for the rare occasion you need 3? We can’t answer that.
Those two you selected look like great quality products from respected brands.
Could you find similar functionality cheaper? Almost certainly, for probably lower quality.
Can you find better quality between those two pricepoints with the same functionality? I don’t know, but I think this is the question to ask.