- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 2 weeks ago:
One of us!
- Comment on Mexico asks Google to reject U.S. renaming of the Gulf of Mexico. 4 weeks ago:
No no, we’re still talking about the map.
- Comment on Facebook Is Auto-Generating Militia Group Pages as Extremists Continue to Organize in Plain Sight. 3 months ago:
It’ll be just like 2020: react after the damage is done and pretend they weren’t complicit.
- Comment on At 4AM this New Year's Eve, play the Ramones track "I Wanna Be Sedated." 3 months ago:
You’ve been waiting for this moment…
- Comment on Be happy if you woke up today and your throat didn’t hurt. 4 months ago:
One of the best feelings I ever felt was laying in bed the night after a car accident earlier in the fay. It was enough of an accident that I was glad to reflect on it not being any worse, but it also wasn’t bad enough to injure anyone.
When I climbed into bed that night, I was seriously doing that thing dogs do when you take them outside and they flop and wallow around on the grass with their feet flailing carelessly in the air. That bed felt so damn good that night, and I try often to remind myself that it’s the same comfy and safe bed now that it was that day.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
This is exactly how I used to see things when I grew up in a conservative echo chamber.
And now that I recognize a person’s right to choose and tend to think capital punishment should probably* not be legal, I’ll add that it’s not that my underlying beliefs changed, just how I now understand things. Some people do deserve capital punishment. And innocent people should be protected. But personhood doesn’t start at conception, a person conceiving has a right to decide what happens to their body, and the state can never be trusted to administer capital punishment.
*I say “probably” because I also think it might be necessary to allow it in extreme cases. My reasoning is that if people don’t believe the justice system will adequately punish, they have incentive and no ultimate detergent for taking justice into their own hands.
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
Yeah, good point, but that article isn’t talking about what’s in this picture.
Store-bought sandwich bread usually can be kept in the fridge without much change in texture. That’s because it often contains additives and preservatives that keep it fresh longer.
- Comment on 6 months ago:
That’s a big motivation for me, too, but I’d say it’s about equally that I want archival of the best stuff for when rights holders pull their catalogs from the services I stream. I used to think that was mainly for the more obscure stuff, like local bands’ early albums that I can barely find anymore, but recently I’ve noticed albums missing from main services (Tidal and Spotify, in my case) for bigger acts, too.
- Comment on Animal Attacks 6 months ago:
I’d had this over my front door for however long it took for them to build it. My pest control service said the size of the nest can affect how aggressively defensive they might respond to perceived intruders. I guess maybe I was just lucky we caught this one before it got any more developed.
- Comment on YSK most US states assign their electoral college votes by the state's popular vote 6 months ago:
Data can be beautiful. I just found a similar but maybe clearer example from 2016 with a nice write-up about it.
Teaser from that article: Image
I think the common term for these is “cartogram”.
- Comment on Researcher finds a way to invisibly reverse Windows updates 6 months ago:
- Comment on YSK most US states assign their electoral college votes by the state's popular vote 6 months ago:
For me, it’s helpful to remember what the underlying reality is.
When those votes are counted, the resulting electoral votes align to those votes, which results in maps like what you showed. When strategists tune their messages to target demographics they can divide (e.g., rural vs. urban), they’re playing a game of inches, and that’s still the reality, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
Keep voting, everyone!
- Comment on “Immensely disappointing”: Nike killing app for $350 self-tying sneakers 7 months ago:
Source code escrow is a thing, too. I’ve only heard of it in the context of protection against going out of business, but perhaps it could apply to discontinued products, as well?
- Comment on New Orleans Loses Bid to Tax Music Streaming Service 9 months ago:
Am I understanding this correctly? NOLA was arguing that, since they tax satellite radio for listeners in their city, they should be able to tax internet streams for the same listeners? If so, I feel like the two things should be comparably applicable, but also fuck all the way off, NOLA. Get fucked, seriously.
- Comment on PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all 9 months ago:
I feel so lucky to have been here for this discussion today.
- Comment on TikTok sues the US government over ban 9 months ago:
What would give them standing? They’d have to be an entity protected by the constitution to claim that protection was harmed. Is it this (my emphasis)?
TikTok Ltd was incorporated in the Cayman Islands and is based in both Singapore and Los Angeles. source
I guess I’ve never thought about what makes an entity have rights here. Buckingham Palace couldn’t just open shop here and start suing our government, right?
- Comment on How to get wood sealant off of a window 10 months ago:
And this article recommends waiting 48 hours to make sure it’s dried enough to pick/scrape.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
“it’s a car, not a church.”
- Comment on Guys will meet him and just say "hell yeah!" 10 months ago:
I remember seeing a documentary or news piece or something about a woman who pivoted hers to “BISCUIT!” I really hope that was real. But I don’t remember how she got there, like if she had to trick herself that “biscuit” was offensive.
- Comment on Our god is ever hungry 10 months ago:
Cookie Monster in a toilet.
- Comment on FCC bans cable TV industry’s favorite trick for hiding full cost of service 11 months ago:
And the thing about regulation like this is that it just resets the bar height for everyone. It’s not like this doesn’t apply to all competitors.
Unless we mean non-cable competition, i.e. streaming. Maybe that’s not under the jurisdiction of FCC? If not, though, then I have to wonder why this has to be an FCC thing in the first place. This is about truth in advertising, in general.
- Comment on Tidal’s subscription is getting simpler and cheaper — yes, you read that right 11 months ago:
I’ve felt like Tidal has behaved exactly like Spotify in my use so far (which has only been a couple of months). I was doing side-by-side comparison of playing, adding to the queue, inserting next in queue, etc., and it all seemed to behave exactly the same.
- Comment on A Mysterious Wave-Like Structure in Our Galaxy Found to Be Slowly Slithering 1 year ago:
I wonder if that was meant to say our solar system. I’d check the original article for a hint if it wasn’t paywalled.
- Comment on ‘FBI pwned me’: Lockbit cybercrime gang faces global takedown with indictments and arrests — 200 crypto wallets frozen, 11000 domains seized, 14000 rouge accounts closed 1 year ago:
Sounds like the foundation of a thrilling story you can’t just makeup.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
Ah, I see. I was focused on the 80% limiter for that “Maximum” setting, which I think is not an option on Pixel. But I see now that “Adaptive Charging” sounds like it does what that middle setting “Adaptive” does.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
You have an older Pixel or just rooted, maybe? My 7 on the latest vanilla Android doesn’t seem to have it, and this thread seems to say it’s not available in the stock os.
- Comment on What would happen if you moved at the speed of light? 1 year ago:
The time thing is interesting, but I feel like no one talks much about the appearance of passing objects. That is, I wonder how the image of a passing celestial object might distort due to length contraction and any other effects. I’m still trying to understand that. This article seems pretty digestible, so far.
- Comment on BBC iPlayer to end programme downloads for PCs and Macs 1 year ago:
- Comment on Canada to ban the Flipper Zero to stop surge in car thefts 1 year ago:
Good point in general, but, what they’re specifically talking about here (rolling codes), perhaps what they should have said is that no one can (feasibly) do it, not just that their hardware isn’t capable.
- Comment on Canada to ban the Flipper Zero to stop surge in car thefts 1 year ago:
“Flipper Zero can’t be used to hijack any car, specifically the ones produced after the 1990s, since their security systems have rolling codes,” Flipper Devices COO Alex Kulagin told BleepingComputer.
"Also, it’d require actively blocking the signal from the owner to catch the original signal, which Flipper Zero’s hardware is incapable of doing.
Just politicians trying to appear to be doing something so they can keep their jobs.