- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 1 day ago:
Fun bit of additional trivia about him, he was injured, shot in the leg while serving on the American side. After his defection, there is a likely apocryphal tale where he captured some Americans and asked what would happen if the situation were reversed. He was told his leg would get full burial honors and the rest of him would be hanged for treason. Funny enough there is a memorial of a leg at Saratoga for the injury he sustained and his importance at the battles in Saratoga but has nothing mentioning his name or the rest of his body. Which honestly is a level of pettiness to aspire to.
- Comment on Something something sexual tyrannosaurus 1 week ago:
Fuck me in the ass 'cuz I love Jesus!
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Personal injury lawyers might not be as big as they are, but lawsuits in the US are kind of important for more than just monetary compensation, it’s to have case law and in essence introduce new regulations. McDonalds didn’t just have to pay medical bills for the Hot Coffee lawsuit, but McDonalds also had to change how they serve their coffee. Its part compensation and part making sure it doesn’t happen again or if it does, there is a clear path for what needs to happen. As awful as it is to have something bad happen, it’s worse if we don’t learn and change from it and our system of incorporating case law is pretty decent at that, if imperfect. No legal system can cover every scenario, but if it can adapt as new scenarios arise then it is all the more resilient (although that does kinda assume our Judiciary is truly impartial and there are no cronies trained by think tanks to give the illusion of impartiality)
- Comment on Why is it considered sexist to ask women to smile? 2 months ago:
In general it’s asking another person to change their appearance to suit your preferences rather than just respecting whatever mood they’re in or how their naturally resting face just looks. Forcing a smile sucks. It takes some amount of conscious effort to maintain a forced smile and smiling does engage quite a few muscles in the face, about 43 different muscles to make a smile.
Combine all of that with the history of women very much not having any kind of power in our society, and it takes on a more sinister tone when directed at women, hinting at the idea of someone’s only valuable because they have a pretty face and it should be pretty all the time.
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Boss make a grand, I make a buck, that’s why I’m stealing the catalytic converter off the company truck.
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 2 months ago:
I used to be a programmer myself and it’s why there’s a specific default data structure built in to most programming languages to handle dates and internationalization of those dates.
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 2 months ago:
It’s great for lists but I don’t know a single person who’s gonna say “hey let’s meet up on 2024 December 11th.”
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 2 months ago:
The dates are written to match how it’s said. In the US we say our dates as month day year, and before you say “But the 4th of July” my counterpoint is that the 4th of July takes place on July 4th. And Cinco de Mayo takes place on May 5th. And May the Fourth Be With You takes place on May 4th.
- Comment on Elon Musk Fans Are Losing So Much Money to Crypto Scams 4 months ago:
It’s just how basic demographics analysis works. There’s a lot more people who are struggling with mental health problems/mental disabilities that make them more prone to believing scams. And so many games and storefronts use dark patters to make it extremely easy to make undesired purchases or have no safeguards to prevent children from using their parents credit card for purchases.
- Comment on Ahoy me hearties 4 months ago:
Def email the researchers, so many of them would gladly give you access to their research papers because they also hate the science publishing industry.
- Comment on Effort require Effort 5 months ago:
Oh I get it, you’re either just a moron, or your being purposefully dense and wasting all of our time responding to your drivel.
- Comment on Effort require Effort 5 months ago:
That sounds a lot like the k-8 class I grew up with from 1999 to 2007. We were rowdy, constantly got in trouble, constantly interrupting class. We got in trouble so often that for our 8th grade year we lost both our New York and Washington DC field trips. Ours is the only class that either of those trips were taken away. Substitute teachers always reported back horror stories of what we did while the teacher was away. Desks and seat assignments were constantly moved around to separate the disruptive problem groups to little success.
- Comment on Effort require Effort 5 months ago:
I’ll admit I certainly came off a bit more sarcastic than I was intending, and it’s been a good while since I’ve been in grade school, but times of entire classes of students just fully misbehaving have existed before and will likely exist again. I remember even back in the early to mid 2000s the class I was in caused a lot of major problems for my teachers throughout the years to the point that in our 8th grade year, our class was the only one in in years to lose the privilege of going on our New York and Washington DC school trips and the only one in years after to lose those class trips.
Many of the kids were flat out obnoxious jerks and we didn’t have an excuse of “we had multiple years of virtual learning to stunt our development” to lean on.
Believe me I feel sympathy for these kids going through one of the many recent once-in-a-lifetime mass human tragedy events. They’re in a tough circumstance, with teachers trying to do their best in a criminally underfunded education system, after living through the collective trauma that was the pandemic
My intention, albeit sarcastically, was pointing out that our hard wired desire to be social is generally a good thing and what has given us a huge advantage over other creatures. For as much as teachers want to and do make a huge difference in kids lives, the overarching structure is not actually geared to help teachers do their jobs best. There is so much administrative bloat and inefficiency and funding that goes to the top of the structure that gets in the way of teachers being able to focus on teaching their students and provide them with the tools and material necessary to educated kids.
- Comment on Effort require Effort 5 months ago:
Shocking that the offspring of a species that became the dominant species on this planet exactly because we evolved nearly effortless communication and social traits would be included to be social with other people.
Not saying you’re a bad teacher, you just fighting an uphill battle against our natural instinct to be social creatures in an education system that does everything it can to ignore that kids generally do like and actuall do need to be social for healthy development.
- Comment on I always get them confused. 5 months ago:
Might want to qualify that as if there’s a magic/ special sword.
- Comment on I always get them confused. 5 months ago:
Counter point Star Wars. Magic powers, magic swords, rescuing princesses, chosen one prophesies.
- Comment on Could I patent harmful technology to prevent it from being put on the market? 5 months ago:
If you’re not going to take the effort type “can a government use patents” into Google and look at the top link. It took me less than a minute to find that government using a patent is just baked into the patent system. There’s not additional law around it. So it might be better to go the WD 40 route and never actually file a patent to the formula to avoid sharing the formula publicly.
- Comment on Could I patent harmful technology to prevent it from being put on the market? 5 months ago:
That’s… not how eminent domain works…? Like it’s scope only applied to stuff like building sidewalks, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.
- Comment on Could I patent harmful technology to prevent it from being put on the market? 5 months ago:
Because it’s a lot easier for Disney to churn out mickey mouse cartoons than it is for General Electric to come up with an entirely new rotating joint for the helicopter mounted motorized minigun
- Comment on I just want to make cookies :( 5 months ago:
For using volume measurements (weighs are still superior tho) flour shouldn’t be packed in but spooned into the measuring device and leveled with the back of a knife but brown sugar should be packed into the measuring device.
In recipes, they’ll call for a heaped teaspoon or tablespoon, everything else is implied to be leveled, especially leavening agents like baking powder/soda. There’s also an understanding that certain things don’t need as much precision, like adding in flavoring extracts.
- Comment on I'm so sorry 6 months ago:
Why must you bestow this cursed knowledge upon us?
- Comment on Never store gerbils up your ass, we went over this! 6 months ago:
You’re asking an age old question about humanity that there is no answer beyond “humans are horny motherfuckers.”
- Comment on Never store gerbils up your ass, we went over this! 6 months ago:
There’s a lot more that supports. It’s an entire open source framework that others can build stuff onto to control sex toys. As for why these? Eh why not? Single player games don’t exactly require the consent of other players if you’re getting your rocks off to game controlled sex toys, and multi-player games should only be used if you do actually have consent.
Specifically for ultrakill’s officially supported mod, that’s just the kind of thing they’d do. They also made body pillow covers of Gabriel and V1 as official merch. And yes they are in those kinds of poses.
- Comment on Never store gerbils up your ass, we went over this! 6 months ago:
Yup and Ultrakill has an officially released mod that integrates with
- Comment on The Elon / Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster 6 months ago:
I see, so the angle you’re going for is that basically hiring practices don’t prioritize the skills needed for backend and think frontend devs can handle full stack. Even then the front-end teams do know that the backend stuff is important even if they don’t have a full understanding of the scope of complexity that goes into the nitty gritty of backend dev.
- Comment on The Elon / Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster 6 months ago:
I mean, you’re not wrong but I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at. Yeah front end and backend development are very different skillets, but my point is the people working and coding and making the game generally do actually know what they’re doing, but its middle managers are given orders from on high by execs, most of whom probably haven’t touched a video game ever in their lives, keeping the board of directors happy with quarterly profit increases.
I wasn’t talking about the horizontal divide between front end and back end devs, but the vertical divide between management/executives and the devs and techs.
- Comment on The Elon / Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster 6 months ago:
Its probably just… a distributed amount of viewers requesting more bandwidth than they expected/knew how to serve.
So a Group Hug of Death.
- Comment on The Elon / Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster 6 months ago:
I mean, the devs and server techs know what’s going on, its the execs and middle managers that need to get a live service on a shoestring budged to make the shareholders happy that you made them 25% more profit than last quarter.
- Comment on Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation” 6 months ago:
The video is an explanation, none of us want to regurgitate multiple 30-45 minute videos that already explain exactly what your asking.