- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 3 days ago:
I don’t know which small phones have been released recently but I’ve used an iPhone Mini and decided against it. Not because it’s small but rather because it’s not small enough.
See, I do like a big screen more than a small one. That said, the phone is something I carry in my pocket so there’s a balancing act to be done there. What was really great about the original iPhone’s size was not that it had a small screen. It’s that it was small enough that I could reach all corners of the screen with my thumb.
None of the recent small phones I tried had that advantage. In that case, since there’s no clear usability advantage to the smaller model, I’ll take the larger screen instead.
- Comment on Why I ditched my Pi-hole but still block ads - mattsayar.com 2 weeks ago:
The problem is that some of the block lists are just too eager on the blocking.
I don’t see how the author can claim that NextDNS or AdGuard are any better in that regard though, as they rely on the same lists. 🤦
- Comment on Freetube is the best way to watch YouTube 6 months ago:
On iOS I’ve been using
Vinegar - Tube Cleaner
by developer And a Dinosaur. It doesn’t replace YouTube as a whole - only the video player. Better interface, no ads. - Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
FUD wars on Free and Open Source Software, shady deals with companies and governments to make them dependent on MS software and solutions, holding the web hostage to IE “standards”, …
- Comment on Is there a complete list of search engines and web browsers online? 6 months ago:
Could you provide a source for this claim? Not doubting you but I haven’t seen it.
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
That’s great! I’ll give it a go again soon.
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
Whilst this is fair criticism, I was responding to complaints about the UX in other CADs.
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
Yeah I’ve been meaning to try FreeCAD in anger but every time I try it out I find it clumsy, awkward and limited. I’m hoping the new organisation will allow them to get more funding, I’d really love an actually good open source CAD.
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
Thanks for the detailed report! 💪
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
That’s on the free license. Fusion360, to which this thread is offering an alternative, has the same limitation.
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
I found Onshape to be quite nice. It was relatively easy to translate skills from Fusion to it after a few YouTube videos.
- Comment on An algorithm, among the many other things they ruin, is causing stability problems on Intel Core CPUs 7 months ago:
An algorithm, among the many other things they ruin
What a joke! How about talking about the good things algorithms do, like everything a computer does?
- Comment on How to host a userbase 7 months ago:
I’ve been using glauth + Authelia for a couple years with no issues and almost zero maintenance.
- Comment on Is a cloud backup an acceptable backup for a home server? 7 months ago:
Yes, absolutely. Ideally there would be an automated check that runs periodically and alerts if things don’t work as expected.
- Comment on Is a cloud backup an acceptable backup for a home server? 7 months ago:
Monitoring if the backup task succeeded is important but that’s tue easy part of ensuring it works.
A backup is only working if it can be restored. If you don’t test that you can restore it in case of disaster, you don’t really know if it’s working.
- Comment on Inline filament drying prototype 8 months ago:
I guess it depends on where you are. Where I am the air is a lot less humid than in other places, and I have the opposite effect. I put the filament roll in the dryer and start printing. As time passes, like the filament gets dryer and stringing reduces.
- Comment on Firefox Docker + VPN is so awesome 8 months ago:
Ah got it. I didn’t know there was a free tier!
- Comment on Firefox Docker + VPN is so awesome 8 months ago:
How do you use ChatGPT anonymously? It requires a valid login linked to a payment method. It doesn’t get any less anonymous than that.
- Comment on Inline filament drying prototype 8 months ago:
I thought it was pretty common knowledge that these dryers lack airflow. There are tons of printable wedges in printables.com and thingiverse.com to keep the lid open.
This alone speeds up drying massively. Adding a small fan to the opening might be even better but I never found it necessary.
- Comment on How do you model complex curves? 10 months ago:
I would get a CAD model of the PS5, import it into fusion and design the part around it either by extruding to it or using it as a cut tool.
- Comment on Why has Firefox not removed third-party cookies, despite the fact that Chrome has begun phasing them out? 1 year ago:
3rd party cookies make tracking users easier when the same cookie can be used on many websites.
Firefox does 2 things to protect you from that: it blocks known trackers cookies by default; and for the others it isolates them per domain so that kind of tracking doesn’t happen. That ensures you’re not tracked and at the same time it doesn’t break any functionality.
If you want to completely block them you can. There’s more info here: …mozilla.org/…/third-party-cookies-firefox-tracki…
- Comment on I really wish Proxmox had an official Terraform provider 1 year ago:
I might pick it back up some day but at the moment I have other projects going on at the moment.
I’m still using Proxmox myself but unfortunately it’s all fairly manually configured.
- Comment on I really wish Proxmox had an official Terraform provider 1 year ago:
I started writing a Terraform provider for Proxmox a while ago.
Unfortunately, the API is a massive mess and the documentation is not very helpful either. It was a nightmare and I eventually gave up.
- Comment on People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why? 1 year ago:
I assure you I’m not trolling. I understand what you’re saying, I just find your confusion … confusing.
It’s no worry though, I guess we just have such different ways to see the world and things that we can’t reconcile them. :)
- Comment on People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why? 1 year ago:
I agree. This is a bizarre exchange. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why? 1 year ago:
How do you think coffee is made? You infuse water with coffee beans, normally ground. How strong your coffee is depends on the concentration of actual coffee vs. the “base” (water). It’s the same with tea.
Black coffee can be an espresso, or something with more water. Generally speaking, an espresso is more concentrated (and thus stronger) than an Americano.
A 300ml Americano with 1 shot of espresso has a certain coffe-to-water ratio. A 300ml Americano with 2 shots of espresso will have 2x as much coffee content despite it having the same volume.
In any case, an Espresso is mostly water, even the strongest, tinture-level ones. It’s made by literally passing hot water through the beans so the water gets infused with coffee oils and alkaloids. It’s mostly water. In fact, it’s nearly all water.
- Comment on People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why? 1 year ago:
Black coffee is still mostly water. Also, if you add water to whatever you call black coffee, it’s still black coffee, because it’s mostly water.
- Comment on People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why? 1 year ago:
this all assumes it’s going to be mixed with some “base”, like milk or water
As opposed to what? Dry crushed/ground coffee beans?
- Comment on TrekMovie.com: Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
He’s 83. Definitely old but I wouldn’t write him off anytime soon.
- Comment on TrekMovie.com: Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
Strange New Worlds has been quite good tbh.
Picard has its moments as well. It’s more valuable as a TNG revival than as a whole new ST work but it’s not bad, especially the last season.
Discovery is one of the worst sci-fi ever produced though, so definitely stay away from it.