- Comment on Monster Hunter series producer is being put in charge of all Capcom’s development divisions 3 days ago:
Regarding the comparison to World, what I have said in the past is that while Wilds does look better, it doesn’t look nearly enough better to justify just how much worse it performs.
- Comment on Why We Love to Get Lost in Games: The Enduring Appeal of Metroidvanias 2 weeks ago:
The line I personally draw between Metroidvania and Zelda like is the ability to sequence break without glitches and a focus on platforming as the core of movement.
- Comment on Isn't it possible to frame almost any opinion as a question? 2 weeks ago:
How do you think Tucker Carlson avoided getting sued off the air for as long as he did?
- Comment on Does Aphantasia exist for senses other than vision? 3 weeks ago:
It might not be called aphantasia since it isn’t for sight, but yeah it exists, I have it for taste and smell.
- Comment on U.S. Copyright Office rejects DMCA exemption to support game preservation 4 months ago:
I mean, that all sounds to me like a really good argument for preserving copies of every single version of every game. To go back to your Shakespeare example, it would be a massive loss if any of those adaptations were not preserved to be found by those who went looking, so all we had to go on was records of people talking about them. In fact, there are at least a few examples of exactly that: Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey are only parts of a much larger series which we only know exist because we have other records discussing it.
Yeah, just taking snapshots of everything isn’t going to let you perfectly recreate the culture surrounding a game at any point in time, but having those snapshots around is important for giving context to other records you have.
- Comment on Amazon Says It Has a First Amendment Right to Union Bust 4 months ago:
It technically means the government needs to pass a very high bar before it can restrict any kind of speech, that bar being strict scrutiny.
Of course, the view of the public and the court historically has been that blocking union busting activities has passed strict scrutiny, since it a) is justified by the government’s interest in preventing the kind of violence that occurred when union busting was allowed, b) doesn’t restrict actions outside of union busting, so it’s narrowly tailored, and c) is the least restrictive method yet proposed, only other method I can think of is compelling union membership for everyone.
- Comment on Threads of Time - Official Announcement Trailer | TGS 2024 5 months ago:
The game looks good, and I first heard about it because they are hiring a dedicated narrative designer.
- Comment on Apple told to pay back €13bn in tax by EU 5 months ago:
I agree it would be best for Wikipedia to address this on their end, but I have actually no idea where to begin with asking them to make a change like this.
- Comment on Apple told to pay back €13bn in tax by EU 5 months ago:
It actually does switch automatically on mobile, just not desktop, which is why I get annoyed enough when it happens to mention it.
- Comment on Apple told to pay back €13bn in tax by EU 5 months ago:
Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves.
- Comment on Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game? 5 months ago:
Don’t forget
- Comment on AT&T sues Broadcom for refusing to renew perpetual license support 5 months ago:
Perpetual licences have their place, like I’m reasonably confident under the hood you have a perpetual licences for the OS your phone runs on. The point isn’t to get a piece of software that will be updated and supported forever, it’s to get something that works, fits your needs, and that you know can’t just be revoked at the whim of another. Problem is that last one is becoming increasingly untrue.
- Comment on AT&T sues Broadcom for refusing to renew perpetual license support 5 months ago:
I mean fuck AT&T, but fuck needless consolidation, pointless service bundling, and revocation of perpetual licences even more.
- Comment on With SteamOS coming, Microsoft needs to up its game in the handheld gaming market 6 months ago:
Isn’t that because Microsoft either pays system integrators to only install Windows or threatens that they will stop providing relatively cheap Windows keys if they provide the option to start with Linux? I could have sworn I’d heard that somewhere.
- Comment on We need to nationalise Google, Facebook and Amazon. Here’s why 6 months ago:
That’s not the kind of data they’re looking for, if you post it somewhere publicly available they already have that without a warrant or anything. The kind of data to be worried about is the kind that those companies collect about where you travel and when, and what kind of people you talk to through email or private messages. Even if you don’t think there’s anything incriminating in there, law enforcement loves to collect evidence that they think can be used to pin any crime on anybody, even if they don’t know what that crime is exactly.
- Comment on Actors demand action over 'disgusting' video game sex scenes 6 months ago:
Hey hey, there are a bunch of completed indie porn games that are also really good. If you want some examples I can certainly provide.
- Comment on Patreon: adding Apple’s 30 percent tax is the price of staying in the App Store 6 months ago:
I mean, that’s kinda exactly what I said, Apple taking a 30% cut of any transaction that occurs on their devices/on apps downloaded from their store makes no sense, though I will add that Patreon takes a 8 - 12% cut depending on how much support they give the creator. As far as Steam goes, to my knowledge they don’t take a cut out of in game purchases, only purchases that occur strictly on their platform. (Also I don’t think they charge everyone the 30%)
- Comment on Patreon: adding Apple’s 30 percent tax is the price of staying in the App Store 6 months ago:
30% is a reasonably cut for transactions that take place in your store, the main complaint I see about Apple and their store and the cut they take is that they want 30% of any money that goes through any of their devices at all, not just their app store. Relevant here, they are charging the 30% fee for people’s memberships to creators on the platform, a process that is wholly separate from Apple’s ecosystem unless the user is using apple pay to pay for it.
- Comment on Intel was once a Silicon Valley leader. How did it fall so far? 7 months ago:
I mean, and I’m thinking more in the context of retirement investments here, the moment any of those things happen I’m inclined to jump ship. I am thoroughly unaware of any time such a move has turned out well in the long run. Same sentiment for stock buybacks, though that one because if that’s the best thing the company can think of to spend money on they are completely out of good ideas.
- Comment on Intel was once a Silicon Valley leader. How did it fall so far? 7 months ago:
I was including the accountants and lawyers in that list, just to be clear. They’re all bad if they don’t have any idea how the technical side of their business functions.
- Comment on Intel was once a Silicon Valley leader. How did it fall so far? 7 months ago:
My point was that had proper engineers been in charge instead, they would have noticed and listened to the people on the ground that I am certain knew about the problem, and it would have been fixed before any consumers got their hands on the product.
- Comment on Intel was once a Silicon Valley leader. How did it fall so far? 7 months ago:
The marketing and advertising and sales teams took over management from the engineering team, and decided to cut all the corners. It’s a classic tale at this point, same thing happened to Boeing and Apple and Google and etc. It’s why everything sucks nowadays.
- Comment on The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins 7 months ago:
Oh for fucks sake, now the article itself has a misplaced mobile Wikipedia link and there’s nowhere I can quickly see to put my copy paste about it.
copy paste for context:
Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves.
- Comment on Young people today are stressed, depressed—and changing the fundamental pattern of happiness, new research shows 7 months ago:
Holy shit that’s even doomy-er than me, and I very much doubt that I will ever be able to afford to retire and am skeptical that society is going to last long enough for that to be a meaningful concern.
- Comment on Google's Gemini AI caught scanning Google Drive hosted PDF files without permission — user complains feature can't be disabled 7 months ago:
Also sounds like you can’t turn it back off, once it turns itself on.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account 10 months ago:
Please, anyone who reads this, stop posting links to the mobile version of Wikipedia. It doesn’t switch automatically on PC, and I see it happen all the time. Just take the half a second to remove the “.m” from the beginning of the link, save everyone else from the pain of having to be surprised by it and taking the time to do it themselves.
- Comment on If presidential immunity is absolute.. 10 months ago:
See, you say they can’t impeach someone who isn’t in office, I’m pretty sure they actually can but usually just don’t bother because there didn’t used to be much point.
- Comment on If presidential immunity is absolute.. 10 months ago:
You missed a step in that plan of yours of also taking out every single supreme court justice that decided to give the president full immunity at the same time he took out Trump. Anyone willing to do that is clearly both too traitorous to the nation to be allowed to keep their and too stupid for not seeing that coming to be allowed to live and continue to do such damage in the future.
(Disclaimer, not actually advocating for murder, I don’t think)
- Comment on After 10,000+ hours grinding, MapleStory's first level 300 player slams the brakes at 299.99 to rant about the MMO and then quit, all on a dev-promoted stream 10 months ago:
Just quit your job dude lol it’s not that complicated.
- Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb 11 months ago:
I take issue with three things about this article.
Enshittification happens when a company seeks short term profit over long term stability, usually to appeal to shareholders. Valve is privately held, so the shareholders it has to appeal to are just GabeN and anyone else in the company that holds stock, and GabeN at least has a long history of valuing quality over short term profit.
The article seems to just gloss over all the reasons online sentiment about Epic trends negative, such as controversial statements made by the CEO, missing and long overdue features that should be quite basic, and yes, timed exclusives. It just memes about how they give out free games, and now that I think about it that does stink of the first step of enshittification, and the lower cut from developers stinks of the second.
I’m much more inclined to blame Apple for Valve not bothering to support Mac, as Apple is the one that should be responsible for so many of the things that make it not worth bothering. Apple is the one that failed to make their platform attractive to gamers and is the one that made their shiny new computing architecture that is incompatible with all the existing software. It’s quite unfair in my eyes to ask Valve to support a platform that nobody else does.
Maybe the author has a point, maybe Valve will sell out when GabeN retires if he has the company go public, but until that happens I’m unconcerned. This all reads to me as someone using the shiny new word for clicks.