- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 3 weeks ago:
I definitely agree. Part of me wants to say the few gems that come out of it make it worth it
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 3 weeks ago:
I feel like all that will happen is games will just release to 1.0 as “finished” when they clearly arent. It also may encourage rushing a game out thats a buggy mess.
Ive known some games to be very rough in early access that become absolutely gems a couple years later in development.
- Comment on YSK: There's a protest today at noon at your state capitol. 3 weeks ago:
Anyone have streams?
- Comment on YSK: There's a protest today at noon at your state capitol. 3 weeks ago:
To be fair thats the time when its most effective
- Comment on YSK: There's a protest today at noon at your state capitol. 3 weeks ago:
Definitely, and they can track the people that did show up as highly motivated.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I see it now but I didnt at all on mobile
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I thought it was a troll and it WAS a covid test. Looks exactly like a test ive used.
- Comment on Beer, I summon thee 3 months ago:
They should makes a mode where it runs away from you when you try to get to it like the classic prank call
- Comment on Microsoft wants $30 to let you keep using Windows 10 securely for another year 3 months ago:
Whats the best replacement for Excel? LibreCalc is ok but it lags really far behind Excel in intermediate features. My close friend in analytics switched back to Excel recently because he got so tired of dealing with LibreCalc.
Also do you know if the Affinity suite works well in Wine? Ive messed with a lot of software paid and libre for its purposes but just vibe with Affinity best
Im not asking to sound rude im asking because im genuinely looking down the barrel of this OS change and I do a lot of computer based hobbies and work that are going to be uprooted by this
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 3 months ago:
It can be. Lots of people do eat whats inside pumpkins that they carve. pies, curries, etc. I feel like in terms of waste is one of the much lesser wasteful things people are doing and it often makes good feed and compost
- Comment on Crunchyroll just Committed a Federal Crime. 3 months ago:
I was just thinking today that any time i hear about a new company ill ask “are they publicly traded or planning to be?” I feel like thatll save a lot of time
- Comment on Bill Would Force The Department of Veterans Affairs to Overhaul Suicide Prevention Algorithm That Favors White Men. 3 months ago:
Im really curious on how and why it prioritizes it at all. Im probably ignorant to this but shouldn’t it just be if you are a veteran and you need help, you get it? Anything less than that would be inequity ?
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
On top of that they dont really seem to actually stop cheating. Im sure they reduce it but games with anti cheat still deal with a ton of cheaters
- Comment on Chick-fil-A is reportedly launching a streaming service for some reason 6 months ago:
Im pretty sure they serve gay people in those states too.
- Comment on Average Amazon user intelligence 6 months ago:
Thats a good question. Im honestly betting its just left/right
- Comment on Average Amazon user intelligence 6 months ago:
The Joke aside, if this was genuinely your question the air is pulled in from the front and the clean air exits around the edges. I was looking for a wall mountable air purifier myself like a month ago and came across a few of these
- Comment on Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled. 7 months ago:
Gaslighting is another way people justify abuse
- Comment on Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled. 7 months ago:
I can probably help with some of the explanation on this. Not necessarily the data stealing side of things but definitely how they killed off competition. Youtube operated at a loss for a looong time while providing a stable and well functioning platform where creators could make a decent amount of money this resulted in year over year userbase growth. This not only made it harder for other platforms to break into the market as no creator would want to spend time making content on a platform with less users but also the other platforms did not have the capital behind them to operate at such a loss so they die out or they get purchased by google/youtube for a bargain and get shut down. Now youtubes userbase is so captive that they are pretty much free to essentially abuse their users almost as much as they want because as a viewer theres not really any other platform out there that has the creators you watch and as a creator theres no platform thatll get you enough views to be sustainable. Its a cycle that has to be kicked off by something big like youtube going down because thats the only way users are going to migrate.
You kind of see something similar with big box stores, companies moving into areas or even just gas stations. Big gas station companies arent in the gas business, they are in the real estate and convenience store business. They often sell gas at a loss even though they have their own fuel logistics supply chain. Other stations who rely on income from fuel sales and less so convenience sales struggle because they cant secure the selection in the store and dont have their own fuel logistics. Many go belly up unless they have something unique that keeps people coming in like restaurants or a unique drink selection. Once most if not all the local stores go out of business then the big store prices rise and the consumer is abused.
Google has stated that theyve operated youtube at a loss for a very long time but (and this is my speculation) its been done intentionally to edge out the competition and retain sympathy from its userbase to justify the abuse. Youtube is making massive revenue but they are spending it. If google/alphabet didnt see it as a profit stream it would have been killed a long time ago. My theory is they are sorta playing the game from both sides and overspending on overhead and padding the execs wallets more and more just to tell investors and shareholders that while revenue has increased, so has overhead/labor/etc just to take home their own fat paycheck while also milking their userbase for as much as they can. At some point its gunna break but execs have already made out on their goods. Yes video hosting and platform development is expensive but I do believe youtube is not spending most of its money there and that it doesent need all the overhead spending think of how crappy their content review system is. Nothing gets seen by a human except in very specific circumstances
- Comment on Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled. 7 months ago:
You’re minimizing the abuse. Used to be fine with ads when it was 1-2 max but then it got abusive and greedy. Someone who yells at you once or twice may just be angry, upset, or so on. Someone who yells at you constantly is abusive
- Comment on Lithium-free sodium batteries exit the lab and enter US production 9 months ago:
That explosion doesent seem much bigger than a firework thats smaller than the battery’s size. With as much as a car weighs and the amount we already do to protect batteries in electric cars i imagine the explosion from these could be easier to manage safely than a lithium fire. I also wonder how harmful the fumes are compared to lithium
- Comment on Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome 9 months ago:
It has gotten better but man still so much undelivered. Im just sad and im tired of being sad. Im fully pledging to never buy a big publisher game unless it absolutely proves itself first and even then im still gunna be hesitant cause vote with your money and all that. Honestly outside of KSP2 Ive already been purchasing and playing mostly indie games for the last 2 years anyways
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 9 months ago:
You are right sadly :( but dont discredit yourself so much! A ton of people do listen and a ton of people think yall are cool! I think you’re cool. Its just that those people and I dont tend to be the people that have the resource to make decisions
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 9 months ago:
Thank you that was super informative. Is there anything that can be done to mitigate an impending eruption? Ive always heard that if one of the big super volcanoes goes it could be quite catastrophic for the entire world. Surely theres been some research into like pressure relief holes or something…antacid tabs?
- Comment on Roku disables TVs and streaming devices until users consent to new terms 11 months ago:
Scepter seems to be the well recommended budget option
- Comment on TurboTax maker Intuit spent millions in record lobbying blitz amid threats to tax prep industry 1 year ago:
Hell maybe they could fix their current garbage that they purchased like Tsheets and Workforce
- Comment on HP CEO: You're 'bad investment' if you don't buy HP supplies 1 year ago:
I wonder if I can 3D print parts for and make a reliable 2D printer
- Comment on Ultraviolet light can kill almost all the viruses in a room. Why isn’t it everywhere? 1 year ago:
You’re correct. I meant to say Upper Room UV, I edited it
- Comment on Ultraviolet light can kill almost all the viruses in a room. Why isn’t it everywhere? 1 year ago:
UVC, the kind that kills pathogens harms the skin and eyes and creates ozone. The article talks about using “far UV” which is just lights posted a safe distance away from humans above them which makes it considerably less effective at killing pathogens at the human level and also now theres a whole area of space where you cant go without risking harm from UVC like being on a ladder or some other platform.
UV also degrades lots of materials a lot faster
- Comment on Looking for Ender 3 V2 Hot End and DD Extruder 1 year ago:
Yea I saw that there were the ObsidianX or whatnot nozzles if I really wanted to go that route. I like the idea of going to a quick swap system.
- Comment on Looking for Ender 3 V2 Hot End and DD Extruder 1 year ago:
So yes, sorta. I was having some weird underextrusion and binding with the extruder which made me think the nozzle was clogged so I cleaned it and did several cold pulls to no avail then the problem just sorta slowly stopped happening. I realize now it could have been inconsistencies in the filament (Inland PLA +) Right when I stopped printing I started to have issues with my parts not adhering to the bed at all, tried some solutions both in the slicer, glue, tape ect and leveled the bed a bunch of times, last time I did it I leveled it really close to the nozzle to the point that it was really smushing the first layer into the bed which caused prints to stick entirely too well so Im pretty sure I know where that problem lies but im looking to get a flexible magnetic bed anyways. I know a hot end and extruder really wouldnt affect that of course. I just love tinkering with it which is half the reason I want to upgrade. Just looking for a little nudge in a direction so I can do some tinkering but not so much tinkering that im not able to enjoy what im tinkering on.
Funnily, my friend is practically giving me his old Ender 3 this week so Ill still have another printer to also mess around with. Who knows, I may build a Voron down the line.