- Comment on Half of Young Norwegians Say Online Piracy Is an Acceptable Way to Save Money * TorrentFreak 3 months ago:
If there was a paid service that let me stream shit with the same variety and ease as torrentio then I would pay for it in a heartbeat. But to get almost the same variety I would need to buy every streaming service and even if I did that it would be a pain in the ass to manage every streaming service. The media corps did this to themselves.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
Hydroponic tomatos are cheap, big, and never have any flavor. Those are what most fastfood uses.
- Comment on Close the damn window 3 months ago:
So glad that was censored. Almost lost mi innocence there.
- Comment on Fired Employee Allegedly Hacked Disney World's Menu System to Alter Peanut Allergy Information. 3 months ago:
Exactly. Nothing with shared credentials should be directly accessible to someone off site to begin with. Either way things went down they have a security hole you could fly a blimp through. Either they aren’t revoking credentials properly or they have eternally facing systems using shared credentials.
- Comment on Fired Employee Allegedly Hacked Disney World's Menu System to Alter Peanut Allergy Information. 3 months ago:
Yeah, the proper time to revoke credentials is before they even know they’re getting fired. At all the places I worked, the first sign that someone was getting fired would be that they’re suddenly unable to access anything.
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
Wait… He crushed HUNDREDS of people with a bulldozer in less than 6 months‽ What the actual fuck.
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
Ah yes, those hundreds of “terrorists” all nicely lined up in the road.
- Comment on Drink it, I dare ya 4 months ago:
Please describe all chemistry to me as body horror.
- Comment on Super hero movies should have more scenes of them accidentally maiming people just because of the sheer amount of power they weild. 4 months ago:
It’s not a good movie but it’s a fun watch if you’re not expecting much.
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 4 months ago:
I like to think that he forgets, keeps trying and then makes a new post about it
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
Exactly. The only thing COVID changed was that all the resturants became carry out only. The only things I can think of that actually closed were bars.
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
If I learned anything durring covid it’s that basically every business is “essential”.
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
We really need to break our conditioning that employment is the highest priority in our lives.
It’s not really conditioning when it’s actually the case. Without my job I’m likely homeless or dead within weeks. If Iose my job then I can no longer pay my bills, within a few months I’ll be homeless. More urgently though I lose access to my health insurance which means I lose access to the medications keeping my mental illness in check. Finding a new job normally is a pain; finding one when you’re so depressed that you really don’t even care if you live or die is next to impossible. Also once it flares up you tend to stop caring about even seeking treatment for it making it a self perpetuating issue. If I got fired I would have only a few weeks to find a new job before I wound up in a position I likely wouldn’t recover from. Sure there are things like unemployment but that doesn’t even come close to paying my bills let alone affording my own health insurance.
So it would take a lot for me to risk walking away from my job and risk getting fired. I could easily see myself in the same position as these people, waiting until it’s too late to run out of fear of losing my job. If we want people to be able to walk away from situations like this then we need to make survival possible without employment. We need healthcare to not be tied to employment and we need real unemployment pay to keep people afloat while they find a new job.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Lol. $1200. That was literally the minimum because the invoice listed 0 miles and no supplies used. If they would have let me crawl then I would have.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Lol. I do definitely know a few people of the “sit on it till it’s septic” school of thought when it comes to going to the hospital.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
It’s happened to me a while back because of a likely electrolyte imbalance. I actually passed out in the hospital urgent care because I had gone in for feeling so shitty. Then they call an ambulance to take me from the urgent care doors to the ER doors across the parking lot. Of course the first thing they did before the ambulance even got there was put a saline IV in so by the time I got to the ER I felt perfectly fine and the tests didn’t find anything. Doc said I probably just had low sodium. That’s also where I learned for the first time that SSRIs sap sodium from your body which seems like something they should tell you when they put you on them.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Yeah, my area used to have a really good public nurse line where you could just call in, tell them what was going on, and based on your medical history on file they could roughly triage you and tell you where to go. But I imagine keeping it running was cutting into the hospital exec yacht fund so they cut that service.
I could always message my primary care doc but normally I just catch one of the nurses and they just tell me to make an appointment. Considering my primary care doc is always booked solid 6 months out I almost never bother going that route unless it is for an anual exam or something. My meds are just through a chain pharmacy so the pharmacist won’t know much about my particular situation. Someone else had mentioned insurance offering telemedicine too so I will definitely be looking into that one. I also happen to be on the medical response team at work so I am intimately aware of what our offerings are for healthcare options (practically nothing). Also I am 100% on the regular checkup train. I will ask my doc if there is something to fill the place of the old nurse line at my next checkup.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Thank you for answering the base question and not giving medical advice.
or are man enough to die in the waiting room with your 104° fever and almond smelling cut you got from a fence two weeks ago that has dark veins radiating from it because “it’s nothing, just a cut”.
How do you know my dad?
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Yeah, and that’s exactly what I’d tell a patient. But it’s just anoying when it’s me and I know that it’s almost certainly going to be something dumb like a potasium or iodine deficiency or something like that. Like I logically know you’re right though, this does fit into the “cardiac symptom” = “go to ER” formula.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Ooh, that’s a good idea. I’ll have to go check on that. Thank you. I knew our local nurse line was dead but I didn’t consider that my insurance may have one.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
It’s just the palpitations and I’m willing to bet that it’s going to just wind up being something stupid like a potasium deficiency or something. But thats a good point, I could just go get an EKG done and rule out an impending heart attack then make a clinic appointment for this issue. It just sucks having to pay for two visits.
Also it’s just anoying because this isn’t the first time I’ve been stuck in the department decision paralysis. The last time I wound up going to urgent care and then immediatly having to go to the ER for a damn gall stone that had aparently been an issue for months by that point. Once again having to pay for 2 visits when I could have just gone directly to the ER.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
We used to have one in my area but they stoped doing it a while back I’m assuming just because it wasn’t making anyone any money. Can’t just do something solely for the public good after all.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
We used to have a nurse line but they stopped doing that like 5 years ago probably because it wasn’t lining anyones pockets.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
That’s a good point, when in doubt urgent care can at least rule out anything immediately concerning.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Unfortunately for me the nearest real hospital (the local one is just a malpractice factory) is a 45 min trip 1 way so I can’t just swing in in person too easily. They used to have a nurse line you could call and ask questions like that but they got rid of that like 5 years ago.
- Comment on Phonebooks 5 months ago:
Not even 30 and I feel ancient right now.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 67 comments
- Comment on Had to read it 3 times to make sure 5 months ago:
You’ve got to be absolutely loaded to sue a company as big as valve anyways. If you have enough money to sue valve then you easily have enough money to retain a local lawyer for it. Nobody is going to be taking an international corporation to small claims court.
That requirement mainly strikes me as a way for them to avoid having people judge shopping for some texan christofacist judge who would immediately rule against valve because they see videogames as the work of satan or something. Locking you into using a specific court in a fairly liberal state avoids that issue. With the current state of the US judicial system I don’t blame them for wanting to know that they’ll have a sane judge.
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
You do feel every little bump and odds are your suspension will never be the same afterwords. But that’s why you do it with beater trucks and not anything you actually care about. My dad did the same thing except with landscaping blocks in an old salt truck he picked up for like $200. You can’t break a suspension that’s already broke.
Or that’s the theory anyways. In reality he wound up blowing the same rear tire 3 times on the trip home. Four times if you count the tire blowing again after the truck was parked. We kept having to pull over, dismount the tire, take it home, mount another used tire on the rim, take it back to the truck, and put it back on, and go until it blew again. Every time we had to do that I reminded him that I had told him before hand that he should bring the trailer.