Watching my 19yo niece wake up every morning to go work at the breakfast restaurant during the pandemic because she was essential.
My 60yo mom waking up to work at the pastries factory with hundreds of other people during the pandemic because she was essential. 4 months ago
Yep. Company I work for didn’t miss a day of work because our boss had the HR manager make up a certificate for us to all put in our cars telling the police that we were considered ‘essential’.
I don’t think we are, but hey ho. 4 months ago
When I read the shelter in place order from my governor, its definition of “essential businesses” was so broad it would have been shorter to list businesses not covered. 4 months ago
Exactly. The only thing COVID changed was that all the resturants became carry out only. The only things I can think of that actually closed were bars. 4 months ago
In my area, fitness clubs closed as well 4 months ago
It’s essential for the bottom line.