Love that basketballs get a specific mention for WA
What time can you mow the lawn on a Sunday? Here's a state-by-state breakdown of weekend noise restrictions
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Comments 2 months ago 1 month ago
We gave a neighbour (in outer-suburban Melbourne who complained to the council about our other neighbour who’s kid wants to one day play NBA.
As a result of this, every other surrounding house started bouncing basketballs for all hours during the weekends? Just to spite them.
This is also the lady who complains to council about leaves from her neighbours trees falling into her pool, but refuses to get a pool cover for aesthetic reasons and complained about a house on the hill being visible from her back yard. 2 months ago
You’re also not meant to run an air conditioner before 7am or after 11pm on a weekday and between 9am and 11pm on other days. 2 months ago
You can run it anytime provided that the noise at the border of the property doesn’t exceed limits set by the local council. In the event of a neighbour complaint council will come out and measure it 2 months ago
Oh nice, I thought it was just an antiquated rule that folks didn’t really follow anymore myself included. That sounds a lot more sensible. 1 month ago
There’s no way I’m turning the aircon fully off on a 30° night with another 40+ day predicted for the following. I do also have a medical need though. 1 month ago
The reason you can’t go off-grid in suburbia is because you need to own a generator to work as a backup in case your off-grid system goes off-line.
The problem is that you can’t have a generator within a specified distance from a permanent dwelling, which is conveniently more than the size of a typical suburban block.
This is despite modern generators being practically silent. 2 months ago
What if my lawn mower is battery electric? 2 months ago
That would come under “Electric power tools” with the same restrictions. 2 months ago
Then you need to man-up and buy a proper one 1 month ago
Imagine being so weak a mower defines you 2 months ago
Damn, I’m a criminal. 2 months ago
@zero_gravitas Very good, but what time is it legal to ride your 200+dB motorbike through a residential area?