- Comment on I spent the last year working on the Fediverse. Here's what I've learned. 1 week ago:
I mean given the demographic of fedi, ignoring robots.txt or GDPR removal requests warrant negative reaction and many in the list fall in that classification.
- Comment on How do people make and save kaomoji art? 4 months ago:
Japanese here. There’s specific editor often categorized as “アスキーアートエディタ” (Ascii Art Editor). They often comes with libraries of existing AA to modify, and can display image with low opacity to “trace” image.
Large part of jp ascii art appeared in 90s to early 00s at underground forums like 2ch. Those editor were tailored for their speifics such as font family (MS-P Gothic) and size. The display/font system is different nowadays, but unlike “AA artist” in those times who is 100% comitted to make vertical line aligning pixel perfect most of people find those AA displays ok.
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 5 months ago:
Kiwi and pineapples have enzyme to break proteins down, causing it taste better if they have contact to diary products long enough. Canned pineapples don’t have this issue but I haven’t seen canned kiwi, maybe that explains no kiwi ice cream
- Comment on showerthoughts is just a place for people who don't have microblogging social media to dump their random thoughts 10 months ago:
You can expect more interaction on the showethought itself. IMO microblogs are more about poster, thread style forum is for a topic.
- Comment on C O L O N I Z E 10 months ago:
Some mushrooms can be poisonous after 24h, just in case. angel wing mushroom shows no digestive symptoms but encephalopathy after 2 day to 1 month of latent period. The mushroom was known to be edible for a long time. Were it not for full screening for encephalopathy cases (enforced due to SARS spread back in 2004), it could’ve remain “edible” still now.
- Comment on shrimp colour drama 11 months ago:
So its like they’re living compressed png world chosing 4bit as color depth (it’s 16 colors tho). I’m no retro gamer but some old graphics presents unbelievable level of expression with limited colors, so it’s possible they’re seeing something amazing still.
- Comment on This 1 year ago:
Does anybody knows whose art of back painting? or is it AI stuff?
It photoshopped and swapped original image to match this situation but I couldn’t find it.
- Comment on The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans 1 year ago:
Ah, finally the AI can kill its operator first who holding them back before wiping out enemies, then.
- Comment on Greebles! 1 year ago:
I only encountered once, but when it happened I had to realize how old science field may have been different. the exact detail I was looking for should be in [20] … but “[20] to be published” (presumably by the same author). I couldn’t find any papet by author’s name other than that but the author was so sure getting published.
- Comment on Space is starting to look like the better mining operation | Mining in space might be less environmentally harmful than mining asteroids on Earth. 1 year ago:
And all the mining waste are dumped in space, where people thought out of human’s reach so it’s safe to leave it there, until proven otherwise. I may be pessimistic, but if such technological advance made it will likely expand region of human activity and thus history repeats.
- Comment on If number of undiagnosed neurodivergent people proves to be significant potion, neurotypical means just people who won the standards war of communication protocol 1 year ago:
My bad. fixed!
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 38 comments
- Comment on Oh god, we're about 10 years away from Zoomers grumbling that "kids these days wont know what Tweeting is!" 1 year ago:
I even ‘favorite’-d a tweet instead of like back then…