- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 3 days ago:
Haven’t seen this mentioned yet so:
The honey may not expire, but the container you store it in could. I’d be very concerned about plastic disintegrating and/or leeching into the honey. Glass would be better for that, but it’s also really heavy compared to plastic, so you’d need more, smaller containers instead of one giant tub.
- Comment on YSK: If your house has a split AC unit it probably could use a cleaning 1 week ago:
Those devices absolutely need regular cleaning, because they will get moldy and will spew dirty air everywhere.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 1 week ago:
Log was absolutely a part of my American high school math curriculum, and while it may not make its way to everyone, many if not most Americans were exposed to it in school. But people have terrible memories when it comes to what they leaned in school, doubly so regarding math, quadruply so regarding higher-level math. Regardless of their level of educational exposure to math concepts, I certainly don’t expect the average American adult to be able to reliably do any math they learned outside of elementary school, myself included, because after a few decades of not practicing, not even thinking about those concepts, that knowledge is almost certainly gone or at least covered in a very heavy mat of mental cobwebs.
- Comment on ! – a place to purchase, sell, & promote handmade item, crafted by your fellow Lemmy community members! 2 weeks ago:
Interesting idea, but it would need to be heavily moderated against scams and such that have pervaded other online “handmade” shops.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
Cruises are an environmental nightmare; we really should not be promoting them for any reason.
- Comment on I'm tired boss 2 weeks ago:
Me trying to raise kids
Well there’s your first problem
- Comment on blocklist for AI music on youtube. 3 weeks ago:
While I appreciate the effort, how is this not an inevitable losing game of whack-a-mole?
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
At no point has Gmail ever said “we’re no longer allowing you to send/receive emails to/from Hotmail” or has Yahoo said “we’re maintained by a single volunteer who because of real life stuff can no longer continue so we’re discontinuing our email service.”
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
Sooo are centipedes like fruit flies and not engage in any real form of sexual selection, or is the female going around judging the fuck out of every jizz pile she encounters?
“Mmm-mm, look at that poor viscosity; a low-quality male clearly produced this. This one on the other hand: deep color, firm texture, nice and sticky… clearly produced by a male with the superior genes I want to pass along to my offspring.”
- Comment on Review: Train to the End of the World 7 months ago:
Ten or fifteen years ago I almost certainly would not have found the girls as bland and annoying as I do watching this today. I think a combination of having read/watched dozens of series with similar characters, as well as aging out of the teenage/young adult demographic, made me completely uninterested in these characters… to the point that watching TEW felt like I was unironically “watching it for the plot”: I’m just here for the trains, bizarre setting, and surreal vibe!
This is entirely a matter of opinion, of course. However of the people I know aged 30 and up who watch anime, I don’t think most of them would particularly enjoy the girls, and most likely would shy away from the series specifically because of their presence. That’s generally the type of audience I write reviews for; these reviews are posted to the “Animation and Comics after 30” community first and cross-posted here when relevant. Once upon a time I was into “cute girls find cute things series” (I re-watched Lucky Star at least once), but tastes change as you age, and while some older viewers may still enjoy these characters, I definitely did not.
One series I am really interested in this season is Dead Dead Demon’s Dededededestruction, in part because the teenage girl cast don’t look or act like stereotypical anime girls. Compared to most anime girls, it’s almost as if the manga author pulled an Alien and wrote the characters to be gender neutral, since they often act more how I’d expect teenage boys in anime to act. Watching this series reminds me of watching the live action series Derry Girls: here’s a cast that compared to most media feels like a real-life group of teenagers, awkward and weird. I don’t think the manga quite translates to the animated format, but that’s a topic for a separate review.
- Comment on Review: Train to the End of the World 7 months ago:
I’ll add in that Kino’s Journey was originally a light novel series, キノの旅 (Kino no Tabi). I never actually saw the anime, but really enjoyed the light novels (I read them in Japanese; hopefully the English translation is equally good).
I think Kino is a great series for anyone who enjoys dystopias and social commentary. It’s a bit like The Twilight Zone or Black Mirror with its episodic premise of “imagine if there were a society that functioned like [concept of the week]; wouldn’t that be interesting/weird/fucked up?” Definitely not your standard anime/light novel!
- Comment on Review: Train to the End of the World 7 months ago:
Thanks, I’ll hop over and see what others said
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on Considering the Heavy involvement of CGI in today's action films, shouldn't we consider them to be just hyper realistic cartoon films ? 8 months ago:
This is actually discussed on the live-action animated film Wikipedia page.
Since the late 1990s, some films have included large amounts of photorealistic computer animation alongside live-action filmmaking, such as the Star Wars prequels, The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Avatar franchise. These films are generally not considered animated due to the realism of the animation and the use of motion-capture performances, which are extensively based on live-action performances by implementing actors’ movements and facial expressions into their characters. Roger Ebert said that “in my mind, it isn’t animation, unless it looks like animation.”
Related note: I’m quite nostalgic for the mid-20th century live-action animation trend (even more so than the late-20th century puppet trend). If the characters are going to look fake regardless, the animated ones are way more expressive and, well, animated.
- Comment on Kami 8 months ago:
It depends on what your likes/dislikes are when it comes to languages. I much preferred learning kanji to memorizing noun genders and verb conjugations of European languages.
- Comment on Kami 8 months ago:
Japanese has significantly fewer sounds than many languages, so homonyms are inevitable.
- Comment on Shower thoughts are wasting water. 8 months ago:
You might want to consider a priest for the damned lakes (which were presumably corrupted by the damned rain?)
- Comment on EUROBEE 8 months ago:
Yeah but people don’t make a big deal about “save the deer!” and then start a cattle ranch
- Comment on EUROBEE 8 months ago:
This is one reason why I love my native lupine plants. They occasionally get honeybee visitors, but I’ve noticed honeybees struggle with getting the flowers open to access the nectar. Bumblebee lands and his big fat body causes the flower to open right up. Gee it’s almost like they co-evolved!
- Comment on rollin' coal 10 months ago:
- Comment on Forams 10 months ago:
“Hoshi-zuna no Hama” (星砂の浜) literally means “Star-sand Beach”
- Comment on epidemiology 10 months ago:
Oh shit, is that why nobody attended the 2009 Time Travelers party? No one wanted to be the person who killed the great Steven Hawking
- Comment on Review: Heaven's Design Team (Anime TV) 10 months ago:
I think it slipped under a lot of folks’ radars! “Delightfully silly and educational” is a pretty good summary. It’s also one of the very few “family TV” anime out there: nothing questionable for the kids, nothing obnoxious for the adults, hopefully interesting and engaging all around.
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on 'They don’t have enough’ – schools in England are running food banks for families as millions struggle to feed their children, researcher says 10 months ago:
The peak of the cost-of-living crisis may have passed
Has it?
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Dog Trap 11 months ago:
This is just a shitty version of an old Stupid Fox comic.
- Comment on Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores 11 months ago:
Like, customers do not want the price of their Kvikk Lunsj to go up while they’re shopping. So while the supermarket is open, prices shall only go down. Price increases happen overnight
Okay, so how do you deal with having all your customers shop exclusively during the last hour of business because that’s when prices are guaranteed to be at their lowest?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Holy crap that’s complex. And for what? We know that the more complicated a system is the more prone it is to loopholes and abuse. If you’re a single parent working three jobs, or a foster kid who just aged out of the system and are newly on your own, or mentally disabled, or undereducated, or simply trying to keep your shit together while trying to deal with something like addiction or mental illness or recent homelessness or what have you, you’re undoubtedly going to be leaving a shitload of money on the table by not having the time/energy/wherewithal to fully take advantage of this convoluted system, even though you’re part of the exact population that needs the most assistance. UBI experiments (and similar examples from the charity world) have been pretty clear: just give people the fucking cash, no strings, no fine print, no hoops, and that will have the best result for the recipients, and the least overhead for the givers.
- Comment on What would be a good glue to repair this spatula with that wont he toxic or come undone in a dishwasher? 11 months ago:
You shouldn’t really use metal on stainless steel; stick with wood or silicone.