Driverless vehicle that uses sensors to measure road surface quality and repair small cracks to stop them turning into potholes and hopefully decreasing the cost of road maintenance while improving average surface quality.
The problem with potholes and road damage in the UK isn’t to do with not knowing where potholes are, it’s to do with councils having their central government funding taken away.
Local government funding has been cut to the bone, and roads, paths, community centres, libraries, council housing, etc has been paying the price.
Assuming it works, this is still a cool project though. 11 months ago
You mean trains, bikes, and good public transit? Because those all mean less wear and tear on the roads overall. Trust an American because we’ve been at this for seventy years. If you guys go all in on car dependency, it’s not only going to break the banks of government from local to national, but it’s going to break your bank and destroy what small businesses you have left. 11 months ago
Good public transit does not mean less wear and tear on the roads, absolutely not. As I stated in a different comment, a bus that replaces 10-20 cars causes similar road damage as 10000 cars. Which is fine, but for completely different reasons. Public transport is good because it allows more pedestrian-friendly cities, reduces pollution, etc; just road wear and tear is not one of the reasons why it’s good, it’s one of the drawbacks. 11 months ago
Well, at least trams and trains don’t produce wear on roads, and a good freight train network reduces the need for heavy trucks. 11 months ago
Good point, thanks for holding me accountable to the truth. We can’t set things right if we’re building it on a foundation of bullshit; that’s what got us here in the first place. 11 months ago
This guy acting like US invented cars and have divine knowledge from this experience.
Dude, Europe got 10x better public transport and are far less car dependent than the US.
Our cities are too old to be build with cars in mind. 11 months ago
I think he’s saying “America is a bad example, please don’t follow us” 11 months ago
Vast parts of the cities I lived in were completely bulldozed to accommodate cars. 11 months ago
And yet you guys are attempting to follow in our footsteps with new construction. Also the US was also too old to be built with cars in mind, we bulldozed our cities for the car (ಥ_ʖಥ) 11 months ago
Only 70 years…?