This is in Brooklyn, New York.
This is a bit off topic but for a supposed bastion of Free Speech can the admin explain why my posts linking to relevant news stories was removed? Surely simple news about Republican Governors starving Children isn’t against Free Speech? 1 year ago
Keep in mind that NYC doesn’t actually have much of a choice - there’s a “right to shelter” here which requires the city to provide these migrants a safe place to stay. If they city doesn’t, it’s going to be in clear violation of the law. The mayor wants to suspend this policy but my understanding is that that effort is currently mired in court.
Then, aside from the legal requirements, there’s the simple fact that the migrants are already in the city. Maybe not having a right to shelter policy in the past would have dissuaded them from coming, but it’s too late for that. I don’t think it would be decent to leave them exposed to a winter storm, even if that means motivating more to arrive.
Ultimately this is an issue the federal government will have to deal with. Cities can’t address the root cause of it. IMO the people of the entire USA (or rather their representatives) should established a federal program for either sheltering and integrating migrants or keeping them out. Letting them in and leaving state and local governments to deal with it is a dereliction of federal authority, whether those state and local governments are in Texas or in New York. 1 year ago
Sounds like NYC has an easy choice. End their nonsense right to shelter 1 year ago
They can’t just choose to do that. The lawsuit that led to the establishment of this policy involved the plaintiffs successfully arguing that the New York state constitution guarantees a right to shelter (see Callahan v. Carey). How the mayor’s attempt to suspend the policy would work in that context is beyond my understanding of the law. 1 year ago
The city can put the illegals somewhere else besides a school, they could hang out with the turtles in abandoned subway stations. Use municipal buildings, the abandoned Spofford Juvenile Jail, rikers island is closed or closing. Instead the city decided these kids don’t need an education. 1 year ago
Can’t they just house them in the jew tunnels instead of schools?