- Comment on WATCH: Ilhan Omar Rips the Mask Off and Pledges Her Allegience to Somalia in Disturbing Video 1 year ago:
Maybe she should stop riding her brother’s dick and start representing the people of America
- Comment on Meet your new mod team account 1 year ago:
I ban evade on your shitass instance all the time since you guys refuse to get your heads out of your asses and just try to put on your best impression of spez and co
- Comment on Meet your new mod team account 1 year ago:
If I could get clarification from an LW admin
I mean fuck em tbh. They don’t deserve to have their shitass bans respected
- Comment on Report: Treasury division told banks to flag terms like "MAGA" and "Trump" on statements, note Bible and Bass Pro Shop purchases to find "domestic terrorists" 1 year ago:
Yes, Eli could’ve said why the ADL is bad,
It was inherent in my dismissal by calling them the “defamation league”. They’re bad because they materially lie to harm their political opposition
- Comment on Report: Treasury division told banks to flag terms like "MAGA" and "Trump" on statements, note Bible and Bass Pro Shop purchases to find "domestic terrorists" 1 year ago:
Yes, I rightly ignore your worthless propaganda spam
- Comment on FPC WIN: Third Circuit Strikes Down Pennsylvania Young Adult Carry Ban - Reddthat 1 year ago:
I don’t need your worthless spam
- Comment on An Oregon judge enters the final order striking down a voter-approved gun control law 1 year ago:
The voice of the people is worthless if it doesn’t align with the rights of the people
- Comment on Report: Treasury division told banks to flag terms like "MAGA" and "Trump" on statements, note Bible and Bass Pro Shop purchases to find "domestic terrorists" 1 year ago:
I really don’t give a damn what nonsense statistics the Defamation league pulled out their ass to justify their lies
- Comment on FPC WIN: Third Circuit Strikes Down Pennsylvania Young Adult Carry Ban - Reddthat 1 year ago:
- Comment on Kentucky Republican wants to lower the legal age someone can own, conceal carry guns 1 year ago:
Lmao just spamming lies isn’t an argument. Gfy
- Comment on FPC WIN: Third Circuit Strikes Down Pennsylvania Young Adult Carry Ban - Reddthat 1 year ago:
Not only that, but all evidence clearly demonstrates that reducing guns does not reduce homicide rates, whatsoever. So guns aren’t even increasing your risk
- Comment on FPC WIN: Third Circuit Strikes Down Pennsylvania Young Adult Carry Ban - Reddthat 1 year ago:
Yeah, it’s unfortunate nobody has found a way to prevent you from talking yet
- Comment on Report: Treasury division told banks to flag terms like "MAGA" and "Trump" on statements, note Bible and Bass Pro Shop purchases to find "domestic terrorists" 1 year ago:
Just making up insane lies about me doesn’t make you right
- Comment on Report: Treasury division told banks to flag terms like "MAGA" and "Trump" on statements, note Bible and Bass Pro Shop purchases to find "domestic terrorists" 1 year ago:
Lmao you lost the argument when you cited the Defamation league as your source
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 29 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Kentucky Republican wants to lower the legal age someone can own, conceal carry guns 1 year ago:
Nobody who focuses on gun deaths is working in good faith. Go fuck yourself
- Comment on Nato says Western civilians should prepare for 'all-out war' with Russia 1 year ago:
They claim to have similar capabilities but I question the quality.
Even if, and that’s a big if, their equipment is all they crack it up to be, the US still maintains overwhelming superiority through volume alone.
- Comment on Nato says Western civilians should prepare for 'all-out war' with Russia 1 year ago:
Until a country spends 2% of its GDP on defense, we shouldn’t defend them.
Even then, it’s still a total waste on our end. Barring situations that are so absurdly unrealistic they border on fictional “what ifs”, there’s nothing that could happen that would reasonably cause the US to rely on nato for defense that we don’t have the capabilities to do better ourselves.
- Comment on Border Crisis: Shocking Data Reveals Illegal Immigrants Outnumber American Births 1 year ago:
In fact, the government would save money
And ending Medicare would be a far more effective cost saver
- Comment on Kentucky Republican wants to lower the legal age someone can own, conceal carry guns 1 year ago:
Lmao nice bullshit. Maybe the thousandth time someone posts the same dishonest statistics they’ll magically be less shit than the nine hundred ninety nine previous times.
- Comment on Nato says Western civilians should prepare for 'all-out war' with Russia 1 year ago:
This is why we need to ditch nato. American civilians shouldn’t have to be prepared for a war over some eurotrash land conflicts. We’ve made that mistake far too many times. Let Europe resolve their own shit
- Comment on Border Crisis: Shocking Data Reveals Illegal Immigrants Outnumber American Births 1 year ago:
I’ve come close to giving up on Lemmy because it’s an extremist echo chamber sometimes
It may be an extremist echo chamber, but due to the federated (and non corporate) nature, it’s far less heavy handed on censorship, especially since it’s even more trivially easy to evade bans. It also doesn’t matter if you get nothing but downvotes, with 0.19 removing account karma as a whole. There’s also a lot of good non-political content, as major communities from reddit like r/piracy set up shop here. The porn scene is also pretty solid.
A couple examples of conservative ideals I like are emphasis on efficient government, limiting centralized power, ensuring personal rights, and supporting families as an important social structure.
Apologies if I was unclear, I was more curious what kind of posts you’d like to see shared here, since you expressed you don’t see a lot of what you like.
For instance, my last post here was an article discussing how the Supreme Court is in a position to overturn chevron, which would massively reduce the power of the administrative state by curtailing the ability for federal agencies to effectively rewrite their own regulations through “interpretation”. I would consider this to be a massive conservative victory if it happens.
Blamemeta and wintermute make generally solid posts, with the latter falling more toward a centrist position (basically giga Hitler by lemmy standards), and onlytakesLs leans towards culture topics, but posts overall solid stuff, even if it’s not a point of agreement.
- Comment on Border Crisis: Shocking Data Reveals Illegal Immigrants Outnumber American Births 1 year ago:
Yeah, that’s reasonable. I just left my retort because something I see extremely frequently in online discussion is people feigning friendlinesswbile raising cherry picked issues. I’m not saying that you’re doing it, but I figured it merited a response to see your thoughts.
As someone who posts here (as well as the other conservative community), I’m curious what it is that you’re looking for but don’t see. There’s definitely some bottom of the barrel content, as with any community, but most of it seems pretty solid.
- Comment on Border Crisis: Shocking Data Reveals Illegal Immigrants Outnumber American Births 1 year ago:
In the past week, there have been two YouTube links, one of which was an academic-style video.
- Supreme Court poised to end 'constitutional revolution' that's marred US governance for 40 ↗Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on An Oregon judge enters the final order striking down a voter-approved gun control law 1 year ago:
And the judge was correct. Majoritarian bullshit is not a valid excuse to infringe on people’s rights.
- Comment on Author Calls for Return to Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass’ Vision of Colorblindness 1 year ago:
I’m not assuming. I’m providing my opinion based on his continued participation here, where he has demonstrated exceptionally poor ability to discern nuanced situations
- Comment on Author Calls for Return to Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass’ Vision of Colorblindness 1 year ago:
I get that it’s beyond your mental capability, but people are are nuanced, and can be respected for good ideas in spite of also having other, bad ideas
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments