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Fucking backward degenerates.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
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Fucking backward degenerates.
Religion of peace at it again.
People abuse other People. Concepts and ideas do not. Religion is not remotely involved in anything a fundamentalist does except as their excuse.
It adds nothing to the world except an excuse for suffering.
It is the vehicle of their abuse.
You ain’t walking across the USA, but you can easily drive it in 3 days.
OK I’m just saying we may have found the silver lining in the israel-Gaza war.
Iran has so many irons in the fire right now,they can’t focus on them all, and this movement might get another chance.
Probably not but it’s nice to dream
Fuck their religion. And they wonder why the US wants to spread western values.
Their values have no place in this world. None. It’s not “culture” it’s exerting control over other people who have no recourse. It’s an invalid way to live
Not so different from other extreme religious positions, like hate and violence towards LGBT or removing personal freedom with banning abortion coming from Christianity. Or Hindutva terror coming from Hinduism. 1 year ago
At some point you have to just beat on these authoritarians. The only thing they know is violence. Sure, try peaceful protests first, but don’t stop there if it’s not getting the job done. 1 year ago
The paradox of tolerance – those who break the ‘social contract’ deserve no tolerance from the otherwise tolerant, otherwise they’ll just run roughshod over everyone. I hate violence as well and have no stomach for it, but it does seem there may be no other way to stop regimes like this. 1 year ago
As always, it’s not that easy
First you well to read up on the history of Iran, especially the involvement of the US in basically creating Iran as it is today.
Once you got that down, you have got to understand how religion and culture works there. Simply saying “kill the masters” won’t work, we did that with Saddam Hussein and after wars and deaths, shit was and is worse.
A LOT more will be needed to change counties like these for the better, and simply talking about breaking the paradox of tolerance won’t do. 1 year ago
Martyr or Murder there is no middle ground. The masters tools will never be used to dismantle his house. 1 year ago
First of all, I respect your point of view and I share your anger. That said, if there’s no middle ground then any bloody revolution will turn into another Reign of Terror. Peaceful revolutions are a fairly recent phenomenon and violent revolutions have historically been shifting the power from violent leaders to violent revolutionaries who themselves become violent leaders. There needs to be a middle ground otherwise, it’s just changing the meat we collectively put in the grinder.