These are getting pretty good. It’s pretty difficult to spot the errors in this one.
The eyes are odd, especially the pupils/iris’; there’s a bit of hair sticking out from her right shoulder; the strap on the left just disappears when it meets hair.
As well, the eyebrows are both very different, the collar bone is unequal, and the face itself is more asymmetrical then would be expected; but all of these could be natural, so. 1 year ago
That doesn’t look like a he, unless this is the first AI drag queen model. 1 year ago
Probably a translation error, original is in French. 1 year ago
Correct translation would be “this model doesn’t exist, but it earns…”
French doesn’t have a separate pronoun for objects, you just use the male/female pronoun depending on if the noun is masculine or feminine (in terms of grammatical gender, which isn’t the same as human gender) 1 year ago
yep, sorry