They don’t but I do because borders are COMMUNIST and HATE FREEDOM. I’m not letting some GOVERNMENT tell me where I can and cannot go! Sounds like a SOVIET PLOT to KEEP US APART. All TRUE PATRIOTS tread where we please and WELCOME OTHERS who do the same!!1!
The borders are just WIDE OPEN though!!11!!
Submitted 2 days ago by to
Comments 2 days ago 2 days ago…/trump-biden-immigration-bord…
Washington Post is a left leaning news source so don’t give me the usual “that’s not a viable news source” bullshit. 2 days ago
Billionaire-owned and left-leaning are two incompatible things.
If you are gonna share something like that, at least share a link people can look at without having to make an account to see what you are even trying to claim or put your claim in your actual message. 2 days ago
Oh for the love of god. What news outlets are acceptable to you? Cause every single fuckin time I link a news article one of you chucklefucks has a new goddamn problem with it. You won’t listen to right leaning sources which is fine. I get that. But even when I specifically make sure to find a left leaning news source you STILL make up problems with that shit.
I’ll make sure to find a news site run by broke college kids so you’ll find their reporting acceptable.
Also I can read the article just fine without making an account so maybe you just need to get better ad blocking. 2 days ago
I’m unironically all for open borders across the globe. 2 days ago
Would not be any “illegals” if we just let anyone who wanted to immigrate do so. I’ve heard rebuttals of, " what about the criminals". I say, let the police worry about that. Frankly I’m not fond of the police, but those rebutting my immigration stance usually are, so why can’t they be expected to do their jobs? Being born in this country is no guarantee of lack of criminality. But let’s make our country actually great, with social services to prop up those that need help, and protections for those that can’t defend themselves. What the hell is with wanting to be world police, yet arguing to let the bad guys trample whomever they want? Oh, right, they are all about the power fantasy and authoritarianism, not actually being responsible members of the global community. 2 days ago
Absolutely. 100% open borders. Keep track of border crossings if you want to, I’m not a fan, but I understand it, for reasons of human trafficking or kidnapped children, but honestly, if I want to move to Nicaragua or Michigan or Montenegro it should be the same process. Find a place to stay and travel there. If someone from anywhere else wants to do so to move here, they should be able to. Think your country is number 1 go murica hell yeah! Then fucking prove it. Open the borders world wide, and let’s see where who wants to stay where. Incentivize living here instead of trapping poor workers in a hell hole they can’t escape. 1 day ago
The problem, IMO, with criminals crossing the border is more about not knowing they are criminals. We don’t just check databases in other countries willy nilly, if they even let us. In some ways it’d be nice to have access to that information across the globe. On the other hand, it means if you ever get in that database you’re kinda fucked. Too many bad faith actors.